Jenita Pace
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  • Jenita Pace 
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Jenita Pace is a licensed counselor in the state of Minnesota. She received a bachelor's degree in Bible and humanities from Columbia International University in 2004 and a master's in education in school counseling from Western Carolina University in 2013. Jenita spent the early part of her career working with teenagers in various schools in North Carolina before moving back to her home state of Minnesota and starting her own private practice, called Three Rivers Counseling. In addition, she is an adjunct professor for Northwestern University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Jenita and her husband, Tim, have two sons, Carte and Matthew, and a sheepadoodle named Charlotte. They currently reside in Bloomington, Minnesota. Jenita enjoys horseback riding, playing board games, and chasing her kids around the house. It's not uncommon for her to throw themed parties for her friends and family, and she enjoys being creative in finding ways to make them laugh. Jenita and Tim have been involved in various film projects, podcasts, and speaking engagements that provide awareness and support for couples who are struggling with depression and anxiety. She has also been a guest speaker and trainer for various ministries and churches. For more information on how to connect with Jenita, as well as additional resources available, visit her website at