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  • Ovid 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Gesellschafts- und Liebesromane 
  • Leeren

Recognized as the last of the great poets of the Augustan age, Ovid surpassed all his predecessors in wit and elegance. After abandoning a political career in favor of a life of poetry within the fashionable circles and literary bastions of Rome, Ovid found immediate success with his early forays into love elegies. Although he devoted most of his career to the elegiac genre, he is perhaps best known for the great mythological poem "Metamorphoses," his only work in the epic tradition. With the unifying motif of the transformation of bodies, the central theme of love, and the continuously recurring related narratives, "Metamorphoses" represents the pinnacle of Ovid's virtuosity. The poem serves as both a catalog of mythology and a scholarly examination of literary convention and heritage.