Ralf J. Radlanski
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  • Ralf J. Radlanski 
  • Hörbücher 
  • Poesie und Drama 
  • Leeren

Professor and Head of the Department of Craniofacial Developmental Biology at Charity - University Medicine Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin at Freie University Berlin. Education in medicine and dentistry in G�ttingen and Minneapolis, graduate and postgraduate education in Anatomy at G�ttingen University (Depts. of Morphology and Embryology). Specialization in Orthodontics at G�ttingen University (Dept. of Orthodontics) and habilitatation (1989) at the Medical Faculty at G�ttingen University. Since 1992 at Freie University Berlin. 1999-2007 Managing Director of the Dental Clinic. Guest Professor at University of California at San Francisco and University of Turku, Finland. Part time activity in an orthodontic practice.