Tim Lebbon
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  • Tim Lebbon 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Gesellschafts- und Liebesromane 
  • Leeren

orn in London, TIM LEBBON has lived in South Wales since he was nine. He has always been interested in imaginary worlds, folklore and myth, and the supernatural. He started writing at an early age, and since the publication of his first novel, Mesmer, in 1997, Tim has gone on to have a dozen further novels published, as well as many novellas, and several collections of his stories. Now a full-time writer, Tim's work has won the British Fantasy Award three times - twice for Best Short Fiction and, in 2007, for Best Novel - as well as several other awards. He is a New York Times bestseller, and he has several novels and novellas under option with film companies on both sides of the Atlantic. He now lives in Monmouthshire with his wife and two children.