A Girl Named Jennifer - Cathrine Martinez - E-Book

A Girl Named Jennifer E-Book

Cathrine Martinez

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Cathrine Martinez is a versatile writer in YA fiction and Action & Adventure. With a background in journalism and philosophy, she brings depth and excitement to her storytelling. Martinez's work captivates readers with thrilling plots and relatable characters.

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Cathrine Martinez

A Girl Named Jennifer

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Cathrine Martinez

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-554-0

A Girl Named Jennifer

Cathrine Martinez


It is my first day of my sophomore year in high school. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, brown hair, brown eyes, and weigh about 145 pounds. I wore a green top, a short jean skirt, and sandals. I had my hair up halfway with my bangs down in my face, pulled to the right side. School started at 7:30am, I left my house around 7:00am, so I would not be late to my first period class after going to my locker.

It was around 7:15am when I walked into the school, going towards my locker when I passed this boy that was so cute. He was 5 feet 7 inches tall, black hair, brown eyes, he was Mexican, and about 160 pounds. He was wearing blue jeans, a dark blue polo shirt, and some Nike shoes. He had his hair slicked back. He looked like he was in 11th or 12th grade.

The boy saw me walk by him, he told his friends that he will see them later and started following me to my locker, when he got there, Raul said,” Hello.”

Jennifer said,” Hello.”

Raul asked,” What is your name, what grade are you in, and how old are you?”

Jennifer said,” My name is Jennifer Brooks, I am a sophomore, I am 15 years old, and you?”

Raul said,” My name is Raul Martinez, I am a junior, and I am 16 years old. What classes and lunch do you have? We might have some classes and maybe lunch together?”

I looked at our schedules and said,” We have three classes and lunch together.”

Raul said,” That is good. The more I get to see you is better for me.”

At lunch we walked into the lunchroom together, we went to the lunch line with the food in the line we wanted to eat, we sat at the same table together. We were talking about our lives the whole time.

Jennifer asked,” Where are you from?”

Raul said,” I am from Mexico and you?”

Jennifer said,” I am from here, Washington. How many sisters and brothers do you have?”

Raul said,” I have three sisters and two brothers and you?”

Jennifer said,” That is a lot of sisters and brothers. I have one sister and one brother.”

We talked until the bell rang to go to class. We had to go our separate ways. When school ended, I walked to my locker, where I found Raul waiting for me, Raul asked,” Can I give you a ride home?”

Jennifer said,” Yes, I would love that.”

We walked to his car; it was a dark blue Chevy Impala. When he pulled up in front of my house, he leaned in and kissed me and then I got out of the car. The next day, I woke up at 7:00am, and to my surprise Raul was outside of my house waiting for me. I walked over to his car and asked,” What are you doing here?”

Raul said,” I am here to pick you up and take you to school, if that’s ok?”

Jennifer said,” That would be nice.” Then I got in the car.

The night that I lost my virginity to Raul was an amazing night for me. I went to Raul’s house every weekend and stayed there. We would have sex every night when I stayed. Raul would buy roses, and take the pedals off them and spread them all over his bedroom and have candles lit.

When I was a senior and Raul was out of school already, one night, we were going to have sex, but Raul didn’t care if Raul had a condom or not, we had sex anyways.

I walked into the school and met up with my friend Reyna and said,” Reyna for the past two weeks now I’ve been getting sick, and I haven’t had my period for two months, what do you think is going on?”

Reyna said,” Oh my God Jennifer, you are not pregnant, are you?”

Jennifer said?” I don’t know.”

As Reyna felt on my stomach, she says,” You are big to be about two months pregnant.”

Jennifer said,” I know. I remember that my stomach was small and now it is big, and I haven’t had my period for about two months. I don’t know why I have been getting sick for the past two weeks now and I was wondering if you can take me to the clinic after school to see if I am pregnant or not?”

Reyna said,” Yes, I would love to take you. I don’t have to pick up Marianna until 4:30pm from daycare. I want to be there to see if you are pregnant or not. Are you going to tell Raul if you are?”

Jennifer said,” Yes, when I find out if I am pregnant, I am going to tell Raul, but I am also scared because I don’t know what he will do or say to me or if he will leave me.”

Reyna said,” Don’t say that. Don’t worry about that until you go talk to him.”

At lunch I called Raul. When Raul answered his phone, he said,” Hi, mija.”

Jennifer said,” Hi, I don’t need a ride after school, because I am getting a ride with Reyna, because I have to go somewhere, ok?”

Raul asked,” Ok, when will you be home then?”

We both said I love you to each other and hung up. After school Reyna was waiting at my locker for me so we could leave together for the clinic. We got in her car and headed to the clinic that was down the street. We walked into the clinic. I went up to the counter and said,” I am here to take a pregnancy test.”

The Lady at the counter asks,” Are you a patient here?”

Jennifer said,” No, this is my first time.”

The Lady asked,” Ok, what is your name so I can put you in the computer.”

Jennifer said,” My name is Jennifer Brooks.”

The Lady said,” You will have to fill out these forms and when you are done, bring them back to the counter.”

Jennifer said,” Ok.”

I filled out the forms and returned them to the counter and then the lady told me to go to the restroom to take a urine sample. Reyna sat down and waited for me while I went to the restroom. I came out of the restroom and sat down to wait to be called back. We sat for about five minutes. Then a nurse came into the waiting room and called out,” Jennifer.”

We stood up and followed the nurse into the exam room waiting for the results of the pregnancy test. Five minutes of waiting, the nurse comes into the room and says,” Jennifer, you are pregnant, congratulations, wait here the doctor will be in shortly.”

Jennifer said,” Oh my God Reyna, what am I going to do?”

Reyna said,” Just relax and we will see after you’ve seen the doctor.”

Dr. Andrews said,” Hi Jennifer, I am Dr. Andrews.”

Jennifer said,” Hi.”

Dr. Andrews said,” Ok, Jennifer it looks like you are two and half months pregnant. I will give you prenatal vitamins.”

Jennifer asked, ”Ok, when do you want me to come back?”

Dr. Andrews said, ”Come back in four weeks?”

Jennifer said, ”Ok, I will see you then, thank you.”

Dr. Andrews said, ”Ok, see you later, bye.”

Jennifer said, ”Bye.” I walked out of the exam room and went to the front counter and scheduled for an appointment for four weeks.”

The Lady said, ”Ok, see you in four weeks.”

She wrote on a card my appointment and handed it to me. I walked out with Reyna to her car. While we were walking to the car, I said,” Thank you Reyna, for taking me to the clinic to see what is going on.”

Reyna said,”You are welcome, Jennifer.”


Reyna asked,” Now that you know what is going on. What are you going to do now?”

Jennifer said,” I don’t know, we should go get Marianna and then to my house, so I can tell my mom.”

Reyna said,” Ok, sounds good to me.”

We were getting into Reyna’s car when I saw my mom drive by.

Jennifer says,” Shit, there is my mom. I hope she didn’t see us.”

Reyna said,” I don’t think she saw you. So, don’t worry.”

Jennifer said,” If she did see me, she is going to ask me why I was here today instead of at the house.”

Reyna said,” Just tell your mom the truth, she can’t really do anything, you are seventeen almost eighteen. It will be ok because I will go into the house with you when you go in. Let us just go get Marianna now and then we’ll go to your house to tell your mom, ok?”

Jennifer said,” Ok, let us go get Marianna and then go to my house so I can get kicked out. Then we will go to Raul’s house to tell him and then he will leave me.”

Reyna said,” Don’t say that if he loves you, he won’t leave you.”

Jennifer said,” Ok, I hope sp.”

Reyna said,” Don’t say that. That is not what is going to happen just calm down Jennifer it will be ok.”

Jennifer said,” Me calm down, how am I going to calm down when my mom is going to kill me.”

Reyna said,” That won’t happen trust me. I will make sure of it.”

Reyna and I got into the car and drove off to get Marianna. Shortly after, Reyna and I arrived at my house. I sat in the car for a while and then got out and walked to the door. While I walked to the house Reyna got Marianna out of the car seat. My mom hears us come in and walks out of her room and walks into the living room and asked me,” Why is Reyna and Marianna here with you?”

Jennifer said,” There is something I need to tell you and she came here for my support.”

Connie asked,” What is it that you need to tell me?”

Jennifer said,” Don’t get mad, but I am two and a half months pregnant with Raul’s baby.”

Connie asked,” Oh my God, how and when did you find out?”

Jennifer said,” I went today after school to a clinic to find out if I am pregnant.”

Connie asked,” So, what are we going to do now?”

Jennifer said,” I am going to get a job and save up money until I graduate high school. Raul and I might move out and be on our own.”

Connie said,” Ok, just wait and see what happens and see what is going on when you graduate.”

Jennifer said,” Ok, we will see what happens.”

I was so glad that my mom didn’t kick me out of the house. My mom was happy that she was going to be a grandma. The next day, after school, when I got home, my mom and I were talking about what was going to happen.

Jennifer asked,” Mom, are you going to do things to help me out with the baby if I am on my own with this pregnancy?”

Connie said,” Yes, I would do anything I can to help you get stuff for the baby before you graduate and move out if you can’t afford it.”

Jennifer asked,” Ok, will you buy things for the baby shower?”

Connie said,” Yes, of course I will buy baby stuff for the baby shower, because it is my grandbaby.”

Reyna and I left for Raul’s house. Jennifer said,” Ok, I am leaving now to Raul’s.”

Connie said,” Ok.”

Jennifer said,” Ok, bye mom, I love you.” Then we hugged.

I walked out of the house and got into Reyna’s car to go to Raul’s house to tell him about the baby. Ten minutes after leaving my house we arrived at Raul’s apartment. I told Reyna to just drop me off and Raul can take me home.

Reyna said,” Ok, I will see you tomorrow at school, maybe.”

Jennifer said,” Yes, I will see you tomorrow at school, maybe I will stay the night here and go home early so I can take a shower and that or I will probably be sick tomorrow. Because, of all this, I am not feeling so good now.”