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Sigurd Westall falls through the black hole, destroying his body and transferring his spirit back to the year 2019. Alethea also tries to get back to the Earth system of the year 2268, as she suspects Sigurd is there and believes she will find him again. After the star ziggurat is destroyed, the merchant monarch Mullokk undertakes a final, further expedition to the continent of Krsutner ENMERKAR. He believes he may still find usable artifacts there. Alethea joins this expedition. She wants to negotiate with Mullokk so that he will bring her back to the Earth system. Start of season 2
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2025
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Under the spell of nanites
Volume 21
Alethea's Odyssey
© 2025 Jens F. Simon
Illustration: S. Verlag JG
Publisher: S. Verlag JG, 35767 Breitscheid,
All rights reserved
Distributed by: epubli a service of neopubli GmbH, Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-819043-48-2
The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. Any exploitation without the consent of the publisher and the author is prohibited and will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law. This applies to electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and making available to the public.
Love is universal. Desire no less so. Desire is above both, and the balance is the rejection of non-human feelings.
Do not dare to challenge love, whether you are a human or an alien.
Table of content
Prologue (The prehistory)
The plan
Adversity planned
The other face of Saviier
Omega Centauri
The expedition
Continent of Krsutner
The catacombs
Extraterrestrial intelligences operate on Earth undetected by the public. The largest, worldwide security service Life-Int-Ltd. becomes aware of this. Sigurd Westall, a new employee of the corporation, is sent to investigate the aliens right after his basic training.
No one, except his immediate superior, knows that he has had a special ability since puberty. He is assigned to a team of specialists who set out to track down the aliens. When it comes to direct confrontation, it is only thanks to this ability that he survives. Together with the female spaceship Paurusheya, Sigurd Westall reaches Saturn's moon Japetus.
There he finds a huge lunar station embedded in the ridge at the edge of the dark hemisphere. The station is also the destination of the strangers in the small spaceship he is pursuing. Sigurd initially tries to find his two abducted colleagues on his own. But when he is quickly discovered by the aliens, he is forced to fight back.
In doing so, he gets help from a side that plunges him into a personal crisis during the further plot.
Sigurd Westall was abducted from the Venus station TRISHARANA by extraterrestrial intelligences. While the Mernchen, an alien race, continue to infiltrate the Life-Int-Ltd. on Earth, the organic spaceship Paurusheya wants to start the search for him immediately. Sigurd is whisked away to the nearby Epsilon Eridani system, where the Xxiin people ask him for help against an overwhelming enemy. At the same time, he makes a stunning discovery that elevates him to ruler of the Nanites.
Mysterious events shake the native civilization. It seems that sorcerous powers and magic are at play.
Several assassinations attempt on Sigurd, which he survives only because of his special abilities, convince him that he must join forces with the new MBF organization to solve the riddles. His top priority, however, is to find the organic ship PAURUSHEYA, which also mysteriously disappeared 250 years ago.
In a forgotten and impenetrable part of the world, in the middle of the dense Honduran rainforest in the region of La Mosquitia, Alethea and Sigurd come across the legendary city. Through the "Ring of Srem" he and Alethea, the former material hologram and avatar of the spaceship Paurusheya, are transported to the energetic half-world of the Zetschn'cha. There the hemisphere is the refuge of the mage Sol'altoo, the sole ruling tyrant.
Sigurd lives in the past of his own world. It does not know that he has become a prisoner of a living program. The digital world presents itself to him as reality. Only very slowly does he become aware that something can be wrong in his life. Sigurd manages to escape from the computer program. He gets help from a spiritual entity that can manifest itself in billions of mechanical units.
Due to the fall of the energetic half-world of the Zetschn'cha back into the normal universe, the universal energy constant in the solar system was affected. This was used by the 'Living Program', also existing on Counter-Earth, to bring Paurusa, whose paranormal strength became appropriate from him to them.
The fate tablets are stolen. As events unfold, it becomes apparent that Nin-an-ak, the living program, is responsible. The destination of Nin-an-ak seems to be the former planetary system of the Zetschn'cha, whose energetic half-world fell into the standard universe due to the destruction of the Magic Construct.
The planet ANUN'HA, where Sigurd and Alethea find themselves, was once a living entity. Today, on one of two continents there stands the Star Ziggurat, the only legacy of a very ancient star people, the Old Race of Krsutner.
The second continent is populated by human-like intelligences. They call themselves Akkattarier. When the star ziggurat suddenly becomes active and attacks the spaceships of the 'Secret Invaders', Sigurd is involuntarily drawn into the incipient conflict and at the same time must defend himself against the fate tablets still in his shoulder, which have begun to manipulate him.
His goal of finding a way back to Earth suddenly seems a long way off. An expedition to the star ziggurat does not go as smoothly as originally planned. Also, another player unexpectedly appears in the ANUN'HA system.
The trader LieVen appears with his entire fleet to Mullokk's displeasure over the Akkattarier planet. As the star ziggurat attacks the trader's approaching battleships with its remaining 47 starfighter ships, Sigurd's mind battles the spiritual essence of MOhowkuh, the onetime scientist from the Krsutner people.
Sigurd's nanite body begins to change. The nanites begin to degenerate and multiply uncontrollably. At the same time, important cell components simply die. Did the fate boards leave him a Janus gift?
Was it the short fusion with a Lifebot that caused the changes in his body nanites? Sigurd is doomed to die. Saviier, specialist and gravo-designer suggested to send him back through the artificial black hole in his castle to where he once came from. It is his only chance. But it also means that he has to say goodbye to Alethea.
When Sigurd awakens after the passage, he is in his human body, lying in his bed. It is the year 2019.
And this is where our story begins, the story of the woman who sets out in search of her great love, unaware that between her and Sigurd lies not only a spatial distance of 15790 light years, but also time.
He is 250 years in the past and has resumed his old life, in which she does not appear.
Alethea lay awake the whole night. Again and again she saw Sigurd's body, which was pulled into the maelstrom of the black hole and then simply disappeared.
Her spirit and her mind tried to fight in her against the feelings and the more and more judging hope that she would see Sigurd again. The probability was so low that the mere thought of it was a waste of time.
Nevertheless, for seven hours now, since she had just been lying in bed, she had been busy trying to find a way to see him again.
Again and again the hours with him flashed in her memory. The togetherness just during the last days had experienced a new, much deeper bond between them.
There just had to be a way to see him again.
Saviier, the specialist and gravo-designer, had unselfishly given her the apartment in his cottage near the castle for her free use for an indefinite period. It was the rooms where she had spent the last hours with Sigurd.
Perhaps for that very reason it would have made more sense to choose another place to stay.
The still constantly present and very vivid images in her memory showed themselves most strongly in this room. Long forgotten was her former otherness as an organic spaceship.
Sigurd had freed her from the rigid pattern of a huge flying body. She had not yet understood how he had managed to recreate her spiritual essence in the original material hologram that had served as the ship's avatar.
It must also have been due to the magical energy used by Sigurd that their human-like bodies were formed by organic nanites belonging to the original Xxiin people who had created the Paurusheya spaceship.
Thus, they had both become very similar, because Sigurd's body had also been completely taken over by organic nanites by now. They were both the perfect pair.
She was already beginning to miss their mind-body unions as a pair of singularities.
Now, finally, after an incredible number of adventures together, they had finally found each other, only to lose each other right away.
"That wasn't fair," she thought. Then she shouted it again loudly into the room, "THAT WAS NOT JUST!"
Suddenly she became quiet. Her thoughts arranged themselves into a linear whole.
Her mind had already taken on human traits in a way, although she could not imagine at all how such a thing could happen.
A plan had to be developed. A concept was necessary, and the desired goal had to be narrowed down and clearly defined. Now the clear mind slowly took over the initiative again and that was good.
Alethea began to remember her true origins.
The primordial Xxiin, the organic nanites that made up her body, did not hesitate and helped her mind as best they could. They began to reduce the sleep hormone melatonin in her brain.
Immediately, their entire hormone balance changed as well.
The happiness hormone serotonin increased, but so did dopamine and norepinephrine. She immediately felt more active and alert.
With a defiantly defiant leap out of bed that brought her almost to the center of the room, a new era of her existence began.
Within minutes, the previously so human Alethea became the alien Alethea.
The organic nanites of her body changed the entire hormone balance. They formed new hormone structures that had not existed before.
Thus, low-molecular compounds were formed whose basis was no longer the biochemistry of the human body.