Demise of the organic nanites (STAR-DUST 19) - Jens F. Simon - E-Book

Demise of the organic nanites (STAR-DUST 19) E-Book

Jens F. Simon



The expedition within the star ziggurat does not go as smoothly as the trader Mullokk had imagined. Another player unexpectedly appears in the ANUN'HA system. The trader LieVen appears with his entire fleet over the Akkattarian planet, much to Mullokk's displeasure. Sigurd alias M'pfank is unintentionally assisted by the lifebot Fraank. When their nanite bodies merge, Sigurd suddenly remembers. While the star ziggurat attacks the approaching merchant battleships with its remaining 47 starfighter ships, Sigurd's mind battles the spiritual essence of MOhowkuh, the former scientist of the Krsutner people.

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Seitenzahl: 82

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2025

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Under the spell of nanites

Volume 19

Demise of the organic nanites

© 2025 Jens F. Simon

Illustration: S. Verlag JG

Publisher: S. Verlag JG, 35767 Breitscheid,

All rights reserved

Distributed by: epubli a service of neopubli GmbH, Berlin

ISBN: 978-3-819032-81-3

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. Any exploitation without the consent of the publisher and the author is prohibited and will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law. This applies to electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and making available to the public.

One day you wake up and feel that you can no longer control your body properly. Your memory fails you and you no longer know your surroundings. Someone else is controlling you and using your body. You are only a spectator. Your ego is banished to the depths of your subconscious. You believe there is no way back. You believe that insanity has a firm grip on you. What can you do? Do you want to do anything at all to change this situation again?

Table of content

The Star Trader Fleet

Sigurd's Awakening

Sleepers of the star Ziggurat

Under fire

Trader intrigue

Battle in the star Ziggurat

Rescue for Alethea

Fire and smoke

The Star Trader Fleet

Mullokk's ship MOOR and the two units from Markon maintained a constant distance of 50,000 kilometers from the Akkattarier planet.

Only the flotilla of nine combat boats was in a stationary orbit above the continent of ENMERKAR.

There had been a tense calm for days. Mullokk seemed worried.

Since Captain Solaakk had left with his men, he had already tried three times to reach one of his twelve other ships by hyper-radio, but with negative success.

In fact, it had never happened before that he had to go so long without contacting his ships.

Mullokk stayed in his luxuriously appointed cabin. The living space extended over almost an entire deck and that was not exactly little for a two-hundred-meter-tall spaceship.

He sat behind a heavy desk made of solid hardwood and gazed at the two holographic, frameless screens that floated as if weightless above the dark brown stained, glossy tabletop.

Small control displays were chaotically distributed embedded in the table surface and glowed in a variety of colors.

"Locating to ship commander," a voice rang out abruptly. It seemed to come directly from the desk.

At the same time, a previously bluish shimmering display changed to red.

"We are receiving visitors. A fleet of twenty-two starships has just left, at a distance from the MOOR of 152,350 kilometers, overlight. Our scans are determining size and shape now."

"Stand by with the communications recording. I'm coming to the control center!"

Mullokk had already jumped up and was literally rushing toward the private turbo-tube lift. In a fraction of a second, he ferried it directly to the ship's bridge.

"The ship's bulk consists of five 200-meter spacecraft, 15 transporters, and 2 explorers," he was also greeted by the tracking specialist as he exited the lift.

"Put it on the screen!"

Mullokk had reached the commander's console and activated the manual takeover of the ship.

Markon's ships STELKA and MARLY were still behaving quietly. They were drifting alongside the MOOR at reduced propulsion, and the two energy echoes showed that they were not planning any defensive action yet either; their energy piles remained at low levels.

Mullokk was considering whether to put his ship on alert when a radio call came in.

"The identifiers of the five 200-meter spacecraft are registered," he heard the message from the tracking specialist, then the likeness of a Katonian appeared on the communications screen.

"This is LieVen of the KASKATO. Greetings, Chairman Mullokk!"

A second call bisected the screen and the face of Markon appeared.

Mullokk ignored him at first and focused completely on the new face.

He had heard quite a bit about a merchant named LieVen.

He did not belong to any merchant consortium, but his name was not completely unknown among the merchants.

LieVen, also called 'General' by his people, had attracted attention several times because of his hard and sometimes violent actions. This was even more remarkable because the galactic merchant ring, to which Mullokk also belonged, itself did not always act in a completely morally clean way.

Of course, Mullokk immediately asked himself why LieVen had just now appeared in this space region.

"Trader LieVen. I am surprised to find you here. I don't suppose you'd want to pay me a visit!"

He didn't like the trader from the Katonian people. But it was not the predatory bite that distinguished this species that made him uncomfortable.

Rather, it was the manner of his appearance that put him off. Somehow LieVen reminded him of his own youth, and it was precisely this that probably irritated him so much that Mullokk did not like meeting him. Therefore he had behaved now also extremely unfriendly opposite LieVen.

He could calmly know that his appearance here did not suit him.

Mullokk noticed how, next to the communication screen, the frameless display of the tracking system slid silently out of the dark countertop of his desk.

On the small display, which was also holographic, numbers and data of the ships that had arrived appeared in rapid succession. His gaze briefly wandered as he read the data.

LieVen's fleet included 15 transport ships.

Immediately he asked himself why he was carrying such many transport units?

What was he up to? Mullokk became more than suspicious.

"Of course, of course. It came to my attention that you might need some help after all. After all, the 'Ring of Five' sticks together!"

LieVen was not a member of the merchant consortium he had just mentioned. But Markon was. Was Markon really supposed to be behind this?

Was it mere coincidence that Markon tried to call him at almost the same time?

He spontaneously decided to invite both LieVen and Markon to talk to him. He had not heard anything from Captain Solaakk and the expedition since the last message.

Solaakk was supposed to report to him as soon as they had entered the structure.

However, he had not reported for more than ten-time units. Also from the nine combat boats, which were intended as back-up and had taken up position in a stationary orbit over the continent ENMERKAR, there was so far no feedback.

Mullokk didn't like the whole thing at all. It felt like the calm before the storm.

He was reluctant to give up the reins, and certainly not when it was a very worthwhile venture.

After all, he still had some plans for this planet and its old legacies.

The meeting was scheduled here in his private chambers. LieVen and Markon were already on their way. LieVen was accompanied by his deputy and right hand ELdark.

Mullokk was more than unsure how he should behave towards LieVen.

Of course, Markon knew absolutely nothing about the agreement between him and King Šamšī-Rohh II, and he did not intend to change anything at first. It was important to maintain silence regarding the merchant LieVen.

The question here was only how much he already knew about the planet of the Akkattarier and to what extent he was informed about the action that had been started.

Mullokk had no intention of sharing even the smallest part of the profits from the exploitation of the artifact's alien technology on ENMERKAR. "Captain Solaakk has not reported back. This can't be good. Damn, what the hell is happening down there?"

Mullokk's thoughts began to spin in circles. Could he dare send down a small dinghy?

The situation seemed more than confused.

"Despite everything, however, no more energy arrows had appeared. So Solaakk and his men had not yet been noticed. The huge structure on the second continent was silent. Was this a good sign or a bad sign?"

Mullokk was abruptly jolted out of his musing when a visual display at his desk signaled the arrival of the traders. Two of the crew escorted the arrivals to his private quarters.

"Your visitors, patron," already sounded from the entrance. The man who had spoken stepped aside and let those who had entered pass.

LieVen was the first to approach him, followed by ELdark. Markon was the last one to enter the room, keeping a bit in the background as he entered. He did not seem to like the meeting. But he had not been able to avoid it, of course.

Mullokk remained ostentatiously sitting behind his desk. After all, it was LieVen who had appeared unannounced and apparently wanted to interfere in his business.

"Greetings, esteemed Chairman Mullokk. Don't get up, you're not the youngest anymore!"

LieVen acted very jovial, not to say arrogant. Of course, Mullokk immediately understood the innuendo. However, he generously passed over it since he had challenged LieVen.

"Sit down, gentlemen, and allow me to keep my seat here. You can imagine that at my age every movement causes pain."

Mullokk scratched his elongated, huge nose, which stretched from his forehead to his mouth.

LieVen sat down again first in one of the armchairs standing in front of the desk. He grinned at Mullokk and showed his predatory teeth at their best.

ELdark and Markon also sat down silently in the other two chairs.

Only now did it become apparent that the seats of the armchairs were about ten centimeters lower than Mullokk's desk chair.

Mullokk himself enjoyed this psychological advantage from the first minute and now looked down benevolently at his guests.

"I asked for this meeting because your appearance, my dear LieVen, might put me in a somewhat awkward situation!"

Mullokk's gaze brushed Markon as if by chance, who immediately looked to the side, and it was obvious that he was trying to avoid direct eye contact in the process. For Mullokk, this was already tantamount to an admission. To what, he would yet find out.

"I don't understand!"

LieVen feigned ignorance. For better or worse, Mullokk had to bring out bigger guns.

"You can't take me for a fool. Of course, you are already aware of the occupation of the Akkattarier planet that is underway. Therefore, I can also tell you that this planet, which the natives call ANUN'HA, has been in my sphere of influence for over a decade. There are legal treaties with the government, so according to the merchant statutes, this planet is exclusively in my jurisdiction." 

LieVen still showed his predatory jaws, the specific attribute of his species, while he answered.

"Your engagement refers officially only to AKKATTA and not to the continent ENMERKAR. The expedition there was initiated by King Šamšī-Rohh II. Accordingly, the factual situation here is completely open."

Mullokk was a Maul'aaf and consequently his movement rates were about fifty percent above normal. He suddenly found himself standing directly in front of the Katonian LieVen without the latter having even seen him coming.