Elsa & Zog - Moss Palm - E-Book

Elsa & Zog E-Book

Moss Palm

7,99 €

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Embark on an unforgettable journey through the stars with Elsa and Zog, two unexpected friends whose friendship crosses the boundaries between planets. When Elsa, a curious girl, meets Zog, an extraterrestrial from the planet Zorg, their adventures take them on a fantastic journey through the universe. Explore magical planets, encounter captivating beings, and be inspired by their heartfelt encounters with friendship and understanding. The author creates a wonderful fairy-tale world where each page offers new surprises and wise insights. This gripping tale is a tribute to the courage to explore the unknown and the strength to forge bonds that transcend time and space. A book that will captivate both children and adults with its charm and depth, leaving readers with a sense of hope and belief that nothing is impossible when you have a friend by your side.

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Seitenzahl: 7

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