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The germination of this seed bearing fruit grew into essence by a collective inspiration of reading many texts on literature, philosophy, religion and aesthetics. This book contains a basket of flowers on literature, literary analysis, philosophy, religion, art and aesthetics. Also I would like to say at this juncture that I have been influenced by the strand of thought called Christian Apologetics.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019
I have read vastly into Freud and Lacan who are all time popular psycho-analysts who theories are popular in the jargon of literary theory. It was when I started reading the Bible, I began to have second thoughts about them and I wnated to reinterpret theories in the light of Christian Apolegetics.
First of all I would like to take the Freudian concepts of the ID, EGO and the SUPEREEGO. The ID according to Freud is the primary seat of passion and the stronghold of the libido. The EGO refers to the culture and language assimilated from the family. The SUPEREGO refers to the laws imposed by the society. What Freud has failed, is his efforts to integrate these concepts. It is still a mystery to this day as to how language is learnt by humans. The theories of language are rather vague and hazy. From a Freudian point of view we have to be a tight-rope-walk acrobat to walk on the ID, EGO and SUPEREGO. Any loss of balance would be insanity and thus we have psychopaths and sociopaths who are not able to adjust to these states. From a Christian perspective, Christ made creation as a wholseome being. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve our psychological states became fragmented. After the entry of Christ and his shedding of blood on the cross and his offering of salvation, we are made whole beings once again. Such a type of consciousness, I would like to deifne in a neologism: CHRISTANONSCIOUSNESS or Christ plus consciousness. The Freudian fragmentation of consciuousness is considerably reduced and we become parts of Christ as his brides.
Next I would like to take the Freudian concept of the libido. Libido for Freud is the sexual drive. Here Freud fails to consider that we are humans and not animals. Incest is rare in society. Again Freud has misinterpreted the libido to arise from birth. The libido begins only at the rise of puberty. Parental relationship like love, touch, caring and emotional bonding devlelops the mind and not the sexual organs. Freud has been madly focused on the genitals which has been a piece of redherring. Love, emotions and care are responsible for the grwoth of psycho-emotivityof the person. A bad childhood can lead to psychological problems later on. Lack of development of psycho-emotivity can make individuals into psychopaths and sociopaths.It is very interesting to note on how Christ treated mentally deranged people. He treated them with love empathy and respect and healed their affliections totally. Notabble is the man from Gadarene. Cure for Christ was not altering the function of neuro-transmitters but wholesome.
Next I would like to raise all hue and cry and against the preposterous theory of Freud called the Oedipus complex. It is ironic to note that Freud made it from legend. According to legend, the play of Sophocles, Rex the king marries his mother and kills his father. For Freud the desire of the child is to kill the father and possess the mother. I would blatantly ask Freud whether any child will have sexual relationship with the mother at such an early age? We are not born into sex and sex develops later on life. At this stage of life we are in a process known as Christomacy, a word coined from Christ and geomancy (divination of the earth). Development at this stage is psychological and emtional rather than sexual. I would like to use another term for the process of weaning and that would be the circumcision complex. The Circumcision complex refers to the weaning of the child from the mother.And the child after weaning has to come to terms with the partial independence of the body.
Next I would like to deal with Freud's most baffling theory----the Castration complex. Castration Complex closely related to the Oedipus complex is the reaction of threats put by the father to taboo the sexual activities of the child. The child comes to confront the laws of the society that is prohibition against incest and murder. It is true when sexual feelings are opened at puberty there might be a tendency to masturbate. It's a part of nature after Adamite sin. Here the parents of the child can guide his or her activities to recreational pursuits. Again Freudian sexuality is chauvinistic. it does not address the nature of feminine sexuality. Freud does not say the that girl child desires the father and wishes to kill the mother.
Next I would like to take the Freudian conceptuality of the Oral, Anal and the Phallic phases of sexuality. The Oral phase is marked by the desire of the Child for the mother's breast and the pleasures of oral stimulation. Does the child connote it sexually? The answer is definitely no. The next Freudian phase in anal where there is a fascination for defecation. Shitting is more biological than sexual. I would beg to disagree with Freud that Sodomy is not learnt at this stage. I am sure that the child does not have a fantasy for sodomy. The next stage is the phallic. Here the phallus for the child is more biological than a sexual tool. The genitals attain a sexual connotation only at a later on stage in life that is at the advent of puberty.
Next I would like to take Lacan's concept of the gaze. For Lacan the gaze is a sexual one also termed byt him as scopophila or the pleasure of looking. Again I take this to be very chauvinistic. I would like to ask the question why males are fond of looking? The feminine on the other hand is stimulated by love, touch and care. I would like to call this as maternality. The Bible is very clear about the gaze. Christ has repeatedly empahsized that it is not enough that you don't do adultery but lust not with your eyes. If your eyes are cloudy pluck them out. In reality this Christian ideal is very difficult to put into practice. What we can do is to only ask God for frogiveness.