Gaur Gopal Das - Amol Raikar - Hörbuch

Gaur Gopal Das Hörbuch

Amol Raikar

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Gaur Gopal Das is a spiritual leader, motivational speaker, and lifestyle coach. He has been a monk and a member of the International Society for the Krishna Consciousness since 1996. He was a former electrical engineer, who worked for Hewlett-Packard for a brief time. Dissatisfied with his life, he chose to abandon his materialistic desires in favour of the path of spirituality and self-realization. A Radhanath Swami disciple, Das is one of the few inspiring speakers from India to have given talks in the British parliament and Google's headquarters. He has travelled all over the world to offer motivational speeches and spirituality talks over the years. Today, Gaur Gopal Das is a role model and an idol for millions of people and has influenced many young minds with his teachings.

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Zeit:0 Std. 53 min

Sprecher:Raghavendra Ashok
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