Here and there or The Travels of Max the Jackal - Marcin Mortka - Hörbuch

Here and there or The Travels of Max the Jackal Hörbuch

Марцин Мортка

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It's not easy being a stranger in a strange land. This truth dawns on Max the Jackal, while his own curiosity drives him from the south of Europe, through Ukraine, to the forests of Poland. But is it only a taste for adventure that compels him to make that trek? Even the young jackal can see that the world is changing. The new, warm climate makes Poland a great place to live not only for jackals but also other animal migrants. But will the hospitality of the new neighbours last when it'll occur to them that there might not be enough food for everyone in the Polish forests? "Here and There or: The Travels of Max the Jackal" is a story for kids written by Marcin Mortka. It's a tale about the changes our world is going through right now, that humans are responsible for. It paints the picture of a new reality where the borders are shifting and the great migrations begin. Max The Jackal represents all the climate migrants that are coming to Poland, but also looking for new homes all around the world. This story was created in cooperation with Muzeum Emigracji.

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Zeit:0 Std. 48 min

Sprecher:Sean Palmer
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