HOW TO GET 100% BETTER SEX - Rev Franck J. Dumornay - E-Book


Rev Franck J. Dumornay

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It’s biblical, having an active and healthy sex life, between Christian married couples, is a must, if a couple really wants to be one flesh. “What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh”. (1 Corinthians 6:16) That’s why any real couple needs to quickly learn, how to have sex, real sex, great sex, by ordering “My Sex Secret Booklet” or by having live counseling. Pastor Franck Joseph Dumornay with your couple, (husband and wife) privately. “Great sexual relationship between husband and wife automatically changes your whole marriage for the better, in a matter of time”. Rev. Franck J. Dumornay Pastor Bible Teacher Sex Expert/Consultant - Email me: [email protected]

Rev. Franck Dumornay Pastor Bible Teacher
Sex Expert / Consultant
Who is Rev. Franck Dumornay?
He was born in a Christian Family, the first boy after three oldest sisters. His father was a pastor and teacher, his mother was a fervent servant of the Lord. 

She used to encourage her children to read the Bible and she even paid them money to read the Bible, because she knew the power of the word of God to change people’s lives in any situation. In one word she wants her children to become better person. Thank God all of them never left the word of God and the Church.
In the entire family, God granted Pastor Franck a special favor and chose him. That’s why he’s so blessed and excited to serve the Lord. God was never unfaithful to him but he was. Right now he’s leading a church as a Pastor, Pastor Dumornay cannot watch pornography, because it’s not good for the soul and it makes the Christian feels and looks very dirty before our holy God, and sometime he or she does not feel like praying. It’s a disconnection.

Pastor Franck has never been a pervert and now he is still not a pervert either. He is a real man of God, a man of prayer, a church leader, a husband, a wonderful father for his three daughters, and a good role model. He is a Christian married man that is living a great life with his family, married only one time never separated or divorced. To God be the Glory. So, this is the blessed man that God wants to train and teach couples by utilizing his knowledge and experience.
“How to Get 100% Better Sex Between Married Couple” clearly explains in chapter five how to get real sex, great sex. So, get ready to learn, follow, and apply.

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Rev Franck J. Dumornay

How To Get 100% Better Sex Between Married Couples

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Rev Franck J. Dumornay

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-211-2

How To Get 100% Better Sex Between Married Couples

Between Married Couples


About the Author

Who is Rev. Franck Dumornay?

He was born in a Christian family, first boy after three oldest sisters. His father was a pastor and teacher; his mother a fervent servant of the Lord. She used to encourage her children to read the Bible and she even paid them money to read the Bible, because she knew the power of the word of God to change people’s life in any given situation. In one word she wants her children to become a better person. Thank God all of them never left the word of God and the church. In the entire family, God granted Pastor Franck a special favor and chose him. That’s why he’s so blessed and excited to serve the Lord. God was never unfaithful to him but he was. Right now he’s leading a church as a pastor. God is great to him and his entire family.

As a Christian man and a pastor, Pastor Dumornay cannot watch pornography, because it’s not good for the soul and it makes the Christian feels and looks very dirty before our holy God and sometimes he or she does not feel like praying. It’s a disconnection.

Pastor Franck has never been a pervert and now he is still not a pervert either. He’s a real man of God, a man of prayer, a church leader, a husband, a wonderful father for his three daughters and a good role model. He is a Christian married man that is living a great life with his family, married only one time, never separated or divorced. To God be the Glory.

So, this is this blessed man that God wants to train and teach couples by utilizing his knowledge and experience.

“How to Get 100 Percent Better Sex between Married Couples” clearly explains in chapter five how to get real sex, great sex. So, get ready to learn, to follow and apply.

Pastor Franck’s expectations from the readers of this “Sex Secret Booklet.”

Young men and women who live together without being married will quickly get married while asking God for forgiveness.Married couples who have big differences in their relationships, will, after reading this booklet, become lovely couples while asking God for forgiveness.Married couples, who are thinking about separating or divorcing, will quickly become lovely couples again and decide to stay together, while asking God for forgiveness.Young man and woman who are enjoying sex without thinking about marrying one day, will finally decide to get married while asking God for forgiveness.Young man and woman who are living together that aren’t married, young and old couples who have big differences in their relationship, will have a stronger marriage while asking God for forgiveness and accepting him as their personal savior.The main goal of my “Sex Secret Booklet” is to train and teach every married couple I could possibly reach, to love each other (husband and wife) and more importantly to prove and share their love, like God proved and shared his love to every human being “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 and in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Jesus is coming soon . . . Are you ready?

Special Thanks To . . .

My dear wife Yvrose and my three beautiful daughters, for their support, advice, encouragement and their hard work.

My brother in the Lord, Randolph Pierce, and my sister in the Lord Jeanne Lourdes Dorelus, for their support, advice and encouragement.

My former teacher and mentor, Anthony Cherubin, for his support, advice, and encouragement.