How To Increase Book Sales EXPONENTIALLY! - Owen Jones - E-Book

How To Increase Book Sales EXPONENTIALLY! E-Book

Owen Jones

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I am an indie author who has written fifty-five novels and 155 self-help novel over the last twelve years. They have been translated and narrated, making another 1,300 copies in at least 44 languages. I am also almost solely responsible for selling the English versions, so I know how tough that is.
This book is divided into two distinct sections: one speaks to authors, since there are things that they can do to boost sales that a book-seller cannot, such as design an eye-catching book cover. However, a book-seller should be aware of the steps that a good author should take in order to assess how high the chance is that the book could sell in large numbers.
In other words, both sections apply to authors and book-sellers alike.
In today’s rapidly evolving publishing landscape, both authors and booksellers face unique challenges in driving book sales. For authors, the journey doesn’t end with writing a compelling story or crafting an insightful self-help manual. In fact, that’s just the beginning. The real challenge lies in ensuring that your book reaches the hands (or screens) of readers who will appreciate and benefit from it. Whether you’re a self-published writer or traditionally published, understanding the nuances of book marketing is crucial to your success.
On the other hand, booksellers — whether operating online, through physical shops, or as affiliates — play an equally vital rôle in the ecosystem. With countless titles flooding the market every year, standing out from the competition requires more than just stocking shelves or listing products on a website. It demands innovative strategies, keen marketing insights, and a deep understanding of consumer behaviour.

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How to IncreaseB00k SalesEXPONENTIALLY!



Inspirational Quotes

Six Interesting Facts about Selling Books


1. Optimise Your Book Listings Online

2. Leverage Social Proof to Boost Your Book Sales

3. Build and Engage with an Author Platform

4. Run Promotions and Give-aways to Maximise Book Sales

5. Collaborate and Network to Amplify Your Book Sales

6. Utilise Paid Advertising to Maximise Your Book Sales

7. Leverage Online Communities to Amplify Your Book Sales

8. Attend Events and Build a Local Presence to Boost Book Sales

9. Harnessing the Power of Content Marketing to Drive Book Sales

10. Utilising the Influence of Word of Mouth and Referrals to Boost Book Sales

11. Maximising Book Sales Through Print and Traditional Media

12. Analytics and Continuous Improvement

13. Creating a Book Series


14. Leverage Content Marketing

15. Social Media Marketing

16. Email Marketing

17. Utilising Video Content

18. Harnessing Podcasts and Audio Content

19. Leveraging Affiliate Networks

20. Engage with Online Communities

21. Collaborate with Influencers

22. Create Promotional Content

23. Maximise Your Book Sales with Paid Advertising

24. Boost Book Sales with Strategic Bonus Offers

25. Maximise Book Sales by Hosting Engaging Online Events

26. Harnessing the Power of Niche Markets to Boost Book Sales

27. Maximizing Book Sales Through Seasonal and Thematic Marketing

28. Affiliate Marketing with a Twist

29. Optimise Your Affiliate Strategy

30. Networking and Partnerships

31. Create and Distribute Free Content to Drive Book Sales

32. Personalise Your Promotions for Maximum Impact

33. Be Consistent


34. Special Tips for Translators and Narrators

35. Personal Favourite Sales Boosts

36. Suggested Basic Structured Routines for Regular and Consistent Book Promotion

Contact Details

How to IncreaseBook SalesEXPONENTIALLY!

A Comprehensive Guide for Authors and Booksellers to Boost Book Sales Using Proven Strategies to Maximise Reach and Revenue


Owen Jones


Copyright © Owen Jones 2024

All Rights Reserved


Thank you for your interest in this book called How to Increase Book SalesEXPONENTIALLY! - A Comprehensive Guide for Authors and Booksellers to Boost Book Sales Using Proven Strategies to Maximise Reach and Revenue.

I am an indie author who has written fifty-five novels and 155 self-help novel over the last twelve years. They have been translated and narrated, making another 1,300 copies in at least 44 languages. I am also almost solely responsible for selling the English versions, so I know how tough that is.

This book is divided into two distinct sections: one speaks to authors, since there are things that they can do to boost sales that a bookseller cannot, such as design an eye-catching book cover. However, a bookseller should be aware of the steps that a good author should take in order to assess how high the chance is that the book could sell in large numbers.

In other words, both sections apply to authors and booksellers alike.

In today’s rapidly evolving publishing landscape, both authors and booksellers face unique challenges in driving book sales. For authors, the journey doesn’t end with writing a compelling story or crafting an insightful self-help manual. In fact, that’s just the beginning. The real challenge lies in ensuring that your book reaches the hands (or screens) of readers who will appreciate and benefit from it. Whether you’re a self-published writer or traditionally published, understanding the nuances of book marketing is crucial to your success.

On the other hand, booksellers — whether operating online, through physical shops, or as affiliates — play an equally vital rôle in the ecosystem. With countless titles flooding the market every year, standing out from the competition requires more than just stocking shelves or listing products on a website. It demands innovative strategies, keen marketing insights, and a deep understanding of consumer behaviour.

This book is divided into two sections, tailored to address the specific needs of these two groups. In the first section, authors will discover actionable tips and techniques to effectively market their books, build their brand, and engage with their target audience. The second section is dedicated to booksellers, offering strategies to optimise sales channels, enhance customer engagement, and leverage digital tools to increase profitability.

Whether you’re an author looking to amplify your reach or a bookseller aiming to boost your sales figures, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the knowledge and strategies needed to thrive in today’s competitive market.

To better book sales!

Owen Jones

Inspirational Quotes

Believe not in anything simply because you have heard it,Believe not in anything simply because it was spoken and rumoured by many,Believe not in anything simply because it was found written in your religious texts,Believe not in anything merely on the authority of teachers and elders,Believe not in traditions because they have been handed down for generations,But after observation and analysis, if anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, accept it and live up to it.

Gautama Buddha

Great Spirit, whose voice is on the wind, hear me.

Let me grow in strength and knowledge.

Make me ever behold the red and purple sunset.

May my hands respect the things you have given me.

Teach me the secrets hidden under every leaf and stone, as you have taught people for ages past.

Let me use my strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy – myself.

Let me always come before you with clean hands and an open heart, that as my Earthly span fades like the sunset, my Spirit shall return to you without shame.

(Based on a traditional Sioux prayer)

“I do not seek to walk in the footsteps of the Wise People of old; I seek what they sought”.

Matsuo Basho

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go”.

Joshua 1:9

“Whatever misfortune befalls you [people], it is because of what your own hands have done-God forgives much-”

Quran 42:30

Myself when young did eagerly frequent

Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument

About it and about; but oft-times

Came out, by the same Door as in I went.

Omar Khayyam

The Rubaiyat XXIX.

Six Interesting Facts about Selling Books

1. The Power of Oprah: Books selected for Oprah Winfrey's Book Club often experience a massive surge in sales. For example, “The Deep End of the Ocean” by Jacquelyn Mitchard became a bestseller almost overnight after being chosen as the first book for Oprah's club in 1996.

2. The 'Harry Potter' Effect: J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series didn’t just sell millions of copies—it also boosted sales of other children’s books by making reading “cool” again for young people. After the series' success, many other children's book authors saw a significant increase in their own sales.

3. The Long Tail: While bestsellers get a lot of attention, the majority of book sales come from the “long tail” of titles that sell only a few copies each. In fact, some studies suggest that up to 40% of book sales come from titles that sell fewer than 200 copies a year.

4. Bookshops vs. Online Sales: Despite the rise of online retailers like Amazon, physical bookshops still play a crucial rôle in book discovery. Studies show that people are more likely to buy a book they’ve seen in a store, even if they end up purchasing it online.

5. The Most Expensive Book Ever Sold: The most expensive book ever sold is “The Codex Leicester” by Leonardo da Vinci, which was purchased by Bill Gates in 1994 for a whopping $30.8 million. Though not a typical book sale, it highlights the extrême value that rare and historical books can have.

6. Unexpected Bestsellers: Sometimes, books become bestsellers in the most unexpected ways. For instance, Go the F**k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach, originally intended as a joke for parents, became a viral sensation and a bestseller thanks to its hilarious take on bedtime struggles.


I think it is fair to say that all living authors do something to help sell their books. Even the most famous participate in book tours and signings. However, we less ‘famous’ writers have to do a lot more than that! Well-known writers have a publisher and an agent, who also employ others to carry out the tasks that most authors have to do themselves.

It is widely-known that writing the book is the easy bit, selling it is much harder. Time, and lack of marketing experience are the most common obstacles to success.

So, with that in mind, here is a list of things that authors could be doing to help sell their books.

1. Optimise Your Book Listings Online

When it comes to selling books online, the quality of your listing can make or break your success. With countless titles vying for readers' attention, a well-optimised listing not only ensures visibility but also entices potential buyers to click that all-important “Buy” button.

Here’s how you can optimise your book listings effectively, focusing on compelling descriptions, professional cover designs, SEO keywords, and the strategic use of categories and tags.

Compelling Book Descriptions

Your book description is your primary sales pitch after the cover. It’s often the first interaction a potential reader has with your book, and it needs to be compelling enough to turn browsers into buyers. A strong description should do more than just summarize the plot; it should communicate the benefits and unique selling points of your book.

Start by identifying what makes your book special. Is it the twisty plot, the relatable characters, the practical advice, or the unique perspective? Whatever it is, make sure that it shines through in your description. Additionally, writing in a style that matches the tone of your book can create an emotional connection with your potential readers. For example, if your book is a thriller, use language that builds suspense; if it’s a self-help book, convey the transformation the reader will experience.

Incorporating keywords into your description is also crucial. Keywords are terms that your target audience might use when searching for a book like yours. Including these in your description can help your book appear in relevant search results, improving its discoverability. However, avoid keyword stuffing — make sure the text flows naturally and remains reader-friendly.

Professional Covers

The old adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover” doesn’t hold up in the world of online book sales. Your cover is often the first thing a potential reader notices, and a poorly designed cover can turn people away before they even read the title. Investing in a professional cover design is essential.

A well-designed cover should be visually appealing and relevant to your book’s content. It should also stand out in a crowded marketplace, which is why hiring a professional designer with experience in book covers is often worth the expense. Your cover should look good not only in full size but also as a thumbnail, which is how most readers will first encounter it on platforms like Amazon.

It is important to ensure that the cover conveys the genre and tone of your book accurately. For instance, a romance novel should have a different visual style than a sci-fi thriller. Consistency with genre expectations helps readers quickly identify the type of book they’re looking at, which can lead to more sales.

SEO Keywords

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a critical component of online book listings. By strategically using keywords in your book’s title, subtitle, and description, you can improve your book’s visibility in search results on platforms like Amazon.

Start by researching keywords that are relevant to your book’s genre and subject matter. Tools like Amazon’s search bar, Google Keyword Planner, or other keyword research tools can help you identify popular search terms that your target audience is using. Once you’ve identified the right keywords, incorporate them into your book’s metadata—this includes the title, subtitle, description, and even the author bio.

However, it is essential to balance keyword optimisation with readability. Your title and subtitle should be clear and engaging while still including important keywords. For example, if you’re selling a book about productivity, you might use a subtitle like “Proven Techniques to Boost Your Productivity and Achieve Your Goals”. This is both descriptive and keyword-rich, increasing the chances of your book being found by the right audience.

Categories and Tags

Choosing the right categories and tags is another crucial aspect of optimising your book listing. On platforms like Amazon, categories determine where your book will appear in genre-specific searches and bestseller lists. The more relevant the category, the better your chances of reaching your target audience.

When selecting categories, think about where your book fits best within its genre. Consider using both broad and niche categories to maximise your visibility. For instance, a historical fiction novel might be listed under both “Historical Fiction” and “World War II Fiction,” depending on its content. Some platforms allow you to select multiple categories, so take advantage of this to reach a broader audience.

Tags are another way to improve your book’s discoverability. Tags act as additional keywords that describe your book’s content. These can include themes, settings, character types, or specific elements of the story. For example, if you’ve written a mystery novel set in Victorian England, tags like “Victorian,” “detective,” and “murder mystery” can help potential readers find your book when searching for those specific terms.

Optimising your book listings online is a multifaceted process that involves creating compelling descriptions, investing in professional cover designs, strategically using SEO keywords, and carefully selecting categories and tags. Each of these elements plays a crucial rôle in making your book stand out in a crowded marketplace. By paying attention to these details, you can significantly increase your book’s visibility and appeal, ultimately driving more sales and reaching a wider audience.

2. Leverage Social Proof to Boost Your Book Sales

In today’s digital age, social proof plays a pivotal rôle in the decision-making process of consumers. Whether we’re choosing a restaurant, buying a new gadget, or selecting our next book, we often rely on the opinions and experiences of others to guide our choices. For authors, leveraging social proof is an essential strategy for increasing book sales and building credibility. Here’s how you can effectively gather and use reviews, testimonials, and case studies to persuade potential readers to purchase your book.

Gather Reviews

Book reviews are one of the most powerful forms of social proof. They provide potential readers with an honest assessment of your book, helping them determine whether it’s worth their time and money. Positive reviews can significantly boost your book’s visibility and appeal, especially on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads.

To gather reviews, start by encouraging your readers to leave feedback after finishing your book. This can be as simple as including a polite request at the end of your book, asking readers to share their thoughts online. Additionally, consider offering free copies to influencers, bloggers, or book reviewers in exchange for honest reviews. These individuals often have a following that trusts their opinions, which can lead to increased exposure and sales for your book.

Another effective strategy is to engage with readers who have already reviewed your book. Thank them for their feedback, whether it’s positive or negative, and consider asking them to elaborate on their thoughts if they’re open to it. Engaging with your audience in this way not only builds a community around your book but also shows potential readers that you value their opinions.


Testimonials are a concise and impactful way to showcase positive feedback from readers or influencers. These short quotes can be strategically placed on your book’s sales page, cover, or promotional materials to quickly convey the value of your book to potential buyers.

When gathering testimonials, focus on quotes that highlight specific aspects of your book, such as the writing style, character development, or the practical advice it offers. A testimonial that says, “This book completely changed how I approach productivity!” is more compelling than a generic statement like, “Great book.”

If your book has been endorsed by well-known figures, influencers, or experts in your genre, make sure to highlight these endorsements prominently. A testimonial from a respected individual can lend significant credibility to your book and influence the purchasing decisions of potential readers.

It’s also a good idea to update your testimonials regularly. As more people read and enjoy your book, continue to gather fresh testimonials that reflect the latest feedback. This keeps your sales page dynamic and shows potential readers that your book is still relevant and well-received.

Case Studies

If you’ve written self-help manuals or non-fiction books that offer practical advice or solutions, creating case studies or success stories can be an incredibly powerful form of social proof. Case studies demonstrate how your book has positively impacted readers’ lives, providing concrete evidence that your content delivers on its promises.

To create a case study, start by reaching out to readers who have experienced significant results from applying the principles in your book. Ask them to share their stories, including the challenges they faced, the steps they took based on your advice, and the outcomes they achieved. Be sure to obtain their permission to share their story, and consider offering a free book or other incentive as a thank you.

Once you’ve gathered a few success stories, compile them into case studies that you can share on your website, blog, or social media. Each case study should be concise, focused, and structured in a way that highlights the problem, solution, and results. Including testimonials or quotes from the individuals involved can further enhance the credibility of your case studies.

Case studies not only provide potential readers with evidence of your book’s effectiveness but also create an emotional connection by showing real-life examples of how others have benefited from your work. This can be particularly persuasive for readers who are on the fence about purchasing your book.