Joseph Andrews (Unabridged) - Henry Fielding - Hörbuch

Joseph Andrews (Unabridged) Hörbuch

Henry Fielding

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In one of the first novels in the English language, we follow the picaresque adventures of Joseph Andrews, a virtuous young man who is keen to maintain his innocence, despite being coerced into bed by nearly every woman he encounters. The episodic journey sees him head home to London with his tutor, Parson Adams, with the aim of finding his sweetheart, Fanny. Much mayhem ensues along the way as they become embroiled in a series of escapades and slapstick brawls. Fielding is an expert satirist and through the many twists and turns of narration, he combines high and low literature with high and low humour to create a witty novel that he aptly named a 'comic epic poem in prose’.

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Zeit:13 Std. 32 min

Sprecher:John Telfer
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