Learn to Play the Classics Toccata and Fugue Edition - Johann Sebastian Bach - E-Book

Learn to Play the Classics Toccata and Fugue Edition E-Book

Johann Sebastian Bach

9,49 €

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The famous German Composer, Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Toccata
and Fugue BWV 565", demonstrates his skill in keyboard composition,
making it a great piece for Novice Pianists of any age, to explore the world of Baroque Music.

Get to know this timeless piece, easily with the Letter Names embedded in each Note Head for Quick and Easy Reading.

Learning to play the Piano can be a challenging and time-consuming process, especially for beginners.
With the innovative approach of embedding letter names in each Note Head, reading music becomes quick and easy.
This method allows players to easily identify the correct notes and by associating each note with its corresponding letter name, beginner Pianists can quickly grasp the fundamentals of sight-reading.

Whether you are just starting out, or looking to enhance your musical abilities, this simplified approach provides a fun and effective way to learn without feeling overwhelmed.
So why not give it a try? With SilverTonalities, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can progress and start playing your favorite pieces with confidence!

Embark on your musical journey with SilverTonalities' "Little Pear Tree" Series. This series offers a wide range of genres and teaches fundamental techniques and skills required for aspiring pianists to expand their musical horizons in an engaging and systematic manner. The Little Pear Tree series is an invaluable resource that will have something to offer for everyone. So, collect them all and start tickling those ivories!

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