Marte Meo in practice - Mette Isager - E-Book

Marte Meo in practice E-Book

Mette Isager

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Marte Meo Method used in Stimulating a Child's Language Development.

Das E-Book Marte Meo in practice wird angeboten von BoD - Books on Demand und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
Marte Meo, language development, Basic skills Marte Meo, Bilingual education, Functional language learning

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Seitenzahl: 48

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Table of Content

1. Marte Meo Method

2. The Functional View of Language

3. Key Concepts in the Marte Meo Method


Good Tunes

Good Faces


Clear Start, Clear End, Clear Structure


See, Wait, Follow the Child's Initiatives


Detailed Guidance

Making Connections

Linking Up


4. Conclusion

5. Literature

The text is translated from danish to English via chat gpt

1. Marte Meo Method

The path is long through teaching, short and successful through example


Marte Meo comes from Latin and means 'by one's own strength.' Marte Meo is a development-supporting program developed in the Netherlands by Maria Aarts. The Marte Meo method uses video recordings as a tool to support and develop relationships between children and adults. The Marte Meo method is used around the world in approximately 35 countries. It is utilized by educators, teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, family therapists, health nurses, nursing home staff and many other professional groups.

The purpose of this small book is to provide examples of the application of the main elements of the Marte Meo method applied in language stimulation for children. The material is intended for educators and others interested in language stimulation. The book presents the basic, simple Marte Meo elements for inspiration and implementation in daily pedagogical work, without necessarily requiring one to be a trained Marte Meo therapist or have attended courses on the method. Maria Aarts has taught me to build on what one already know and therefore, I use the method as a linguistic consultant in my many years of work with language stimulation for monolingual and multilingual children as a speech therapist and linguist.

I use Marte Meo elements, among other things, as part of the subsequent pedagogical action plan when, after a language assessment, I supervise and provide advice on relevant language stimulation for each individual child. Learning the Marte Meo method involves intensive training by analyzing, clip by clip, what happens in the film you have recorded of a child in an interaction context. This process is called interaction analysis.

The actual acquisition of the Marte Meo method occurs during the analysis of video recordings, where very small clips are used to specifically analyze what happens in the video recording. By going through the film in tiny segments, the focus is on the interaction between child-adult or child-child.

We refer to this formula in the program as "ACTION - REACTION" – and look which MARTE MEO ELEMENTs are developed, and which MARTE MEO ELEMENTS can be supported in the child’s development.

2. The functional view of Language

When children , through their behavior, indicates a need for help, particularly in developing communicative and functional language, one can examine the child's interactions using video recordings from everyday life. Interaction analysis describes the communicative competencies and skills the child has developed and identifies the specific support the child needs for further development, both linguistically and in a broader sense.

2.Functional Language Perspective

A functional language perspective means that a child needs to learn language with the aim of communicating with different conversation partners. Children need to communicate with various close individuals, and bilingual children also need to communicate with people who speak different languages.

In the latest research on second language acquisition, they talk about educational, linguistic, social learning. English studies show that a child's linguistic, social, and intellectual development is a complex combination of competencies that are constantly changing with the child's life situation. We develop through imitation, interaction, communication and cooperation.

Language is an essential means of bonding children in social groups. Children who feel recognized through social relationships and the communication that takes place here, learn better in general. They also learn the language associated with new topics more effectively.

The first language acquisition originates from the child's communicative interactions with parents or other close individuals. Therefore, parents are encouraged to speak the language they are most comfortable with, usually their native language. We talk about giving the child the lullaby as a gift.

Parents are informed that the child acquires language by having someone to talk WITH and something to talk ABOUT. This way, children are supported in acquiring communicative skills so they can function linguistically in various environments and contexts.

Language stimulation should be based on the child's everyday life at home and in daycare. Language stimulation is therefore organized based on concrete experiences and stimuli, where words are associated with all of the child's actions and experiences.

The special pedagogical task when working with children is to develop an education that supports both the child's first and potentially second language, as well as supporting overall development in a multicultural or multilingual upbringing. Language-stimulating activities are planned in close connection with the content of the educational curricula developed by the daycare institution.

The essence of a functional language perspective is that language and action are interconnected. When assessing a child's first and second language, more emphasis is placed on the content of the language rather than the form. The semantic field is prioritized. We talk about the narrative in the language.

It's important that we evaluate a child's language based on the functional language perspective. All children develop at different rates, both in terms of language and other developmental areas. The assessment of a child's language development aims to enhance the pedagogical efforts for each child, ensuring they are linguistically well-prepared for school.

That's why I have always advocated that if we need to assess a child's language development, we should do it in the most natural, functional context possible. Criticism of functional language assessment has been that it is time-consuming, involving filming and then analyzing various communicative skills of the child.