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The Numerology – How to Gain Deep Insight into Yourself, the World, and Your Place in It Through Numbers Do you believe nothing happens merely by chance? That your life, the world, and the entire universe follow a grand, eternal system in which everything has its place? And do you long for nothing more than to peek behind the scenes of this all-encompassing order? Then you've found the perfect key in numerology, and this book will show you how to use it with ease! Numbers are everywhere, numbers are eternal, and they describe even the smallest aspect of our existence: This is the teaching of numerology. For thousands of years, numerologists have used it to describe every detail of our world with astonishing accuracy. And the best part: you can also learn to do this yourself with ease! You don't need any prior knowledge or special talent—this book's clear explanations will show you how to tap into the wisdom of numbers for your own life. Discover what your life path number, name number, and more are all about, and be amazed by how much these numbers can reveal. Character traits, weaknesses, talents, beliefs, or even the big question of the perfect relationship—numbers offer practical guidance in every life situation. Sound a bit like hocus-pocus? Give it a try and see for yourself how, throughout many cultures and for a very long time, numbers have played a crucial role and will soon become indispensable in your everyday life as well! What's it all about? Learn everything about the origins and principles of this numerical teaching and become a numerology expert in no time. Meaning and Application: Get to know the numerological square, number combinations, angel numbers, and much more; determine your personal numbers; and lay the foundation for practical everyday use. The Life Path Number: Find out how overwhelmingly significant this number is for your life and what it reveals about your character, social relationships, life tasks, and much more. Get Active! Your name number, initiation number, talent number, relationship number, and more will help you work actively on your life's purpose and benefit from your newfound knowledge in everyday life. Be inspired by the power and wisdom of numbers, and dare to step into a whole new level of conscious living. You'll find the perfect starting point in the bonus section's Soul Cure, which—through selected exercises, meditations, and prompts—will grant you a fascinating glimpse into your personality over the course of 30 days. So what are you waiting for? Click on "Buy Now with 1-Click" and soon embark on your personal life path with eyes wide open!
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Numerology for beginners
The practice book
How to understand your character with life numbers, discover hidden talents and gifts and follow your life path
Sophia Perlich
All advice in this book has been carefully considered and checked by the author and the publisher. However, no guarantee can be given. The author and publisher therefore accept no liability for any personal injury, property damage or financial loss.
Numerology for beginners - The practice book Copyright © 2022 Sophia Perlich
All rights reserved, in particular the right to reproduce and distribute the translation. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by photocopy, microfilm or any other process) or stored, processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without the written permission of the publisher.
For questions and suggestions: [email protected] Edition 2022
The world of numbers
What you can expect in this book
Numerology: What is it all about?
Rediscovering ancient knowledge: numerology in history
Numbers and their meanings
Single-digit numbers
Multi-digit numbers
Number combinations
The numerological square
Application of numerology
The psychological significance of numerology
The meaning of the birth number
Recurring combinations
Angel numbers
Numerological counselling
The life figures
Numerology of life number 1 - Energetic champion
Numerology of the life number 2 - Sensitive harmoniser
Numerology of the life number 3 - Fantastic ingenuity
Numerology of life number 4 - Constant confidant
Numerology of the Life Number 5 - The Daring Independent
Numerology of life number 6 - Altruistic protector
Numerology of the life number 7 - Sensitive thinker
Numerology of the life number 8 - Self-confident ruler
Numerology of the life number 9 - Good Samaritan
Numerology of the life number 11 - Open-minded fellow human being
Numerology of the life number 22 - Righteous Practitioner
Numerology of the life number 33 - Creative Supporter
Personality analysis and numerology
The facets of personality
The name number
Soul number - The expression of our soul
Intensity number - The vibration that connects the soul number and the life number
Recognising your life's purpose and walking the path of your own life
The initiation number - Understanding the spiritual side of the soul
The talent number - recognising gifts and talents
The professional number - the expression in the profession
The expression number - My effect on the outside world
Numerology and relationships
Compatibility and number combinations
The relationship number
The guiding principle of the relationship
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship
Relationships as a development task
Personal development and numerology
Recognising and mastering your own development task A 30-day cure for the soul
The structure of the soul cure
Soul number 1:
Soul number 2:
Soul number 3:
Soul number 4:
Soul number 5:
Soul number 6:
Soul number 7:
Soul number 8:
Soul number 9:
here is one question that every single person on earth has probably asked themselves or will ask themselves at least once in their life. Regardless of gender, age, place of residence, marital status, religion, income, origin, profession and so on - the question has preoccupied all of humanity since time immemorial.
What is the meaning of life?
The possible answers are just as varied as the question itself. Most people do not find an answer that satisfies them and only a few gain an insight into what it might mean to come closer to answering the question.
But what fascinates us so much about the meaning of our existence? Isn't it enough that we are here and can do what we do day in, day out? Isn't it enough just to live?
Humanity is a species that wants to get to the bottom of things, that wants to find out what is behind everything. We have a natural curiosity that wants to be satisfied. It's not enough for us to get up, go to work, come home, eat and go to sleep, only to repeat the whole thing the next day. It's not enough to just accept things and not question anything.
There must be a reason why humans exist and why each and every one of us is so different, so individual, so special. There are no two of us the same in this big, wide world - isn't that fascinating? But what is it that makes us different from one another?
It is our purpose. It is the missing link in answering the question of the meaning of life. Even if the possible answers are seemingly unlimited, our purpose is closely linked to the reason for our existence.
We were created to pursue and fulfil our destiny. All the qualities, talents and even our supposed faults and flaws exist for one reason: to fulfil our highly individual destiny. All the facets that make up our personality, the good and the bad, add up to an overall picture: the wonderful person that we are.
here is one factor in the cosmos that is able to describe the essential structure of all life: Numbers. Not only are they the quantity that underlies everything that exists, but they can also characterise every person with their typical character traits. Numbers have the power to identify our purpose - the meaning of our lives. Over the millennia that mankind has populated the earth, there have always been personalities, events and destinies that have caught the attention of attentive observers. They have always been in search of the common denominator that determines this force behind the path of life and gently guides people's existence.
A lot of time passed, but the observers realised that human life is not shaped by concepts such as chance or randomness. Rather, there seems to be a pattern behind it that can describe people's circumstances and characteristics with astonishing accuracy using numbers. Numerology investigates precisely this mystery.
Each number has an underlying meaning that corresponds to its vibration. Numbers symbolise certain values, characteristics and functions. In terms of a person's personality, numerology is actually able to describe our character in astonishingly precise detail. But that's not all: depending on which numbers can be assigned to us, we receive detailed information about our origins, our challenges and developmental tasks, our inclinations and, above all, our destiny. Numerology tells us which talents and gifts lie dormant within us, the awakening of which leads to the fulfilment of our destiny - to the answer to the central question of humanity: the meaning of life.
Firstly, you will learn what numerology is all about and how it came about. You will gain an insight into the meaning of the numbers before we move on to the practical part of the book. The application of numerology is comprehensive and extremely versatile: find out which life number can be assigned to you and what it tells you about your personality. With the help of various numerological numerical values, you will receive a guide to comprehensively analysing your character, looking at all areas from talents and gifts to external effects, spirituality, creativity and family to the developmental task of your soul. But that's not all: find out what influence the numbers have on people and their social relationships. Last but not least, a bonus section awaits you. The Soul Cure, which accompanies you for 30 days, helps you with detailed step-by-step instructions for exercises, meditations and rituals to master your soul task.
This book not only introduces you to the theory of numerology, but also provides you with valuable knowledge on how to apply the symbolism of numbers in your own life. After reading the following pages, you will be able to determine your personal numbers and thus interpret your entire life with all its facets.
Come with us on a journey that will reveal your purpose in life. Find out what makes you who you are, what talents you possess and what challenges will enable you to reach a new level of personal development if you master them. Satisfy your curiosity and make the acquaintance not only of your higher self, but also of your soul and your destiny.
numerology is a science based on the assumption that the universe and the individual psychic level of human beings follow a certain pattern. They have a structure and order that excludes random and arbitrary life paths. Accordingly, numerology assumes that we can uncover this pattern with the help of numbers so that our fate and destiny are revealed to us. The term numerology comes from Latin and can be translated as follows: "numero" stands for "number" and "logos" for "teaching" - combined, this results in the teaching of numbers.
Numerology can be described as a kind of number interpretation system, which enables us to identify certain characteristics of a person based on the numbers assigned to them. Another term that describes this topic is number symbolism. It is a synonym for numerology and deals with the meaning behind the individual numbers and the combinations of these.
A person's path in life is determined at birth. This does not mean that fate is rigid and inevitable, but the rough direction of our existence is already sealed with our first breath. Nevertheless, numerology does not exclude our free will. We are still free to make our own decisions and determine our own actions. However, the numbers build a bridge between the course of our lives and our inherent characteristics. The numbers give us a rough direction or a status report on the starting position of our being. They tell us who we are and what defines us.
Numerology is a tool for revealing and interpreting the traits that make us a unique human being. Thanks to it, we can not only make a connection between our characteristic traits and our destiny, but also reveal our talents and gifts. The numbers tell us what predispositions we have, making it easier for us to discover and fulfil our purpose in this life. We also learn something about our social skills and our relationships with other people. Numerology even makes predictions about our lives: Do we harmonise with this one person? What can we expect in the future? Which profession could possibly be promising?
Due to these characteristics, numerology is related to astrology. Horoscopes always incorporate the meanings of numbers into their interpretations. Most people do not realise that numbers have always been surrounded by cultural, religious and mystical significance. Ever since the discovery of numbers, observers have recognised that there is a connection between them, people and their life events. They reflect people holistically, both internally and externally. Not only are people's thoughts and character traits revealed by the numbers, but they also reveal something about their actions and dealings with other people as well as life circumstances.
This detailed data is determined using the name and date of birth. The letters are converted into numbers which, by calculating the sum of the digits, result in a specific numerical value, which in turn stands for typical characteristics and vibrations. These vibrations are unmistakable and run through a person's entire life. Regardless of whether they are interacting with a counterpart or solving an everyday problem - the vibration characterises their thoughts and actions.
Numerology not only gives us information about ourselves, which themes determine our lives and which qualities or weaknesses we have, but also in which areas of life we show ourselves in which way. These include health and nutrition, interpersonal relationships, talents, career and finances. All this information mainly describes our nature, i.e. the predispositions we were born with, as well as our archetype.
The term archetype comes from the ancient Greek (ἀρχέτυπον archétypon), and can be translated as 'archetype, original'. It stands for a perfect and abstract idea of a figure that is characterised by its ideal-typical characteristics and abilities. The classic examples of archetypes include the wise man, the warrior, the innocent and many more. Each of these figures is characterised by its typical quality, which can only be attributed to it. The explorer, for example, seeks adventure, the creator stands for innovation and the rebel fights for freedom, while the lover embodies qualities such as intimacy and care. In terms of numerology, categorising the numbers into archetypes allows us to make clear distinctions and gain a better understanding of the typical characteristics that the numbers reflect.
What the interpretation of the numbers also does is that we learn more about the starting point of our lives. It also gives us a tool with which we can better understand and comprehend life itself. Thanks to numerology, we can put events and situations that happen to us into context with our life path. It provides us with information on how we can use our strengths to achieve our goals, make the right decisions, follow our destiny and recognise our mission in life.
Personality traits and patterns of belief and behaviour are uncovered that do not always serve us and sometimes even stand in our own way. We are often unaware of our own unconscious character traits, which significantly influence our way of thinking and our behaviour. What if we could let go of these negative traits and finally decide more freely? What would our lives look like if we accepted our weaknesses and emphasised our strengths? Becoming aware of these characteristics is the first step towards change, because then we can start to work on ourselves. Self-reflection and inner work as a process of further development are important tools here.
Each of us is characterised by emotional wounds and external influences that can affect us to a greater or lesser extent. They often serve as a learning task that allows us to grow and take a step further on our life path. We can finally understand why certain things keep happening to us, why we keep coming across a certain type of person or why we have to overcome certain challenges. The path of life gives us a clue as to the direction our existence is taking and, above all, where we are at the moment. Are we going in the right direction or are we still resisting our destiny? Are we frantically chasing after a goal that is simply not meant for us, or are we following our destiny with confidence?
In esoteric circles, numerology, like astrology, is regarded as a fairly accurate interpretation of life's circumstances. Anyone who has access to this type of consciousness and is not averse to spiritual knowledge will quickly realise how accurate the information based on numbers is.
But even in the exoteric sphere of society, many people fall back on this knowledge time and again. Whether in the recruitment of new staff to determine the applicant's talents or in a new romantic relationship to determine compatibility - even if it is not always obviously communicated, the symbolism of numbers is constantly used to help. We find numerology again and again in everyday life: upcoming company start-ups or the hiring of a company boss are rarely left to chance and checked with the numbers. Another example is the number 13, which is considered an unlucky number and is therefore often not to be found in hotel rooms, as a floor in high-rise buildings or as a seat on an aeroplane. The numbers 3 and 7 are also repeatedly used in children's fairy tales, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or the three tests that many fairy tale heroes have to pass. In occultism, for example, 33 plays a major role.
As you can see, number symbolism is used in many different ways, and not only in spiritual circles. Even if Western society rarely recognises a connection between numerology and the phenomena of life, it still makes use of its interpretations in many different ways.
We tend to identify ourselves with our name, profession, family status and material possessions. This manifests itself in the moments when we are asked who we are and we reply with answers such as "I am Max", "I am an entrepreneur" or "I am a father". Numerology also invites us to identify with a specific number. We could say "I am a 41 / 5" or "I am a 30 / 3". But all these terms and labels, which we believe describe our being, our essence, cannot do us justice. Our personality is far too complex, making it impossible to break it down into a few characteristics or even a number.
Other people are also fathers, are called Max, are entrepreneurs or have 41 / 5 as their life number, but it is obvious that these people are not identical. So there must be other things that make us different, which means that there must be more behind the superficial character traits and material possessions that describe our nature and our life path. The life of each and every one of us earthlings is shaped by different factors such as culture, family, heredity, childhood, values, interests and beliefs. This means that every life is unique and takes a unique course.
This also applies to people who have the same name numbers or life numbers. Numerology is only one part of the approach, it is only one way of analysing life. Even if we can distinguish between oak and fir trees in the forest, for example, there are no two identical oak or fir trees. It is the same with our own identity. You are unique in the world and cannot be compared to anyone or anything else, yet your life path resembles a pattern that connects you to other people with the same life number. Your decisions and reactions to certain circumstances can therefore differ fundamentally from those of others, even though you have the same combination of numbers.
Numerology should neither reduce you to a few character traits nor prescribe a fixed path in life. Avoid pigeonholing and always incorporate these considerations into your personal numerology.
Numerology is an important part of our everyday lives that we simply cannot imagine life without - and has been ever since man discovered numbers. What would we do nowadays without knowing the time? How would we calculate the statics of houses, the turnover and profits of companies or the payload of cars? Would we even be able to understand physics in such detail without numbers and equations? And these are just a few areas of our society that could not exist without the theory of numbers.
Numerology as we know it today is made up of the approaches of Babylonian numerology, Pythagoras and his disciples. These concepts are also based on an astrological understanding that originated many thousands of years ago in some parts of the world. We will now take a closer look at how exactly the numbers were discovered and how numerology later developed from this.
A look at the history of numerology takes us back to the advanced civilisations of the Orient, around 4,000 to 2,000 BC. In the region of Mesopotamia, today's Iraq, some of the oldest signs have been found that suggest the first use of numbers and the first calculations. Many thousands of years ago, mankind was already aware of the connection between numbers and the cosmos, so that the profession of astrologer, who analysed the vibrations of life, became widespread. The Babylonians also assigned special meanings to certain numbers, which is why they are described as the pioneers of number mysticism.
The fact that certain qualities are attributed to numbers is therefore by no means a new development, as the connection between numbers and mysticism has existed since the early days of their use. History reveals that ancient Egypt, India and the Orient were dedicated to the esoteric level of numbers. This was presumably based on the connection with astrology, i.e. the observation of the heavens.
Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek mathematician and philosopher who is still a household name for most people today. He lived from around 570 to 510 BC and spent a lot of time travelling and gaining knowledge, including in the Orient. In addition to his scientific work as a mathematician, he devoted a large part of his life to philosophy. He came to the realisation that numbers are the basis of the entire universe: Arithmetic and geometry, together with philosophy and religion, form an inseparable unity. Pythagoras, who according to most sources is known as the discoverer of numerology due to his views, was a scientist through and through and yet he was aware of the natural order of the universe and the spiritual significance of numbers. As the father of mathematics, he believed that everything and every process could be expressed in numerical values. The approach on which this concept was based was the assumption that everything that exists - be it thoughts, things, sensations, properties or ideas - is not only symbolised but also interpreted by the numbers from 1 to 9.
While other philosophers saw the basic element in water, fire or air, for example, Pythagoras believed that the basic principle of all existing things lay in numbers. He assumed that everything in nature could be described and explained with the help of numbers.
In accordance with the natural law "as above, so below", which states that the cosmic laws are reflected on earth, man also receives the vibrations of the universe. This means that his life is symbolised by the numbers that result from his name and date of birth. Pythagoras believed that a person's character also vibrates in a special way that can be expressed in numbers. These provide information about the qualities that characterise a person's personality. The mathematician attributed a special meaning to the numbers from 1 to 9 and shared this knowledge with his many students. He based this approach on the fact that these numbers form a complete cycle of vibration, as all existing numbers can be traced back to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is possible by forming the cross sum, which plays a major role in numerology when determining personal numerical values, as we will see later in the book.
The cross sum makes it possible to obtain a single-digit result from a multi-digit number by adding it together. For example, 15 becomes 6 by adding 1 to 5. Using the same principle, 825 becomes 15 and finally 6.
After Pythagoras' lifetime, similar approaches to number mysticism were found in the teachings of Plato, a philosopher who lived around 428 to 348 BC. His knowledge was also based on the assumption that numbers were the primal principle of the cosmos and that beauty and truth could be understood through their representation. In the Roman Empire, it was also one of the tasks of the priests to interpret numbers in the context of numerology. Publius Nigidius Figulus, Plutarch and Nicomachus of Gerasa are just three names of influential teachers from around 100 BC to 200 AD who uncovered the spiritual side of numbers in the spirit of Pythagoras.
Arabs and Islamic culture also had an influence on the teaching of numbers. When Greek mathematics met Arab scholars, a new way of looking at numbers emerged.
Galileo Galilei, a scientist who is still well-known today and who lived from 1564 to 1642, was also not unimpressed by the mysticism of numbers, which is why he pursued the exploration of these. However, as these approaches were categorised as occultism at the time, important individuals only pursued these topics in secret so as not to risk their high reputation in public. Numerology was further influenced by the Kabbalah, which is a philosophical and theological component of Judaism and deals with the knowledge of God. Within this system, there is talk of the tree of life with its so-called 10 knots and the 22 paths that connect these points. Later, a Christian form of Kabbalah also developed, which was used in the 19th and 20th centuries for the interpretation of numbers within numerology.
Count Louis Hamon, known under the pseudonym Cheiro from 1866 to 1939, was a highly respected numerologist and also formed the symbolism of numbers as we know them today. Through his work, which was based on a system without the number 9, the world learnt of a profound spiritual connection between the numbers and the vibration of the universe.
Today's system of numbers can be traced back to a central origin: Pythagoras. Furthermore, many cultures and scholars influenced the mysticism of numbers as we know it today. One important aspect that has since been integrated is the psychological aspect. As a result, numerology is now recognised in spiritual circles as a tool for exploring oneself more deeply: The symbolism of numbers enables us to get to know ourselves better and to come to terms with our innate inclinations, behaviours and talents. Some even speak of the science of character when it comes to numerology.
numerology tells us that every number has its own profound meaning. Depending on which numbers are linked to us, for example through our date of birth or name, we receive a lot of information about our character, strengths, weaknesses, talents and much more. Let us now delve into the meaning of the individual numbers.
The single-digit numbers from 1 to 9 form the basis of every analysis according to numerology. Each individual digit has both a positive and negative side within its assigned characteristics, which makes it come alive. Everything in the world, including us humans, has several sides, because nothing can simply be one-sidedly good or bad. People always have several characteristics that are perceived as positive and negative, so that every personality has a light and a dark side.
The aspects of the individual numbers presented here are based on their respective vibrations. This energy is like a signature that is not only found in numbers, but also describes every object, every person, every word and everything else that surrounds us. Based on this "fingerprint", numerologists have succeeded over the centuries in establishing certain connections between character traits, behaviour, people, life circumstances, talents and much more.
Single digit number
Positive characteristics
Negative properties
Determined, ambitious, expressive, communicative, independent, individual, pioneering, critical, proactive, leading
Aggressive, selfish, stubborn, wilful
Adaptable, intuitive, diplomatic, mediating, co-operative, able to bond, empathetic, partner-like, considerate, balanced
Moody, insecure, self-sacrificing, passive, impressionable, conflict-avoidant
Creative, inspiring, tolerant, relaxed, expressive, fun-loving, interactive, social, communicative, eloquent
Scattered, inconsistent, impatient
Tidy, structured, persistent, neutral, generous, helpful
Judgemental, stubborn
Visionary, adventurous, liberal, passionate, cosmopolitan, constructive
Impulsive, restless, unrestrained, disorganised, isolative, unreliable, unstable
Protective, balanced, harmonious, idealistic, willing to make sacrifices, compassionate, responsible, social, sympathetic
Anxious, perfectionist, stubborn, disillusioned, self-satisfied
Understanding, intellectual, hard-working, fair, sensitive, aware, balanced, analytical, inquisitive
quiet, hypersensitive, isolative, arrogant, resigned
Pragmatic, authoritarian, status-orientated, logical, strategic, searching, materialistic, just
Dominant, aggressive, hard, gloating, intolerant, unpredictable
authentic, natural, human, creative, grounded
vain, arrogant, egotistical