On the Prowl (for #3) - Ida J - E-Book

On the Prowl (for #3) E-Book

Ida J



The prowl is a matter of instinct. While scoping out potential hookups at a Pornceptual Party in Amsterdam centre, Ida J. and her handsome partner Jared catch sights of Viktoria, a sexy vixen in black fetish wear. They know they must make their move on this techno Amy Winehouse as soon as possible. They exchange a few words and dance together. Their bodies close and sweaty; their movements intensely erotic, arousing the desire to take the girl to bed. This is only their first meeting, and Viktoria evades sleeping with two strangers. On New Year's Eve, Ida J. and Jared meet Viktoria at another sex party. The club is a place of discovery and in the basement, the three find themselves in a discreet darkroom - Viktoria at the center of their affections. After an intense hookup, Ida J. desires more, but must wait for several months before Jared and her come across Viktoria at a private club. After some intense heavy petting, Jared gets the nerve to ask the girl home. The three find themselves in bed, removing all their club clothes and Ida J. straps on a sexy accessory. The dynamic is just so right.

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For #3

Ida J

Artcover: Ray Litsala


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

Viktoria. Our story about her begins at an early Amsterdam edition of Pornceptual, held at a trashy, but fun gay club in Amsterdam centre. Unlike the bar down the road, this one isn’t full of straight tourists and is much more sex-oriented. Every night of the week is aimed to appeal to very specific demographics and desires - naked night; a sex party for the pos crowd; Butch and Bear night; Twink night; even a slave auction…

In many ways, it’d be nice to be a gay man, all those fabulous parties and the saunas. The sexual baseline is so open, equal to all these men. As someone who enjoys prowling darkrooms, and attending sex parties unaccompanied, my identity as a woman is often beset with frustration. Still, when the opportunity arises, I go for it.

These days, I mostly have Jared in tow anyways, my number one partner in crime. This is a relatively recent phenomenon; Jared and I have had a very intense, but rather erratic relationship for around a year and a half. Now it appears we’re getting more serious, spending all our time together, although it’s officially an open relationship, and we live apart. But, what’s a label worth?

It’s the first time Jared and I have come to this club together. Both of us have been here separately before; Jared wandered here on an odd exploration after moving to the city; I, rather surprisingly, came with colleagues (but that’s another filthy story).

For Jared, these sex parties are always an interesting experience. As a somewhat bisexual man (masculine but in pretty way), he tends to feel somewhat too straight. It’s funny; fairly often he’s assumed to be gay - pretty face, great body, with some femininity to his mannerisms born of his innate flamboyance. But in reality, he’s probably 70% straight, with rather eclectic taste in women (and certainly not lacking any attention from them). He’s really only into a very specific type of man, pretty-faced and muscular like he is, so the wider spectrum of humans in this very overtly sexual context doesn’t usually incite wild enthusiasm.