Trash Porn - Ida J - E-Book

Trash Porn E-Book

Ida J



After breaking-up with her semi-serious girlfriend, Ida J. meets up with her handsome boyfriend Damian. Together they decide the only way to get over the break-up of their sexy threesome is the dingy swingers club up the road. The night starts off with much scepticism in the midst of the grungy and unkempt bar, and just as the two friends are about to leave, a sexy couple in their forties, Lars and Janneke, enter. They are the spitting image of a Berlinstyle Ken and Barbie, tattoos, piercings and spray tan galore. Their delicious boytoy, Chris, trails behind, but he is at the centre of their affections The five immediately hit it off. After a few rounds of cheap whiskey, they venture to the mysterious darkrooms in the bar's basement. Hand sanitiser abound, the group has more than a little fun as clothes fly off and blood pumps, but soon the group finds themselves at Ida J.'s apartment and continue until the sun rises. Ida J. and Damian aren't quite ready for sleep. They continue into the afternoon with the production of a homemade porno. And in the end, Ida J. could care less about that stupid little break-up.

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Ida J

Artcover: MyMay


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

My best friend has always said, “the most out of control nights happen on a Sunday.” And guess what? She’s right.

Returning from a solid week of partying in Berlin (on which more another time), I’m finally settled on my intention to end things with Selina. It’s long overdue. It’s been a wild one, everything, recently. My left knee is bandaged from an injury sustained during an ill-advised run in the Tempelhofer feld. The left side of my brain, actually, my entire mind is fried. I’m a right state, battered and bruised and relationship-miserable. After days of being a right bitch, ignoring Selina’s texts and whining to my Berlin best mate Alexander about the situation, I’ve finally made up my mind: I can’t continue seeing Selina.

She and Damian and I are in the midst of a whirlwind romance, one which is becoming a right pain in the arse to navigate. None of us are capable of communicating properly; we’re all too drunk and immature and narcissistic and insecure. I mean, it sounds harsh because we’re all actually nice, but none of us are properly equipped to deal with the intensity of a three-way relationship.

Selina is very, very pretty; almost (but not quite) enough to compensate for how goddamn passive aggressive she is. Undercut, porcelain skin, waist-hip ratio that would make Barbie sick to her shrunken stomach with jealousy. Big, voluptuous, velvet white ass, dark doe eyes (resentfully avoiding eye contact), cupid lips (pursed). The sex was great, but we haven’t had any in weeks. I had just got out of a long relationship with an absolute wanker who was in a bad mood all the time (and never want to have sex with me), I’m in no hurry to repeat the experience. And yet, I seem to be doing exactly that - I needed to get out, post-haste.