Photovoltaics | 101 - M.Eng. Johannes Wild - E-Book

Photovoltaics | 101 E-Book

M.Eng. Johannes Wild

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  • Herausgeber: 3DTech
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

Are you looking for a simple and understandable introduction to the basics of photovoltaics for beginners? Do you want to become independent of the power grid and electricity prices? Are you interested in planning and installing a do-it-yourself photovoltaic system to generate your own electricity? Would you like to learn all this and more in a professional way from an engineer?  
Then this book is for you, whether you are looking for a book on planning a stand-alone photovoltaic system (off-grid) or a grid-connected system (on-grid) with or without battery storage! This book is also good for anyone, who just wants to get some general information about the topic. As an engineer (M.Eng.), I would like to explain to you in this book how you can easily plan and install a photovoltaic system both for feeding electricity into the grid and for your home, motor home, garage, workshop, car, RV and so on. In this book we distinguish between off-grid and on-grid (grid-tied) solar systems. Two practical step-by-step examples (PV system for a tiny house and PV system for a house) will show you how to plan, build and install a solar system or PV system yourself.
Take a look inside now and get your copy!
What does Wp mean? What is the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline PV panels? Why do you need an inverter or a PWM or MPP charge controller and how do you connect these components? How do you add a battery storage to your PV system? All these questions and many more are answered step by step and in detail in this book. This book is very hands-on i.e., we will work with many images and practicable instructions. However, the theoretical basics will not be neglected. Especially on the first pages of the book you will get to know the most important electrotechnical basics concerning photovoltaics. In addition to these basics, special terms used for photovoltaic panels (e.g.: MPP, nominal power, open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, ...) will be explained to you. You will also learn about parallel and series connection of PV modules and battery storage, and their effect on current and voltage. Of course, we also take a look at the possibilities of mounting the PV modules on a roof. This handy book contains everything you need to know to be able to plan and install your own photovoltaic or solar system.
The benefits of this book at a glance:
- Step-by-step explanations of how to build a photovoltaic system and connect its components with guidance from an engineer (Master of Engineering).
- Hands-on learning with great example projects - step-by-step instructions.
- Understand both the electrical basics and the actual PV system design.
- Find an easy & quick introduction to the topic of photovoltaics.
- Simple and understandable explanations - perfect for laymen and even for general information purposes.

Learn everything important quickly! Compact and to the point on about 120 pages.


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Table of Contents

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1 Introduction

2 Fundamentals of electrical engineering and photovoltaics

2.1 Basic terms of electrical engineering

2.1.1 The electric charge

2.1.2 The electrical voltage

2.1.3 The current

2.1.4 The electrical power

2.1.5 The direct current (DC):

2.1.6 The alternating current (AC):

2.1.7 Voltage measurement and current measurement using a multimeter

2.1.8 Series connection and parallel connection

2.2 Fundamentals of semiconductors

2.3 Fundamentals of photovoltaics

2.4 Structure of a PV system, a PV module and a PV cell

3 A brief history of photovoltaic development

3.1 The different types of PV modules

3.1.1 Monocrystalline PV modules

3.1.2 Poly crystalline PV modules

3.1.3 Thin-film solar modules

3.2 Important key figures in connection with PV modules

4 PV systems and their components

4.1 On-grid vs. off-grid systems

4.1.1 DC coupled power storage

4.1.2 AC-coupled power storage system

4.2 The components of a PV system in detail

4.2.1 Photovoltaic modules & solar cables (1)

4.2.2 Module junction box with DC overvoltage protection (2)

4.2.3 DC-AC inverter (3)

4.2.4 Solar power meter (4)

4.2.5 AC overvoltage protection (5)

4.2.6 Main distribution (electricity box) with electricity meter (6)

4.2.7 House connection to the public power grid (7)

4.2.8 Equipotential bonding (grounding) (8)

4.2.9 Consumer (9)

4.2.10 Power storage (optional) (10)

4.2.11 Charge controller (only for current storage) (11)

4.2.12 Inverter/rectifier or voltage converter for battery storage (AC-DC converter or DC-DC converter) (12)

4.3 Assembly of the plant

4.3.1 Saddle roof mounting

4.3.2 Flat roof mounting

4.4 Acceptance and commissioning

4.5 Special form: Mini PV systems or balcony power plants

5 Practical example: Island system for mobile home or Tiny House

5.1 Planning, component selection and connection of the stand-alone PV system

5.1.1 Step 1: Estimating the power consumption

5.1.2 Step 2: Plan the system voltage

5.1.3 Step 3: Calculate the battery storage size

5.1.4 Step 4: Determine size and number of PV modules

5.1.5 Step 5: Charge controller

5.1.6 Step 6: Inverter

5.1.7 Step 7: Wiring or setting up the system

6 Planning a photovoltaic system for your own home

6.1 Step 1: Check installation site or roof surface

6.2 Step 2: Check irradiance

6.3 Step 3: Check current consumption or load to be connected

6.4 Step 4: Detailed planning

Closing words

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© 2023

Author and Editor: M.Eng. Johannes Wild


Email: [email protected]


The complete imprint of the book can be found on the last pages!


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1 Introduction

Photovoltaics can be understood as the process of converting sunlight into usable electricity. This type of electricity generation – along with other renewable energies, e.g., wind power and hydropower – has experienced strong growth in recent years due to its environmentally friendly technology. Power generation from sunlight using photovoltaic cells (a.k.a. solar cells) can be both off-grid and grid-tied. What these two terms mean, we will learn later. Photovoltaic cells are often colloquially referred to as solar cells, and a photovoltaic system is often referred to as a solar system. However, this umbrella term is also used for solar cells that are used to heat water (solar thermal). However, there is a clear and significant difference between these two systems (photovoltaic and solar thermal), both in terms of construction and operation. In fact, they are completely different systems (unless you use a photovoltaic system in combination with a heating rod to heat water). The only thing they have in common is that both systems use radiant energy from the sun. Photovoltaic uses this energy to generate electricity and solar thermal to heat water.

PV (photovoltaic) systems are widespread all over the world, both on a very small scale, e.g., as a balcony power plant with only one PV module to be connected to one's own household socket, and on a commercial scale, e.g. as a solar farm covering several hectares. With photovoltaic systems, the efficiency of power generation depends on the weather (solar radiation) on the one hand, and on the design of the system on the other. In order to achieve maximum energy yield, a performance analysis should always be carried out.

The performance ratio is one of the most important quality factors here for assessing the performance of a photovoltaic system. This so-called performance ratio is basically the ratio between the possible yield (target) of the installed power of a PV system and the actual yield (actual). But more about that later.

The modules of a PV system are usually fixed (at a certain angle). However, there are now new technologies that allow the PV system to track the sun's path so that it is always efficiently aligned. Fixed systems are usually installed at an angle that allows maximum power generation. The tilt angle of the solar modules depends on the location of the photovoltaic system. For example, if the photovoltaic system is located in the Southern Hemisphere (i.e., south of the equator: e.g., South Africa, Australia, Argentina), a north orientation may be appropriate. This is because in the Southern Hemisphere - south of the Tropic of Capricorn – the sun is in the north during the day (at noon), instead of in the south, as in Europe or the USA. Europe, Canada, the USA, and Mexico are located in the Northern Hemisphere, and a south-facing PV system is suitable here (in normal cases).

For PV systems with tracking (flexible orientation), a special algorithm is used to move the PV modules along the course of the sun. In this case, the PV modules are normally aligned to the east in the morning (sunrise) and move from the east to the west (sun's course). In this way, the PV modules are optimally oriented towards the sun throughout the day. This contributes to higher electricity generation. In addition, new technologies are also being used in the modules themselves to improve the efficiency of a system and thus increase electricity generation. Here one can mention bifacial solar modules, for example. The special feature of these modules is that they can be irradiated with sunlight not only on one side but can generate electricity on both sides of the module. In a certain arrangement, for example, the sun's rays that shine past the cell onto the ground can also be reflected onto the back of the PV panels and thus also be used to generate electricity.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, most of the world's energy has been generated using fossil fuels and nuclear power. Due to the dwindling resources of fossil fuels and their harmful effects on the environment, it is of enormous importance to drive an energy turnaround with the help of alternative sources for energy generation. As the demand for energy continues to increase while the energy market remains tight, solar energy is seen as one of the most important ways to generate sustainable electricity. For every nation and even for every household, a clean and cheap source of energy is essential for production (consumer goods) and supply (electric stove, refrigerator, ...). This book should help that we as individuals do not have to wait for the political energy turnaround but can actively shape it by meeting our energy needs with the help of the sun. In the following, we will first start with the most important electrotechnical basics for the topic of photovoltaics. Later on, we will take a look at the different types of PV modules, the installation of PV modules, the construction of an on-grid or off-grid PV system, with or without battery storage, all the necessary components, as well as the concrete composition of components for planning your own solar system. Two practical examples round off the content of the book in the final chapters.


2 Fundamentals of electrical engineering and photovoltaics

2.1 Basic terms of electrical engineering

In this chapter, we will discuss some basic electrical engineering terms that are essential for understanding how photovoltaic systems work and how they are calculated. Please note that this can only be a brief introduction to electrical engineering. If you do not have any knowledge in this field, you should consult an electrical engineering reference book beforehand.

Electrical engineering is significantly based on two fundamental physical quantities that are already dealt with in school – namely charge and energy (work). Andre Ampere was the first to discover these properties of electricity, which are used in the form of current and voltage for the analysis of electrical and electronic circuits.

2.1.1 The electric charge

Electric charge, measured in Coulombs (C) and described by the letter Q (or q), is a physical quantity that has the property of experiencing a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. What does this mean, and what is an electromagnetic field? An electromagnetic field is composed of an electric field and a magnetic field, which are coupled together. It is a kind of state of space or an area where accelerated charges are located. Humans cannot differentially perceive electromagnetic fields with their sense organs, except for the visible range, which everyone perceives as light. Today, it is hard to imagine life without electromagnetic fields. For example, every microwave works with the microwaves of the same name, and every cell phone also works with microwave radiation. The inverter of a photovoltaic system also generates an electromagnetic field.

There are two types of charges: positive (+) and negative (-). Equal charges repel each other, unequal charges attract each other. We come into contact with charges in our everyday lives more often than we would think. Who doesn't know the crackling and disheveled hair when you take off grandma's wool sweater? Or the small electric shock when touching a door handle or a metal part, if the combination between shoe sole and floor covering (e.g.,