Preface: Bibliographical.
Poems: Autobiographical.
Poems: Narrative.
Poems of Nature.
Poems of Love.
Poems: miscellaneous.
Preface: Bibliographical.
The text I have used for the following translations is that of the
edition of the complete works of Pushkin in ten volumes, 16mo., by
Suvorin, St. Petersburg, 1887. The poems form Volumes III. and IV.
that edition. Accordingly, I have designated after each heading,
volume, and page where the poem is to be found in the original.
for example, "My Muse, IV. 1," means that this poem is
found in Volume IV. of the above edition, page 1.2.
I have translated Pushkin literally word for word, line for line. I
do not believe there are as many as five examples of deviation from
the literalness of the text. Once only, I believe, have I
two lines for convenience of translation; the other deviations are
they are such) a substitution of an
for a comma in
order to make now and then the reading of a line musical. With
exceptions, I have sacrified
faithfulness of rendering. My object was to make Pushkin himself,
without a prompter, speak to English readers. To make him thus
in a foreign tongue was indeed to place him at a disadvantage; and
music and rhythm and harmony are indeed fine things, but truth is
finer still. I wished to present not what Pushkin would have said,
should have said, if he had written in English, but what he does
in Russian. That, stripped from all ornament of his wonderful
and grace of form, as he is in a translation, he still, even in the
hard English tongue, soothes and stirs, is in itself a sign that
through the individual soul of Pushkin sings that universal soul
whose strains appeal forever to man, in whatever clime, under
whatever sky.3.
I ask, therefore, no forgiveness, no indulgence even, from the
for the crudeness and even harshness of the translation, which, I
dare say, will be found in abundance by those who
for something
to blame. Nothing of the kind is necessary. I have done the only
thing there was to be done. Nothing more
be done (I
mean by me, of course), and if critics still demand more, they must
settle it not with me, but with the Lord Almighty, who in his grim,
yet arch way, long before critics appeared on the stage, hath
ordained that it shall be impossible for a thing to be and not to
at the same time.4.
I have therefore tried neither for measure nor for rhyme. What I
done was this: I first translated each line word for word, and then
by reading it aloud let mine ear arrange for me the words in such a
way as to make some kind of rhythm. Where this could be done, I was
indeed glad; where this could not be done, I was not sorry. It is
idle to regret the impossible.5.
That the reader, however, may see for himself what he has been
by my abstinence from attempting the impossible, I give one stanza
a metrical translation by the side of the literal
moment wondrous I rememberThou
before me didst appear,Like
a flashing apparition,Like
a spirit of beauty pure.METRICAL:[1]Yes!
I remember well our meeting,When
first thou dawnedst on my sight,Like
some fair phantom past me fleeting,Some
nymph of purity and light.Observe,
Pushkin the real does not appear before the reader with a solemn
affirmation, Yes, or No, nor that he remembers it
. He tells the
story in such a way that the reader knows without being told that
does indeed remember it well! Nor does he weaken the effect by
that he remembers the
, which is
too extended, but the
, which is
concentrated. And Pushkin's imagination was moreover too pure to
upon his sight. To have tried for a rendering which necessitated
its very limitations
would have been not only to libel poor Pushkin, but also to give
reader poor poetry besides.
Blackwood's Magazine, lviii. 35, July, 1845.6.
The translation being literal, I have been able to retain even the
punctuation of Pushkin, and especially his dots, of which he makes
such frequent use. They are part of his art; they express by what
they withhold. I call especial attention to these, as Pushkin is as
powerful in what he indicates as in what he shows, in what he
suggests as in what he actually says. The finest example of the
highest poetry of his
by his dots) is the poem I have entitled "Jealousy," to
which the reader is particularly requested to turn with this
commentary of mine (p. 114). The poet is melted with tenderness at
the thought of his beloved all alone, far-off, weeping. The
doubt suddenly overpowers him, that after all, perhaps his beloved
at that moment not alone, weeping for him, but in the arms of
... to lips of none she is yieldingHer
shoulders, nor moist lips, nor snow-white
fingers.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. .. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. .None
is worthy of her heavenly love.Is
it not so? Thou art alone. . . .
Thou weepest. . . .And
I at
peace? . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
. .But
if . . . . . . .One
must be all vibration in order to appreciate the matchless power of
the dots here. The poem here ends. I know not the like of this in
Wherever I could ascertain the date of a poem, I have placed it at
the end. The reader will thus at a glance find at least one of the
proper relations of the poems to the poet's soul. For this purpose
these two dates should be borne constantly in mind: Pushkin was
in 1799; he died in 1837.8.
To many of his poems Pushkin has given no name. To such, for the
reader's convenience I have supplied names, but have put them in
brackets, which accordingly are to be taken as indication that the
name they enclose is not Pushkin's. Many of his most beautiful
were addressed to individuals, and they appear in the original as
"Lines to ———." The gem of this collection, for
instance, to which I have supplied the title, "Inspiring
Love"—inadequate enough, alas!—appears in the original as
"To A. P. Kern." As none of these poems have any
bond with
the personages addressed, their very greatness lying in their
universality, I have supplied my own titles to such pieces, giving
the original title in a note.9.
It was my original intention to make a life of the poet part of
volume. But so varied was Pushkin's life, and so instructive
that only an extended account could be of value. What is worth
at all is worth doing well. A mere sketch would here, for various
reasons, be worse than useless. Critics, who always know better
an author ought to do than he himself, must kindly take this
assertion of mine, for the present at least, on trust, and assume
that I, who have done some thinking on the subject, am likely to
whereof I speak better than those whose only claim to an opinion is
that they have done no thinking on the subject, resembling in this
respect our modest friends, the agnostics, who set themselves up as
the true, knowing solvers of the problems of life, because,
they know nothing.... Anyhow, even at the risk of offending
I have decided to misstate myself by not giving the life of Pushkin
rather than to misstate poor Pushkin by giving an attenuated, vapid
thing, which passes under the name of a "Sketch." The world
judges a man by what is known of him, forgetting that underneath
thin film of the known lies the immeasurable abyss of the unknown,
and that the true explanation of the man is found not in what is
visible of him, but in what is invisible of him. Unless, therefore,
could present what is known of Pushkin in such a manner as to
the unknown (just as a study of nature should only help us to trust
that what we do
know of God is likewise good!) I have no business to tell of his
life. But to tell of it in such a way that it shall represent
Pushkin, and not misrepresent him, is possible only in an extended
life. Otherwise, I should be telling not how he was living, but how
he was starving, dying; and this is not an edifying task, either
the writer or for the reader.10.
Such a life is now well-nigh writ, but it is too long to make part
this volume.
Introduction: Critical
IDEAL.1. Pushkin was emphatically a subjective writer. Of intense
sensibility, which istheindispensable condition of creative genius, he was first of
all a feeler with an Æolian attachment. He did not even have to
take the trouble of looking into his heart in order to write. So
full of feeling was his heart that at the slightest vibration it
poured itself out; and so deep was its feeling that what is poured
out is already melted, fused, shaped, and his poems come forth,
like Minerva from Jupiter's head, fully armed. There is a
perfection about them which is self-attesting in its unstudiedness
and artlessness; it is the perfection of the child, touching the
hearts of its beholders all the more tenderly because of its
unconsciousness, effortlessness; it is the perfection which Jesus
had in mind when he uttered that sentence so profound and so little
followed because of its very profundity: "Unless ye be like little
children." So calm and poiseful is Pushkin's poetry that in spite
of all his pathos his soul is a work of architecture,—a piece of
frozen music in the highest sense. Even through his bitterest
agony,—and pathos is the one chord which is never absent from
Pushkin's song, as it is ever present in Chopin's strains, ay, as
it ever must be present in any soul that trulylives,—there runneth a peace, a
simplicity which makes the reader exclaim on reading him: Why, I
could have done the self-same thing myself,—an observation which is
made at the sight of Raphael's Madonna, at the oratory of a
Phillips, at the reading of "The Vicar of Wakefield," at the acting
of a Booth. Such art is of the highest, and is reached only through
one road: Spontaneity, complete abandonment of self. The verse I
have to think over I had better not write. Man is to become only a
pipe through which the Spirit shall flow; and the Spiritshallflow only where the resistance is
least. Ope the door, and the god shall enter! Seek not, pray not!
To pray is to will, and to will is to obstruct. The virtue which
Emerson praises so highly in a pipe—that it is smooth and hollow—is
the very virtue which makes him like Nature, an ever open, yet ever
sealed book. Bring to himyourtheories,yourpreconceived notions, and Emerson, like the great soul of
which he is but a voice, becomes unintelligible, confusing,
chaotic. The words are there; the eyes see them. The dictionary is
at hand, but nought avails; of understanding there is none to be
had. But once abandon will, once abandon self, once abandon opinion
(a much harder abandonment this than either!), and Emerson is made
of glass, just as when I abandonmylogic, God becomes transparent enough.... And what is true of
Emerson is true of every great soul.2. The highest art then is artlessness, unconsciousness. The
true artist is not the conceiver, the designer, the executor, but
the tool, the recorder, the reporter. He writes because write he
must, just as he breathes because breathe he must. And here too,
Nature, as elsewhere, hath indicated the true method. The most
vital processes of life are not the voluntary, the conscious, but
the involuntary, the unconscious. The blood circulates, the heart
beats, the lungs fill, the nerves vibrate; we digest, we fall
asleep, we are stirred with love, with awe, with reverence, without
our will; and our highest aspirations, our sweetest memories, our
cheerfullest hopes, and alas! also our bitterest self-reproaches,
come ever like friends at the feast,—uninvited. You can be happy,
blest at will? Believe it not! Happiness, blessednesswilledis not to be had in the market
at any quotation. It is not to be got. It comes. And it comes when
least willed. He is truly rich who has nought left to be deprived
of, nought left to ask for, nought left to will....3. Pushkin, therefore, was incapable of giving an account of
his own poetry. Pushkin could not have given a theory of a single
poem of his, as Poe has given of his "Raven." Poe's account of the
birth of "The Raven" is indeed most delightful reading. "I told you
so," is not so much the voice of conceit, of "I knew better than
thou!" but the voice of the epicurean in us; it is ever a delight
to most of us to discover after the event that we knew it all
before.... Delightful, then, it is indeed, to read Poe's theory of
his own "Raven;" but its most delightful part is that the theory is
a greater fiction than the poem itself. It is the poem that has
created the theory, not the theory the poem. Neither could Pushkin
do what Schiller has done: give a theory of a drama of his own. The
theory of Don Karlos as developed in Schiller's letters on that
play are writ not by Friedrich Schiller the poet, the darling of
the German land, the inspirer of the youth of all lan