PONS 5-Minuten-Lektüren Englisch A2 - The Black Sheep - PONS Langenscheidt GmbH - E-Book

PONS 5-Minuten-Lektüren Englisch A2 - The Black Sheep E-Book

PONS Langenscheidt GmbH



Haben Sie mal 5 Minuten? - Dann lesen Sie los!     - Lernen Sie mit 20 kurzen und einfachen Geschichten Großbritannien und seine Bewohner kennen. - Unbekannte Wörter? Kein Problem. Erschließen Sie neue Wörter und Wortfamilien mit anschaulichen und liebevoll illustrierten Mind-Maps – einfacher geht's nicht! - Über die Fußnoten können Sie zudem direkt zur Übersetzung am Ende des Kapitels springen und wieder zurück zur Geschichte. - Englischlernen in 5-Minuten-Häppchen - ideal für die Kaffeepause, die Wartezeit am Bus oder kurze Unterrichtseinheiten.

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PONS 5-Minuten-Lektüren ENGLISCHThe Black Sheep ... und viele weitere Kurzgeschichten aus dem englischen Alltag
von Dominic Butler
Alle Personen und Handlungen sind erfunden. Ähnlichkeiten mit lebenden oder verstorbenen Personen und tatsächlichen Begebenheiten wären rein zufällig.
3. Auflage 2019
© PONS Langenscheidt GmbH, Stöckachstraße 11, 70190 Stuttgart, 2019www.pons.deE-Mail: [email protected] Rechte vorbehalten.
eBook © 2022 Intangible Press
Projektleitung: Canan Eulenberger-ÖzdamarRedaktion: Joanne Popp editing etc., Korntal-MünchingenLogoentwurf: Erwin Poell, HeidelbergLogoüberarbeitung: Sabine Redlin, LudwigsburgLayout: Petra Michel, Essen

Die Geschichten

Perfekt für 5 Minuten!In diesem Buch finden Sie 20 kurze englische Geschichten, mit denen Sie wunderbar jede Pause, Wartezeit oder Busfahrt verkürzen können.

Mit locker-leichten Geschichten lernen Sie den englischen Alltag kennen und erweitern mühelos Ihren Englisch-Wortschatz zu grundlegenden Themen.

Lesefreundlich! Über die Fußnoten können Sie direkt zur Übersetzung am Ende des Kapitels springen und wieder zurück zur Geschichte, z.B.: house[1]. Manche Wörter sind farblich markiert. Das sind Wörter, die in den Mind-Maps auftauchen. Dazu mehr auf der nächsten Seite!

Die Mind-Maps

Das wird Ihr Gehirn lieben!Unser Gehirn freut sich über Strukturen. Es sortiert Dinge gerne in Gruppen ein, da es sie sich so leichter merken kann.

Wortfelder statt ListenAuch Wörter lassen sich in thematisch zusammenhängen den Gruppen viel einfacher lernen und merken als in umfangreichen Listen.

Natürlicher GedankengangWenn Sie an einen Begriff denken, dann meistens nicht an diesen allein! In der Regel haben Sie, wie auf einer Gedanken-Landkarte (Mind-Map), verwandte Dinge vor Augen.


1 The Black Sheep

MIND-MAP: describing people

2 An Easy Sell

MIND-MAP: flat

3 The Happy Accident

MIND-MAP: apologising

4 Strong, Confident, Calm

MIND-MAP: complaining

5 Doctor’s Orders

MIND-MAP: illness

6 Tell Me Again!

MIND-MAP: work

7 If I were you …

MIND-MAP: persuading someone

8 Who’s That?

MIND-MAP: family

9 The Weatherman

MIND-MAP: weather and seasons

10 The Hairdresser’s Holiday

MIND-MAP: travel

11 A Misunderstanding

MIND-MAP: arguing

12 A Good Head for Business

MIND-MAP: town

13 Two Ears and One Mouth

MIND-MAP: opinions

14 The Tradition

MIND-MAP: traditions and celebrations

15 Don’t Panic!

MIND-MAP: instructions

16 Date Night

MIND-MAP: meeting

17 A Party to Remember

MIND-MAP: celebrate

18 I Beg to Differ

MIND-MAP: discussing

19 A Political Affair

MIND-MAP: politics

20 Happy to Help

MIND-MAP: telephoning

1 The Black Sheep[1]

“So, what’s he like[2]?” asked Stacey, who was checking her tidy blonde hair in the mirror of Dan’s sports car.

“Who?” asked Dan. He was busy parking in front of his parents’ house, and he had no idea who Stacey was talking about.

“Your brother, Tom,” she replied. “He’s the only person in your family that I haven’t met.”

Dan turned off the engine and said nothing for a moment. “Well, I suppose[3] you might call him the black sheep of the family.”

Stacey looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean?”

Dan reached into the back of the car and took hold of his sister’s birthday present. “Come on; I’ll tell you as we go. We don’t want to be late.”

Stacey smiled. Her boyfriend was never late. In fact[4], no one in his family was ever late. Perhaps that was what he meant about his brother Tom – maybe he was not a very punctual[5] person.

They stepped out of the car and walked up to the big house. They could hear music playing in the back garden, so they headed towards[6] the gate.

“Well?” she asked, curious[7] to know the family secret.

“Oh, it’s just that Mother and Father and Sarah and I are all quite similar[8] really. We all like the same type of things. Do you know what I mean?”

Stacey smiled again. She knew exactly what he meant. The first night she had met Dan’s family she had seen exactly how similar they were. They were all very polite[9], quiet and rather[10]sensible[11] people. They weren’t in any way boring, but they liked things to be organised and tidy[12] and not too silly.

“So, what’s Tom like then?” she asked, but before Dan could answer they walked through the gate and into the large garden. The party looked lovely, with about thirty or forty people all dressed in nice clothes, listening to the gentle music from a violin player[13], talking politely and enjoying glasses of fine wine.

“Back in a minute,” said Dan, who went to find somewhere to put the present.

Stacey couldn’t see Dan’s parents, so she went to talk to Liz, one of Sarah’s friends from college. “I can’t wait to meet Tom,” she said, after a few minutes. “Dan is being very secretive[14] about him. He called him the black sheep of the family.”

“Really? Wow. Do you think he might be a criminal?” asked Liz, who was a very imaginative[15] young lady.

“Don’t be silly,” Stacey said, but it wasstrange[16] how little Dan talked about him.

Liz was about to say something else when they suddenly heard a very strange noise. It was the sound of a very loud and ridiculous horn[17].

Everyone in the garden stopped talking and looked at the garden gate. Stacey looked just in time to see the gate swing open[18] and a very colourfully dressed[19] man jump into the garden. For a moment, Stacey was a little scared[20], but then she realised[21] that the man was a clown. He was wearing a very large yellow and green suit, a big blue hat, white gloves and long red shoes. He also had a huge smile on his face, white make-up and a red nose.

“Oh, how lovely,” said Liz. “Look, they’ve booked a clown.”

“A clown? But Sarah’s twenty-one!” said Stacey.

The clown heard her say this, and with another quick jump he was standing right next to her. He held up his white gloves for her to see, moved them quickly in the air, then suddenly[22] held out a big bunch[23] of beautiful flowers.

“Wow!” said Stacey. “Are they for me? Thank you very much.”

“OK, OK. That’s enough of that,” someone said. “Stay away from him, Stacey.” It was Dan and he did not look very happy.

“They’re just flowers,” she said and leant forwards to smell them[24].

It was then, however[25], that cold water squirted out[26] of the middle of the flowers right into her face.

There were chuckles of laughter[27] from around the garden, and Sarah saw that even Dan had a little smile on his face.

She looked up at the clown and smiled, too.

“Hello Stacey. Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you too, Tom,” she replied.

[1]  The Black Sheep — Das schwarze Schaf
[2]  what’s he like — wie ist er
[3]  suppose — denke
[4]  In fact — Um genau zu sein
[5]  punctual — pünktlich
[6]  headed towards — gingen in Richtung
[7]  curious — neugierig
[8]  quite similar — ziemlich ähnlich
[9]  polite — höflich
[10]  rather — eigentlich
[11]  sensible — vernünftig
[12]  tidy — aufgeräumt
[13]  violin player — Geigenspieler
[14]  secretive — geheimnisvoll
[15]  imaginative — phantasievoll
[16]  strange — merkwürdig
[17]  ridiculous horn — alberne Tröte
[18]  swing open — aufschwingen
[19]  colourfully dressed — bunt angezogen
[20]  scared — ängstlich
[21]  realised — merkte
[22]  suddenly — plötzlich
[23]  a big bunch — ein großer Strauß
[24]  leant forwards to smell — beugte sich nach vorne, um sie zu riechen
[25]  however — jedoch
[26]  squirted out — herausspritzte
[27]  chuckles of laughter — leises Gelächter

2 An Easy Sell

Kerry Harrington, real estate agent[1] for Harry’s Homes, liked things to be perfect. Perhaps that was why she was so good at her job.

Dressed in her smart, black trouser suit, with her short dark hair and red lipstick, she certainly[2] looked perfect.

An hour ago, however[3], the small flat that she was trying to sell today was far from[4] perfect. It had been cold and unwelcoming[5], and not the type of accommodation[6] a person might want to live in.

But that was an hour ago. Now, because of Kerry’s hard work, the flat was, well … perfect.

She took her name tag[7] from her pocket and clipped[8] it onto the front of her blouse. Then, she looked at her watch and saw that there were still a few minutes before her first client arrived. So, she decided to do one final check of each room.

First, she went to the small American-style kitchen. The red flowers she had placed on the breakfast bar made the room look bigger and brighter, and the delicious smell of the cookies she was baking made it seem like a real home.

Next, she went into the living room and arranged[9] the blue cushions on the comfortable sofa. She also opened the balcony window a little more, so that the client would see the lovely view of the local park.

Next, she walked down the narrow hall[10], checking for dust[11] with her finger, and stopped at the master bedroom[12]. She really liked this room. There was a large skylight[13] in the roof that let a lot of natural light into the room. Also, the bed was big and cosy[14] and the furniture was elegant and modern.

She turned on the stereo on the bookshelf and found the classical music channel. She knew that clients liked the sound of music in a house or flat; it made the space[15] seem warmer and friendlier.

She looked at her watch again. The client would be here soon. Mr Kevin Lewis, that was his name.

She walked to the bathroom. Again, it was another room that she loved. The tiles[16] on the wall were a calming aqua blue, and the bath was extremely deep and inviting[17]. She stopped and looked at it for a moment, she could imagine herself[18]relaxing[19] in that bath with a large glass of wine.

She turned around and slowly walked back to the living room. She looked at the balcony again. She looked at the sofa. It looked like a great spot to read a good book and relax after a long day at work.

It was then that a fantastic idea came into Kerry Harrington’s mind[20]. However, just as a large smile appeared[21] on her face, there was a knock[22] at the front door.

Kerry stopped. For a moment, she didn’t know what she was going to do. Then, with a quick look around the perfect little flat, she unclipped the name tag from her blouse and walked to the door. She was about to open it when she thought about her smart jacket. She quickly took it off, ruffled her tidy hair[23], and opened the door.

“Oh, hello,” said a polite middle-aged man[24].

“Hello,” said Kerry. “Can I help you?”

“Oh dear, perhaps I have the wrong address. My name’s Mr Lewis. I’m here to view[25] the flat.”

Kerry opened the door a little further; just enough so that Mr Lewis could hear the classical music in the bedroom and smell the lovely scent[26]