Rebuild World (Manga) Volume 4 - Nahuse - E-Book

Rebuild World (Manga) Volume 4 E-Book


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Armed with his brand-new powered suit, Akira takes his first formal job from the Hunter Office: a patrol around his home city. Working with a team offers safety in numbers—but getting along with his fellow hunters provides a whole new challenge, thanks to competition for kills, conflicts between veterans and rising stars, and Akira’s own universal distrust. To make matters worse, Akira’s barely settled in before a fresh disaster turns his routine job into a nightmare. Something has driven the monsters out of the nearby ruins, and they’re stampeding straight at the city! Answering a distress call, Akira rides off alone—and into a swarm of killer robots like nothing he’s ever fought before. Even with Alpha’s powerful support, what can the young hunter do against enemies so heavily armored that his bullets bounce right off them?

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