Saint Clare of Assisi - Kim Hee-ju - E-Book

Saint Clare of Assisi E-Book

Kim Hee-ju

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Saint Clare had everything a young girl could want: wealth, a loving family, and her faith. Her father desired the best for her and planned that she would marry according to the family's position in society. Not only was the suitor her father chose for her handsome, he was also of noble birth. Clare wanted to please her family; but she had heard St. Francis speak of the love of Jesus. Her heart longed to share in the poverty of Christ, live among the poor and serve them in her daily life just like Francis, but she could not do that as the wife of a nobleman. In this book you'll discover how Clare ran away from the only life she knew to start a radical new adventure in holiness for women, following Francis in his love of the poor Christ. The Order she founded is known today as the Poor Clares. Vibrantly illustrated Shoujo-Manga style graphic novel tells this amazing story for children ages 9 to 12.

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Written and illustrated by

Kim Hee- ju

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016958828

CIP data is available.

ISBN 10: 0-8198-9087-1

ISBN 13: 978-0-8198-9087-0ISBN ePub: 978-0-8198-9088-7

향기롭게 빛나는 클라라 (Shining Sweetly Clare) by KIM Hee-ju

© 2014 by KIM Hee-ju,

Originally published by Pauline Books & Media, Seoul, Korea. All rights reserved.

Translated by Kyung Hee Yoon

Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

“P” and PAULINE are registered trademarks of the Daughters of St. Paul.

Copyright © 2017, Daughters of St. Paul for English Edition

Published by Pauline Books & Media, 50 Saint Paul’s Avenue, Boston, MA 02130-3491

eBook by

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Pauline Books & Media is the publishing house of the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation of women religious serving the Church with the communications media.

lady of assisi

the year 1207

in the quiet town of assisi in the umbria region of italy

look! that’s francis bernardone over there.

he used to be dressed in fine clothes. now he looks like a beggar!

a few months ago, he decided to give up everything. instead of becoming a knight he started dressing like that.

i heard he begs for money so he can repair the run- down san damiano church.

he is the son of a wealthy merchant. why would he give up his inheritance? why does he seem so happy?

thump thump thump

that rascal bernardone!

how dare bernardone tell me he’s going to build an area in town for the merchants!

please relax, brother.

he must think i’m a pushover, monaldo! i am the nobleman here, not him.


don’t worry, brother. this cloth merchant will not tell the noble offreduccio family what to do!

although bernardone is rich and the leader of the shopkeepers, he is still just a commoner.

i guess we’ll see . . . .

oh, did you hear?

bernardone has disinherited his son, francis, because he kept giving every- thing away.

is he the one who’s been wearing rags and begging for money?


that’s the one.

bernardone brought francis to bishop guido because he was giving away his family’s money. but francis just returned to his father all the clothes he was wearing and promised to ask nothing more from bernardone!

what a nut! bernardone should focus on managing his crazy son instead of bothering me!

francis isn’t crazy. there’s something special about him.



father, i’m home!

in the beginning of the thirteenth century, the working people of assisi and many other italian towns fought to gain more freedom from the rich nobles. in 1202, the people of assisi tried to take over the city. civil war broke out. the nobles sought assistance from the nearby city of perugia.

during the war, clare’s family fled to perugia.

with perugia’s help, the nobles of assisi were able to regain     control of their city.      the offreduccios      returned to assisi in          1205, when clare               was eleven               years old.

1211, assisi


hmm . . .

he wants to marry clare?

this marriage would defi- nitely be to our family’s benefit.

thanks, bona*!

wear this!

my dear clare, you are always happi- est after praying.

i love to pray!

clare was most at peace when she was thinking about god. she also had a generous spirit . . . .

* bona di guelfuccio was clare’s relative and frequent companion.

i think i have some money left.

bona, wait a moment.

excuse me, child . . .


this is for you.

thank you so much, lady!

clare . . .

there you are!

why are you in a good mood, caterina*?

you have a special guest.

a guest?

yes. father asked that i find you.

who is it?

* caterina, one of clare’s younger sisters, followed clare into religious life and became sister agnes.

so, young man, how is the duke?

he’s doing well, sir.

glad to hear that. it’s been six years since we left perugia and you’ve grown into a fine young man!

thank you, sir. do you think lady clare . . . ?

i know you’ve come to ask for clare’s hand in marriage and i give you my blessing.

thank you, sir. but can we keep this between the two of us?

a secret?

i’d like to tell her myself.

of course. that’s a great idea.

thank you.

you wanted to see me, father?


hello, clare! it’s been a long time.

lord ranieri!

you’re even more beautiful than the last time i saw you.

lord ranieri will be staying for a while. please help him feel at home.

yes, father.