Sappy Tree Land - J.W. Bee - E-Book

Sappy Tree Land E-Book

J.W. Bee

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It is a magical land - with a family of Ladybugs. Join then on their adventures as they go through exploring and learning, sharing their lessons with the reader. Interactive approach, color in and think/write along.

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Seitenzahl: 40

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Sappy Tree Land

Chapter 2 Singsing Petals

Chapter 3 Big Rock Quest

Chapter 4 A Slirthy Likes Singsing Petals Too!

Chapter 5 The Escape Plan -or how to try not to get eaten!

Chapter 6 Fight for your Ladybug’s Life!

Chapter 7 Oopsie’s Rescue

… His stomach was all in knots! How did he miss this Slirthy sitting right there!

But he did not dare to beat his wings now.” Do not make a sound” he said to himself. He spread his wings to try and land as quietly as possible right next to the other side of the flower. The flower would separate him from the Slirthy. Still, it was only matter of time before the Slirthy would be aware of him. With their shooting tongues, Slirthies tend to catch what they aim for.

Holding his breath and with his heart pounding, feeling a giant lump in his throat, he finally landed next to the flower, undetected. Picking some petals now appeared totally crazy. Frowny just wanted to be 3 feet higher and out of reach more than anything else in the whole world…...

How did he get there?? Well, let us start this story from the beginning!

Chapter 1

Sappy Tree Land

Today we are going to visit our friends in Sappy Tree Land. A magical place deep in the mountains, with lush green trees and vast colorful meadows. The wind dances over the flowers swinging colors in all directions, as petals fly into the air and find their place in the vast deep green ground beneath.

Sappy Tree Land gets its name from one giant tree that is older than anyone can remember. Long ago bees tried to make a nest on it and were overrun by tree sap. Since then, tree sap bubbles out here and there. From that day on, it became known as Sappy Tree, and everyone calls it that now.

Inside the Sappy tree there are hollow spaces and canals, and that is where our friends in our story live. It is a big family of ladybugs. Mom, who everyone calls Spots, because she has more spots than most. Dad, who they all actually just call Dad. Then their 10 children, Bugsy, Lassie, Spotty (named after mom even though he is a boy, but inherited the extra spots for sure), Smacky, Lucy, Mimi, Sticky, Jolly, Frowny, and last, but not least Oopsie.

Spots and Dad sometimes laugh out loud and look at each other lovingly, when they call or talk about Oopsie. Lucy could never quite understand why, but they seem to love the name. They did say she was not planned, as they had enough kids at the time already. They do sure enjoy laughing about it still and giving each other loving looks.

Do you want to color in all 12 Lady Bugs?

Life was fun at the Sappy Tree. There were so many places to hide and play! Lucy loved playing hide and seek, and now that Oopsie was old enough to play with them, it was even more fun.

Frowny had been a little jealous of his younger sister. Many years had passed between Frowny and when Oopsie was born. Frowny had been the baby for a very long time.

When Oopsie hit the scene, he felt like all attention was on her. She seemed to be something special. Frowny certainly felt Spots did not have the same amount of time to spend with him, after Oopsie’s birth. Lucy on the other hand was happy to play with Oopsie. She loved playing big sister.

Bugsy, Lassie and Spotty would usually team up and hang together. Mimi, Sticky and Jolly as well. Playing freeze tag, for example, they bunched up in groups like that. Occasionally, one would spontaneously jump sides, keeping the game interesting. Mimi loved to outrun and outdo everyone. She was the most athletic and competitive of the bunch. She also loved playing with the boys from the neighborhood and kept up with them easily. Mimi was by far the fastest and most social of them all. Sticky and Frowny on the other hand, would rather stick to themselves. Mother Spots always said that they may be late bloomers. The two boys did not seem to want to do much. They hardly played with anyone.