She - Sharena Lee Satti - E-Book

She E-Book

Sharena Lee Satti



The poems in She cover an already long career as an inspiring live poet, host and workshopper – it is obvious straight away that Sharena has produced a formidable body of work. Her poems are real, raw and honest, addressing issues such as survival, cultural-identity, life's battles, self-love, body dysmorphia and many other subjects that people struggle to speak out about. Her love of nature is also evident. She rights with her emotions to the fore and her heart at the centre – with a power that can leave you breathless.

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Sharena Lee Satti is an independent spoken word artist and poet from Bradford, West Yorkshire.

She is a very passionate about her work and writes poetry about her own personal life, current environmental issues, social stigmas, homelessness, poverty and discrimination. She speaks openly about her past and the struggles she had to endure. She found her voice and encourages others to find theirs through poetry and self-expression.

She shares her love of spoken word through performance art. She is an influential, uplifting voice in Bradford, spreading her empathy and love of poetry in her local community. Sharena has been nominated for the British Indian Awards, Media Arts and Culture and has recently been associated with Chelping, Red Bull Amaphiko, Film and Photographer Tim Smith and Balbir Dance, Kala Sangam (The Artist Takeover) Bradford Festival, Bradford Literature Festival, The NHS, The South Square Arts Centre, Mend, Bradford Producing Hub, Saltaire Festival, Ilkley Lit Festival, Bradford Libraries, Leeds Lieder, BBC Leeds, Drystone Radio, BCB Radio, BBC Radio 4.

She has facilitated spoken word events and has worked closely with schools delivering poetry workshops.

Instagram: @sharenaleesatti

Twitter: @SharenaLSatti


[email protected]

All rights reserved

© 2020 Sharena Lee Satti

The right of Sharena Lee Satti to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

No part of this work may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, recorded or mechanical, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


Printed and bound in the UKby ImprintDigital, Exeter

ISBN: 978-1-912565-47-4

ePub ISBN: 978-1-912565-89-4

SHE is dedicated to everyone - the young the old, the lost the broken, the living but unheard. This book exists because what is broken can be repaired. The voiceless can be heard and unhealthy cycles in life can be healed.


From Testing Times

My Darkened Veil


From Broken Chains

Being A Woman

Destiny Or Fate


From Unapologetic

Mental Health

She Is A Warrior

He Is Sorry

I Didn’t Think I’d See This Day

Finding My Voice

21st Century Women

I Am

Two Fingers To You

Dying To Be Thin

I Said No


Finding Faith

I Write

Damaged Goods

New Poems

A Recipe To Understanding Her

Broken Branch

A Connection

Only Today


To Live Free

My Moon

How Do I Tell You?

I Survived

I Am Needy

Oh, Mr Dealer

Suicide Note

What Is Love?

Body Hair

Dear Body

She’s A Goddess


Let’s Be The Change

Self-refection Is A Bitch

The Earth Has No Borders

Tired (PMT)


Brand New Poems

Nothing Lasts

Do You Remember Me?


The Only Place I Want To Be


It’s More Than Nature For Me



from Testing Times

My Darkened Veil

It’s a veil I keep up, it’s my shield and it’s my protection

My camouflaged armor that keeps me safe from rejection

I hide away and there’s a reason why I stay at the back of a queue

I have suffered with anxiety in the past and it’s just something I do

To stay un-noticed from your sight as I feel safe hidden from your

thoughts and vision

I’ve always felt more comfortable this way, been anyone’s last choice

or decision

You may see me and think, gosh she’s so stuck up, and that’s just me

being shy

I’m the type of person to keep my head down so no-one can say hi

It’s easier to do that than to be liked and to be known

Me, my thoughts and being alone

I sometimes don’t know what to say when I’m writing something in

response to a conversation

The words just won’t flow, I’m no good at making communication

I over think and over think, it goes around ten times and I still go

back to saying the same

But you know what, I’m not to blame

I know this now and I’m learning to try & let go of my darkened veil

Yes, I’m an adult, but I’m still a sensitive soul and my emotions are


Every day, as a new challenge arises and I’m trying to push this little

voice from within.

To speak out loud, to run with the wind, to star jump in a crowded

place, to scream, to sing

I’m trying to build my own confidence with every step I take

So forgive me if I say thankyou a hundred times or sound like a fruit


It’s just when you say good things to me, it’s so hard to believe it’s


I don’t know how to respond to compliments, it’s just how I feel

Sometimes my words just don’t seem enough

It’s just this self-doubt has been with me since a child and yes, it’s

been quite tough

Despite that I choose to keep taking these little steps of pure light

Knowing one day, I will have full vision and the darkened veil will

be out of my sight.


Heart rate increasing with every breath that’s drawn deep into the


Words refusing to leave the mouth, shivering in fear stopping on

their tongues

Sweat dripping underneath every garment of clothing worn

All eyes on them as if they’re a bloody unicorn

Hands in the mouth, it’s kind of a distraction

Biting down on all the nails piercing the skin to avoid interaction

Hair down or partially covering the face, a normal disguise

To protect them from all prying eyes

Telling themselves this will soon pass, just breathe in the air and

stay strong?

Anxiety can strike at any time, there is no right time or wrong

It sometimes attacks at a time of uncertainty or just on a normal

sunny day

Releasing a dense fog blinding your vision, so you can’t see your


It prevents you from living like the normal folks and fear becomes

your friend

Due to the deep emotions you feel you can’t fully comprehend

The anxious thoughts going around in your mind

Creating its own demons you feared you wouldn’t find

It stops you from living as a normal member of society

Trapped in another dimension called anxiety.

from Broken Chains

Being A Woman

As a foetus we all lay cushioned inside our mother’s womb, listening

to the endless echoes of her voice

Until one day we are pulled down by gravity’s force. The Pain

strikes her leaving her gasping to breathe, yet she has no choice

For this child will be born, through each dagger that strikes her,

ripping at her uterus as the mother screams out. Consumed by her

fears and complete self-doubt

It is through a woman that our lives were created, every blood cell

gathered, her body perfected us and protected us from every

mortal thing

Yet man, the same human being women gives birth too, can drag

her through the streets, with a fist in her face, like a rag doll in a

boxing ring

I know not all men are the same but there are still the twisted few,

who feel they have the right to abuse women like me and you

You can’t even walk down the streets today, with a little lipstick on,

without a beep from a car or whit whoo

Expecting some sort of reply, slurring abuse because you ignore

and walk by

How dare we be judged by the garments of clothing and the shoes

that we wear!

How the hell is this still happening to us. Not able to walk down the

street at night, how is this fair?

Women are the healers and the soul receivers of this earth, we plant

the seeds and watch life as it’s reborn

Men think they can pull us of the street because ripping at our

clothes fulfils their needs better than porn

No way shall we fall to the evil and wrongs of man, for us women

are here to stand for our freedom and for our very right

That no man shall stop us in the wake of this fight, for we are

women and we will walk free in the night

As a foetus we all lay cushioned inside our mother’s womb, listening

Free from your insults and free from your cryptic vision, for man