Songs before Sunrise - Algernon Charles Swinburne - E-Book

Songs before Sunrise E-Book

Algernon Charles Swinburne

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Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909) was a British poet, writer and playwright of the Victorian era. Active in the aesthetic circle, romantic and then decadent, he met Oscar Wilde and other famous intellectuals and artists of the same environment, attending the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and becoming a friend of the poet, artist and initiate Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Eccentric personality, with a strong taste for artistic provocation, inspired by writers such as the Marquis de Sade, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Charles Baudelaire, his poetry was very controversial, due to its themes (sadomasochism, suicide, lesbianism, irreligiosity); his lyrics are also characterized by original versification solutions, by the cult of paganism and the idealized Middle Ages, and of absolute freedom. From 1903 to 1909 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature. With Alfred Edward Housman, Robert Browning, Alfred Tennyson, Ernest Dowson and William Butler Yeats, he is considered one of the most representative lyric poets of Victorian literature. He died in Putney (London) on April 10, 1909.
Swinburne’s literary output is vast and includes poems, plays, songs, novels, short stories and essays on literary criticism.
Songs before Sunrise, first published in London in 1871 and dedicated to the Italian revolutionary and Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini, is one of Swinburne’s finest collections of poetry. Based on his pagan and pantheistic ideals and on the revolutionary spirit of that time, it is a devoted and warm homage to Italy and the Mediterranean, with references to ancient mythology and the national independence of peoples.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

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Edizioni Aurora Boreale



Title: Songs before Sunrise


Author: Algernon Charles Swinburne


Publishing series: Symbols & Myths



Editing by Nicola Bizzi


ISBN e-book version: 979-12-5504-329-4


Cover image: Claude Joseph Vernet, La Nuit, 1750 ca.

(Oxford, Ashmolean Museum)


















Edizioni Aurora Boreale


© 2023 Edizioni Aurora Boreale

Via del Fiordaliso 14 - 59100 Prato - Italia

[email protected]





Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909) was a British poet, writer and playwright of the Victorian era.

Active in the aesthetic circle, romantic and then decadent, he met Oscar Wilde and other famous intellectuals and artists of the same environment, attending the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and becoming a friend of the poet, artist and initiate Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Eccentric personality, with a strong taste for artistic provocation, inspired by writers such as the Marquis de Sade, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Charles Baudelaire, his poetry was very controversial, due to its themes (sadomasochism, suicide, lesbianism, irreligiosity); his lyrics are also characterized by original versification solutions, by the cult of paganism and the idealized Middle Ages, and of absolute freedom. From 1903 to 1909 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature. With Alfred Edward Housman, Robert Browning, Alfred Tennyson, Ernest Dowson and William Butler Yeats, he is considered one of the most representative lyric poets of Victorian literature. He died in Putney (London) on April 10, 1909.

Swinburne’s literary output is very vast and includes poems, plays, songs, novels, short stories and numerous essays on literary criticism.

Songs before Sunrise, first published in London in 1871 and dedicated to the Italian revolutionary and Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini, is one of Swinburne’s finest collections of poetry. Based on his pagan and pantheistic ideals and on the revolutionary spirit of that time, it is a devoted and warm homage to Italy and the Mediterranean, with references to ancient mythology and the national independence of peoples.


Nicola Bizzi,

Florence, May 14, 2023.



Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Portrait of Algernon Swinburne, 1861

(Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum)










Take, since you bade it should bear,

⁠These, of the seed of your sowing,

⁠Blossom or berry or weed.

Sweet though they be not, or fair,

⁠That the dew of your word kept growing,

⁠Sweet at least was the seed.


Men bring you love-offerings of tears,

⁠And sorrow the kiss that assuages,

⁠And slaves the hate-offering of wrongs,

And time the thanksgiving of years,

⁠And years the thanksgiving of ages;

⁠I bring you my handful of songs.


If a perfume be left, if a bloom,

⁠Let it live till Italia be risen,

⁠To be strewn in the dust of her car

When her voice shall awake from the tomb

⁠England, and France from her prison,

⁠Sisters, a star by a star.


I bring you the sword of a song,

⁠The sword of my Spirit’s desire,

⁠Feeble; but laid at your feet,

That which was weak shall be strong,

⁠That which was cold shall take fire,

⁠That which was bitter be sweet.


It was wrought not with hands to smite,

⁠Nor hewn after swordsmiths’ fashion,

⁠Nor tempered on anvil of steel;

But with visions and dreams of the night,

⁠But with hope, and the patience of passion,

⁠And the signet of love for a seal.


Be it witness, till one more strong,

⁠Till a loftier lyre, till a rarer

⁠Lute praise her better than I,

Be it witness before you, my song,

⁠That I knew her, the world’s banner-bearer,

⁠Who shall cry the republican cry.


Yea, even she as at first,

⁠Yea, she alone and none other,

⁠Shall cast down, shall build up, shall bring home;

Slake earth’s hunger and thirst,

⁠Lighten, and lead as a mother;

⁠First name of the world’s names, Rome.








Between the green bud and the red

Youth sat and sang by Time, and shed

⁠From eyes and tresses flowers and tears,

⁠From heart and spirit hopes and fears,

Upon the hollow stream whose bed

⁠Is channelled by the foamless years;

And with the white the gold-haired head

⁠Mixed running locks, and in Time’s ears

Youth’s dreams hung singing, and Time’s truth

Was half not harsh in the ears of Youth.


Between the bud and the blown flower

Youth talked with joy and grief an hour,

⁠With footless joy and wingless grief

⁠And twin-born faith and disbelief

Who share the seasons to devour;

⁠And long ere these made up their sheaf

Felt the winds round him shake and shower

⁠The rose-red and the blood-red leaf,

Delight whose germ grew never grain,

And passion dyed in its own pain.


Then he stood up, and trod to dust

Fear and desire, mistrust and trust,

⁠And dreams of bitter sleep and sweet,

⁠And bound for sandals on his feet

Knowledge and patience of what must

⁠And what things may be, in the heat

And cold of years that rot and rust

⁠And alter; and his spirit’s meat

Was freedom, and his staff was wrought

Of strength, and his cloak woven of thought.


For what has he whose will sees clear

To do with doubt and faith and fear,

⁠Swift hopes and slow despondencies?

⁠His heart is equal with the sea’s

And with the sea-wind’s, and his ear

⁠Is level to the speech of these,

And his soul communes and takes cheer

⁠With the actual earth’s equalities,

Air, light, and night, hills, winds, and streams,

And seeks not strength from strengthless dreams.


His soul is even with the sun

Whose spirit and whose eye are one,

⁠Who seeks not stars by day, nor light

⁠And heavy heat of day by night.

Him can no God cast down, whom none

⁠Can lift in hope beyond the height

Of fate and nature and things done

⁠By the calm rule of might and right

That bids men be and bear and do,

And die beneath blind skies or blue.


To him the lights of even and morn

Speak no vain things of love or scorn,

⁠Fancies and passions miscreate

⁠By man in things dispassionate.

Nor holds he fellowship forlorn

⁠With souls that pray and hope and hate,

And doubt they had better not been born,

⁠And fain would lure or scare off fate

And charm their doomsman from their doom

And make fear dig its own false tomb.


He builds not half of doubts and half

Of dreams his own soul’s cenotaph,

⁠Whence hopes and fears with helpless eyes,

⁠Wrapt loose in cast-off cerecloths, rise

And dance and wring their hands and laugh,

⁠And weep thin tears and sigh light sighs,

And without living lips would quaff

⁠The living spring in man that lies,

And drain his soul of faith and strength

It might have lived on a life’s length.


He hath given himself and hath not sold

To God for heaven or man for gold,

⁠Or grief for comfort that it gives,

⁠Or joy for grief’s restoratives.

He hath given himself to time, whose fold

⁠Shuts in the mortal flock that lives

On its plain pasture’s heat and cold

⁠And the equal year’s alternatives.

Earth, heaven, and time, death, life, and he,

Endure while they shall be to be.


“Yet between death and life are hours

To flush with love and hide in flowers;

⁠What profit save in these?” men cry:

⁠“Ah, see, between soft earth and sky,

What only good things here are ours!”.

⁠They say, “what better wouldst thou try,

What sweeter sing of? Or what powers

⁠Serve, that will give thee ere thou die

More joy to sing and be less sad,

More heart to play and grow more glad?”.


Play then and sing; we too have played,

We likewise, in that subtle shade.

⁠We too have twisted through our hair

⁠Such tendrils as the wild Loves wear,

And heard what mirth the Maenads made,

⁠Till the wind blew our garlands bare

And left their roses disarrayed,

⁠And smote the summer with strange air,

And disengirdled and discrowned

The limbs and locks that vine-wreaths bound.


We too have tracked by star-proof trees

The tempest of the Thyiades

⁠Scare the loud night on hills that hid

⁠The blood-feasts of the Bassarid,

Heard their song’s iron cadences

⁠Fright the wolf hungering from the kid,

Outroar the lion-throated seas,

⁠Outchide the north-wind if it chid,

And hush the torrent-tongued ravines

With thunders of their tambourines.


But the fierce flute whose notes acclaim

Dim goddesses of fiery fame,

⁠Cymbal and clamorous kettledrum,

⁠Timbrels and tabrets, all are dumb

That turned the high chill air to flame;

⁠The singing tongues of fire are numb

That called on Cotys by her name

⁠Edonian, till they felt her come

And maddened, and her mystic face

Lightened along the streams of Thrace.


For Pleasure slumberless and pale,

And Passion with rejected veil,

⁠Pass, and the tempest-footed throng

⁠Of hours that follow them with song

Till their feet flag and voices fail,

⁠And lips that were so loud so long

Learn silence, or a wearier wail;

⁠So keen is change, and time so strong,

To weave the robes of life and rend

And weave again till life have end.


But weak is change, but strengthless time,

To take the light from heaven, or climb

⁠The hills of heaven with wasting feet.

⁠Songs they can stop that earth found meet,

But the stars keep their ageless rhyme;

⁠Flowers they can slay that spring thought sweet,

But the stars keep their spring sublime;

⁠Passions and pleasures can defeat,

Actions and agonies control,

And life and death, but not the soul.


Because man’s soul is man’s God still,

What wind soever waft his will

⁠Across the waves of day and night

⁠To port or shipwreck, left or right,

By shores and shoals of good and ill;

⁠And still its flame at mainmast height

Through the rent air that foam-flakes fill

⁠Sustains the indomitable light

Whence only man hath strength to steer

Or helm to handle without fear.


Save his own soul’s light overhead,

None leads him, and none ever led,

⁠Across birth’s hidden harbour-bar,

⁠Past youth where shoreward shallows are,

Through age that drives on toward the red

⁠Vast void of sunset hailed from far,

To the equal waters of the dead;

⁠Save his own soul he hath no star,

And sinks, except his own soul guide,

Helmless in middle turn of tide.


No blast of air or fire of sun

Puts out the light whereby we run

⁠With girded loins our lamplit race,

⁠And each from each takes heart of grace

And spirit till his turn be done,

⁠And light of face from each man’s face

In whom the light of trust is one;

⁠Since only souls that keep their place

By their own light, and watch things roll,

And stand, have light for any soul.


A little time we gain from time

To set our seasons in some chime,

⁠For harsh or sweet or loud or low,

⁠With seasons played out long ago

And souls that in their time and prime

⁠Took part with summer or with snow,

Lived abject lives out or sublime,

⁠And had their chance of seed to sow

For service or disservice done

To those days dead and this their son.


A little time that we may fill

Or with such good works or such ill

⁠As loose the bonds or make them strong

⁠Wherein all manhood suffers wrong.

By rose-hung river and light-foot rill

⁠There are who rest not; who think long

Till they discern as from a hill

⁠At the sun’s hour of morning song,

Known of souls only, and those souls free,

The sacred spaces of the sea.










The trumpets of the four winds of the world

⁠From the ends of the earth blow battle; the night heaves,

With breasts palpitating and wings refurled,

⁠With passion of couched limbs, as one who grieves

Sleeping, and in her sleep she sees uncurled

⁠Dreams serpent-shapen, such as sickness weaves,

Down the wild wind of vision caught and whirled,

⁠Dead leaves of sleep, thicker than autumn leaves,

⁠Shadows of storm-shaped things,

⁠Flights of dim tribes of kings,

⁠The reaping men that reap men for their sheaves,

⁠And, without grain to yield,

⁠Their scythe-swept harvest-field

⁠Thronged thick with men pursuing and fugitives,

⁠Dead foliage of the tree of sleep,

Leaves blood-coloured and golden, blown from deep to deep.





I hear the midnight on the mountains cry

⁠With many tongues of thunders, and I hear

Sound and resound the hollow shield of sky

⁠With trumpet-throated winds that charge and cheer,

And through the roar of the hours that fighting fly,

⁠Through flight and fight and all the fluctuant fear,

A sound sublimer than the heavens are high,

⁠A voice more instant than the winds are clear,

⁠Say to my spirit, “Take

⁠Thy trumpet too, and make

⁠A rallying music in the void night’s ear,

⁠Till the storm lose its track,

⁠And all the night go back;

⁠Till, as through sleep false life knows true life near,

⁠Thou know the morning through the night,

And through the thunder silence, and through darkness light”.





I set the trumpet to my lips and blow.

⁠The height of night is shaken, the skies break,

The winds and stars and waters come and go

⁠By fits of breath and light and sound, that wake

As out of sleep, and perish as the show

⁠Built up of sleep, when all her strengths forsake

The sense-compelling spirit; the depths glow,

⁠The heights flash, and the roots and summits shake

⁠Of earth in all her mountains,

⁠And the inner foamless fountains

⁠And wellsprings of her fast-bound forces quake;

⁠Yea, the whole air of life

⁠Is set on fire of strife,

⁠Till change unmake things made and love remake;

⁠Reason and love, whose names are one,

Seeing reason is the sunlight shed from love the sun.





The night is broken eastward; is it day,

⁠Or but the watchfires trembling here and there,

Like hopes on memory’s devastated way,

⁠In moonless wastes of planet-stricken air?

O many-childed mother great and grey,

⁠O multitudinous bosom, and breasts that bare

Our fathers’ generations, whereat lay

⁠The weanling peoples and the tribes that were,

⁠Whose new-born mouths long dead

⁠Those ninefold nipples fed,

⁠Dim face with deathless eyes and withered hair,

⁠Fostress of obscure lands,

⁠Whose multiplying hands

⁠Wove the world’s web with divers races fair

⁠And cast it waif-wise on the stream,

The waters of the centuries, where thou sat’st to dream;





O many-minded mother and visionary,

⁠Asia, that sawest their westering waters sweep

With all the ships and spoils of time to carry

⁠And all the fears and hopes of life to keep,

Thy vesture wrought of ages legendary

⁠Hides usward thine impenetrable sleep,

And thy veiled head, night’s oldest tributary,

⁠We know not if it speak or smile or weep.

⁠But where for us began

⁠The first live light of man

⁠And first-born fire of deeds to burn and leap,

⁠The first war fair as peace

⁠To shine and lighten Greece,

⁠And the first freedom moved upon the deep,

⁠God’s breath upon the face of time

Moving, a present spirit, seen of men sublime;





There where our east looks always to thy west,

⁠Our mornings to thine evenings, Greece to thee,

These lights that catch the mountains crest by crest,

⁠Are they of stars or beacons that we see?

Taygetus takes here the winds abreast,

⁠And there the sun resumes Thermopylæ;

The light is Athens where those remnants rest,

⁠And Salamis the sea-wall of that sea.

⁠The grass men tread upon

⁠Is very Marathon,

⁠The leaves are of that time-unstricken tree

⁠That storm nor sun can fret

⁠Nor wind, since she that set

⁠Made it her sign to men whose shield was she;

⁠Here, as dead time his deathless things,

Eurotas and Cephisus keep their sleepless springs.





O hills of Crete, are these things dead? O waves,

⁠O many-mouthed streams, are these springs dry?

Earth, dost thou feed and hide now none but slaves?

⁠Heaven, hast thou heard of men that would not die?

Is the land thick with only such men’s graves

⁠As were ashamed to look upon the sky?

Ye dead, whose name outfaces and outbraves

⁠Death, is the seed of such as you gone by?

⁠Sea, have thy ports not heard

⁠Some Marathonian word

⁠Rise up to landward and to Godward fly?

⁠No thunder, that the skies

⁠Sent not upon us, rise

⁠With fire and earthquake and a cleaving cry?

⁠Nay, light is here, and shall be light,

Though all the face of the hour be overborne with night.





I set the trumpet to my lips and blow.

⁠The night is broken northward; the pale plains

And footless fields of sun-forgotten snow

⁠Feel through their creviced lips and iron veins

Such quick breath labour and such clean blood flow

⁠As summer-stricken spring feels in her pains

When dying May bears June, too young to know

⁠The fruit that waxes from the flower that wanes;

⁠Strange tyrannies and vast,

⁠Tribes frost-bound to their past,

⁠Lands that are loud all through their length with chains,