StaatsRache - Justizkritische Beiträge gegen die Dummheit im deutschen Recht(ssystem) - Richard Albrecht - E-Book

StaatsRache - Justizkritische Beiträge gegen die Dummheit im deutschen Recht(ssystem) E-Book

Richard Albrecht

19,99 €

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Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Soziologie - Recht, Kriminalität abw. Verhalten, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: THE GERMAN STATE AS REVENGER A CRITICAL VIEW ON THE JURIDICAL APPARATUS A GRIN-book, written by Richard Albrecht This book, written by Dr Richard Albrecht, an experienced German social psychologist and political scientist, presents 15 essays on a social phenomenon the author names STAATSRACHE (in German) - THE STATE AS REVENGER (in current Germany). Under this -at a first glance paradox- title Richard Albrecht´s critical pieces (2001-2005) have been collected and were re-published in this volume. In spring 2005, the author has written an introduction (which is completely free of charge: working out that there is until now, "still a lot to be done" (Ernst Bloch) before the German state and his juridical apparatus could earn the name of a democratic and human one, based on the principles of democracy, and the rules of law. - The author, a German writing European intellectual, is a civil right figure and, was, 2002-07, the editor of, a smart, and independent, online-magazine for citizen and human rights in Germany ( Richard Albrecht is also a senior scholar in the field of genocide research; in 2006/07 he published two volumes on "Genocidal Policy Within 20th Century" (in German: Völkermord[en]: [and] Armenozid: A summary of his research work on genocide was published in English, and is, actually, completely free of charge -> The e-version of Richard Albrechts book STAATSRACHE can be ordered via GRIN publ. house ( The printed version can be ordered via AMAZON (-> The equal price is 19.99 €. The author´s preface is completely free of charge (->

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