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From Jack Campbell, author of the bestselling The Lost Fleet series, comes Stark's Command, the second novel in the gripping Stark's War trilogy. Sergeant Ethan Stark is placed in command of the US military forces that have overthrown their high-ranking officers. Instead of issuing orders, Stark confides his hope of forging an army based on mutual respect. Now, in addition to fighting a merciless enemy on the moon's surface, Stark must contend with the US government's reaction to his mutiny.
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First edition: September 2011
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Copyright © 2001, 2011 by John G. Hemry
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For Paul Crabaugh, a good friend whose own story ended far too soon.
For S., as always.
Part One: A Storm Of Battle
Part Two: Courage Of The Second Kind
Part Three: No Glory Left
The organized violence humans call warfare takes many forms. An attack can be as sudden and brief as an earthquake, a surprise spasm of fury in which soldiers dash against defenses then fall away. Or an assault can be slower, gradually building in strength as soldiers cautiously push forward, seeking weak points in defenses, their efforts as continuous and unrelenting as a sea straining against barriers holding it from dry land.
So the attack began, slowly building in intensity. Like a flood of water, the pressure rose, in a place where the only real water rested eternally frozen beneath the lifeless rock of the surface. Gradually it increased. Testing here, pressing there, searching for any signs of weakness, any give in the defenses holding it back. Every probe met a firm barrier, each push repulsed with varying ease. But the pressure continued, shoving harder, the strength of barriers at some points herding it toward those areas where the defenses held with less strength. Not much less, but enough, as the flood pressure gathered at those points where resistance seemed softer, where trickles of advancing elements could push through. Slowly, so slowly as not to be apparent at first, but with increasing speed, the apparently firm wall of defenses began to crumble.
“Ethan, we got problems.”
Sergeant Ethan Stark, acting commander of the rebellious soldiers still defending the American Colony on the Moon hastily donned his battle armor. “I’m still suiting up, Vic.
What’s happening?”
“You don’t need battle armor inside the headquarters complex,” Sergeant Vic Reynolds, Stark’s acting Chief of Staff, scolded. “I need you in the Command Center. Now.”
“Okay. Okay. But I’m gonna be in armor.” Stark sealed the last fastenings on his suit, grabbed his rifle, and darted out the door. The corridors around him still felt unreal, wood paneling where bare rock should be. I’ll never get used to the luxury here at headquarters. Maybe we can sell this stuff to pay the troops.
Most of the personnel in the Command Center were unknown to Stark, experienced enlisted troops manning their consoles to maintain a constant stream of symbology, communications, and video feed between individual soldiers. All of it centered here, where until recently officers of every rank had tried to dictate their subordinates’ every action. Now that those officers sat within the stockade under arrest, that role, if he wanted it, was Stark’s.
“Wow.” Stark paused to admire the massive main display screen on which a sector of the front glowed in enhanced 3-D. Green American symbols hung in a slightly ragged arc marking the perimeter, each group of friendly soldiers clustered around the heavy weapons fortifications symbology that indicated the presence of strong defensive positions. In front of those green markers, clusters of red symbols ebbed and flowed, shifting in a constant dance as sensors reported the presence of enemy soldiers trying to break through the American defenses. “They’re pushing harder than before, aren’t they?” In the three days since the horrible failure of General Meecham’s grand offensive, forces of the enemy coalition had tested for weaknesses in the American line a dozen times as rumor of riot and rebellion came dimly across to them.
“Yes,” Vic agreed, one clipped word which spoke volumes. “We should be able to hold it, though.”
Should be able to. Stark studied the display again, scowling. “Why are those enemy units getting so close? Why aren’t they being shoved back farther?”
“I don’t know.” Vic tried to keep her frustration hidden, but it swelled to the surface as the Sergeant tried to handle far more soldiers than her training and experience had ever prepared her for.
“I don’t like ‘I don’t knows’ in combat, Vic.”
She fought down another sharp answer before speaking more calmly. “Neither do I, but I’m not sure what’s happening on the line. Everything looks right, but our defenses don’t seem to be as strong as they ought to be.” Vic glared at him briefly. “We shouldn’t have gone ahead with the unit rotations this early.”
“Vic, we didn’t have any choice. The units on the line had been extended there because of Meecham’s offensive, and they were getting really ragged.”
“They could have stayed on line a few more days. Another week. We started rotating units the day after we took over, for Christ’s sake!”
“Everybody insisted on it,” Stark reminded her. “What could we do?”
Vic set her jaw stubbornly. “Tell them no.”
“I haven’t got that authority, Vic.”
“The hell you don’t. They elected you commander, remember?”
Stark jabbed a finger at her. “Yeah, I remember. You helped that happen. And you know as well as I do that saying I’ve got full authority and actually being able to order people around at the drop of a hat are two damn different things. I can’t buck every other Sergeant. Not yet. They’re still gonna think about it before they do as I say.”
She bent her head, then nodded wearily. “You’re probably right. No, you are right, but I still don’t like it. Everything is still too soft and rotating units made it softer. I’ve activated the on-call reserves for that sector,” Vic added.
“Good move. How many soldiers is that?”
“Two companies.”
“Where are you putting them?”
“I don’t know!” The frustration surged into the open again as Vic waved at the display. “Where do we need them?”
“If you can’t tell, I sure as hell can’t.” Vic’s the best tactical thinker I ever met, so if she can’t read this mess, nobody can. Stark watched the display, hundreds of symbols clashing together and moving apart, a constant stream of data scrolling along the sides of the display where it framed simulated terrain so real Stark felt he could fall into it.
She stared first at him, then back at the display. “I think that’s because there’s too much on here to think through, Ethan. They packed every bit of data they could onto these displays so it’s just about impossible to see the forest for the trees. We’ve got to prune this junk back to essential data.”
“Sounds like a real good idea. But we can’t do that now.”
Vic lowered her voice, barely whispering so only Stark could hear. “I wish the hell I knew what we could do.”
The other enlisted were glancing back at them, expressions guarded. Stark smiled tightly, eyes on the display as if unaware of the attention. Just like leading my Squad, only a lot bigger. People have to think you’re confident. Even if you’re scared as hell and don’t have a clue what to do. The distraction triggered an instinct as something nagged at Stark’s mind. He stared at the display, green and red markers swimming amid the rapidly swelling and just as rapidly disappearing threat symbology that marked the flight of heavy shells. It felt like that odd itching between the shoulder blades when a sniper had you in their sights, as if the display were saying something his conscious mind couldn’t grasp, but that caused a sub-consciousness honed in uncounted battles to shout alarms. “What else have we got for backup? What’s the next reserve?”
“The next?” Vic frowned at the question. “Two battalions. But they’re not on-call. We’d need to activate them, get them suited up.”
The words felt wrong. Advice from Vic was always good, but right now it felt wrong. “Do it. Get them ready to hit the line.”
“Ethan, there’s no reason at this point to jerk around a lot of soldiers we’ll probably need sharp later on.”
Reasonable words. Reasonable advice. Vic playing her old role of guiding his decisions down the right paths. Stark kept his eyes on the display, almost unfocused, seeing the rhythm of movement rather than the details, and not liking the feel of it. “We don’t have a handle on this, Vic. We need those troops ready.”
“If we keep them suited up too long—”
“I know. I know. Let’s get them activated.”
“Ethan, I don’t—”
The itching intensified, urging action. “I said do it!”
Vic halted in midsentence, face rigid. “Yessir.”
The word hit Stark like a fist in the stomach. We’ve always worked as equals, or I’ve deferred to Vic. Now I’m supposed to call all the shots, and I don’t like it and neither does she. He wavered, trying not to be seen noticing the angry lines etched on his friend’s face as she transmitted the order to the on-call battalions. Am I wrong? Am I just being a jerk? No. No. I’ve got to be in command and every instinct I’ve got says I’m gonna need those troops. “Thank you,” Stark stated softly, leaving anything else unsaid.
Vic glanced his way, startled by the reply, but still mad. “You’re welcome. This isn’t easy.”
“It ain’t for me, either. We’ll talk later, figure out how to work this better. I still want you telling me what you think.”
“You won’t get it if you cut me off like I’m a stupid recruit,” Vic noted, her tone still hard, but somewhat milder.
“You’re right.”
To Stark’s surprise, the last words brought a smile to Vic’s face. “Now, that’s never happened. I never worked for a commander who told me I was right.” She glanced at Stark, one eyebrow raised in question. “I’ve got two battalion commanders asking me why their people need to suit up and deploy.”
“Because . . .” I said so? Real bad answer. “Because we’ve got some real strong probes hitting us. They’re stressing the line. The guys holding the front might need backup.” Too soft. “No. Leave out the ‘might need.’ Say we need backup for the front.”
“Okay.” Vic rapidly repeated Stark’s words into her comm unit, then nodded. “They rogered-up. Ethan, that’s a real vague reason for activating that many soldiers. What’s got you so I worried?”
Even as she spoke the question, an answer appeared before them. “That.” Stark pointed a rigid finger toward the display, where a small patch of their own soldiers had suddenly begun moving. “They’re falling back. That squad. Retreating. Why the hell are they falling back?”
“Bunker status is okay,” Vic muttered. “What’s going on?” she called over the headquarters communications circuit. “Corporal Hamilton. Why did your squad abandon your bunker?”
Stark linked in to hear the reply. Hamilton’s words came quickly, rushed with fear and the stress of rapid movement. “Too many of them. Too much pressure. Couldn’t hold.”
“Hamilton,” Vic barked, “there’s nothing out in front of you an entrenched squad can’t handle. Return to your position.”
“Negative. Too hot. Falling back.”
Stark forestalled Vic’s next transmission with one hand on her shoulder, using the other to point again. “Look how fast that symbology’s moving. They ain’t falling back. They’re running.”
“Running.” Vic repeated the word as if she’d never heard it before and couldn’t grasp the meaning. “Oh, God,” she added in a whisper as the squads to either side of the abandoned bunker also left their positions.
“Over there, too,” Stark observed through a tight jaw. “In another company’s area. The line’s crumbling.” More symbology moved as soldiers broke from their defensive positions, heading toward the rear in ragged groups as the red markers of enemy soldiers began following, the enemy advance almost tentative, as if they feared ambush.
“What’s going on?” Vic wondered, whispering the question, then glaring at Stark. “Why are they running?” She slammed her fist against the console before her. “Why the hell are they running?”
“I dunno. Let’s ask again.” Stark pulled up the ID on one of the Sergeants involved in the growing rout. “Srijata. What’s going on? Why did you abandon your bunker?”
The wild disorder of combat only dimly echoed in Srijata’s reply. “I don’t know! Everybody just jumped up and started running!”
“Why’d you run?”
“I can’t hold a bunker by myself! I could see the bunkers on either side going, too!”
Stark shifted comms. “Private Shanahan. Hold your position.”
“Negative. Negative. Too hot. Can’t hold.”
“You’re not under pressure right now. Take a stand.”
“Why? I’m not gonna die for nothing!”
Vic stared directly into Stark’s eyes for a moment, then called a soldier herself. “Corporal Delgado. Report in.” Silence. “I know you’ve got comms, Delgado.”
“Go to hell!” Delgado panted back.
“Hold your position, Delgado. There’s soldiers depending on you.”
“Nobody’s risking their ass to save me, are they? They’re all running, too.”
Stark focused back on the Command Center, suddenly aware of every eye on him. Yeah. Like being a squad leader, but with one helluva big squad. He keyed the general circuit, linking it to every soldier in the threatened sector. “Everybody listen up. This is Stark. Hold your positions. There’s nothing coming at you we can’t handle. I’ve got reserves moving up. Hold your positions,” he repeated. Some of the symbology seemed to hesitate, but the breach in the front kept widening as more positions were abandoned and more units began running. The dam had broken, its individual pieces falling away under pressure, the enemy flood shoving at the ragged edges of the break to sheer away more defenses in an ever-widening rout.
Stark became aware of Sergeant Jill Tanaka, in charge of the headquarters staff, standing near. “How far will this spread?” she wondered, voice despairing. “Is the whole front going to go?”
“I’ll tell you as soon as I know.” Odd. To have so much power at his fingertips, yet to have so little ability to influence events.
“Dammit,” Vic swore, punching another circuit to life.
“Where the hell’s my brain. Artillery. Grace? We got problems. We need you to stop a penetration.”
Far from the main headquarters complex, ensconced in a room where rested control of the big cannons, which infantry had feared for centuries, Sergeant Grace spoke carefully, spacing his words. “I see it. I can lay down barrages to slow the enemy a bit, but I can’t stop them without ground troops forming a line.”
“We’ll form a line. We got reserves moving up. Start dropping shells on those enemy troops.”
“Okay. I’ll slow some of them down, like I said, but I can’t hit the ones farthest forward without risking our own people. They’re too intermingled.”
Vic stared at the display, then at Stark. He nodded slowly. “Do your best, Grace. You’re the expert.”
“You don’t wanna see my firing plan and sign off on it first?”
“Hell, no. What’re you talking about?”
“Standard procedure,” Grace explained, speaking rapidly now. “I develop a plan, then send it up the chain of command so every officer along the line can sign off on it and fiddle with exactly what target which cannon shoots at when. Then I get it back.”
“After the damn battle’s over?”
“Hey, I didn’t make the system. You want to see my plan?”
“No,” Stark declared forcefully. “Grace, you’ll forget more about employment of heavy artillery than I’ll never know. You do your job and if I see a problem from here, I’ll talk to you about it.”
“Command by negation?” Grace questioned. “Stark, you’re my kind of wild-eyed radical. There’ll be shells going out in a few minutes.”
“Thanks.” Stark glanced at Vic. “What the hell is ‘command by negation’?”
Reynolds grinned, the expression rendered slightly unnerving by her tension. “That means you tell somebody to do a job, then just watch them do it. You don’t interfere unless you see something you think needs done differently.”
“Common sense,” Stark muttered. “How the hell else can you—?” He stiffened, staring at the left flank of the collapse. “It’s stopped on that side. There. Look, they’re holding. Tanaka, get on with that bunker and hold their hands personal. Make sure they stay.”
“Why there?” Vic wondered as Tanaka rushed to a terminal to link in. “Oh, hell, look at the terrain. They’re on an elevation with a steep depression in front and rocks in front of that.”
“Yeah.” Stark smiled crookedly in recognition. “The Castle. We never got stationed there. Best bunker assignment on the perimeter. The enemy’s being channeled away from them by the terrain so they’re under no pressure at all.” He shifted to gaze to the other side of the penetration, where a cluster of friendly symbols stood fixed on a piece of terrain shaped like a lopsided oval. “Vic, somebody’s holding on this side, too. Thank God.”
“Yes,” she confirmed. “Mango Hill’s holding.”
“But that’s just a low elevation. The enemy’s gotta be pushing them.”
“Ethan, look at the unit ID.” Vic snapped the suggestion as if she knew he wouldn’t like the information it provided.
He didn’t. “Oh, Christ.” Third Squad. First Platoon. Bravo Company. Second Battalion. First Brigade. His old Squad. The twelve soldiers he’d personally trained and led for years. His Squad until decades of poor leadership by their officers, culminating in the unthinking slaughter ordered during General Meecham’s illconsidered offensive, had led the senior enlisted to finally mutiny; until those senior enlisted had elected Sergeant Ethan Stark to command them, so that he had to leave the Squad where his heart still lay. That same Squad, those same soldiers, had rotated back onto the line in the last few days and were now holding a position that had become the linchpin of the American line. Holding where the enemy was certain to hurl full force in an attempt to continue the unraveling of the American front. “Anita,” he called.
“Sí, Sargento.” Corporal Gomez sounded absurdly cheerful.
Scanning her display, Stark could see the bunker combat systems shifting in a rapid blur to slam rounds at enemy targets as fast as they winked into existence on the local sensor net. A lot of targets probing, pushing, trying to work their way close enough to the bunker to pinpoint its sensors and weapon hard points. In one corner of the view from Gomez’s command seat, Stark could see Private Mendoza hunched forward at his control station, an occasional quick gesture changing the bunker system priorities to concentrate on different targets or sectors. “You’ve gotta hold,” Stark stated. “Right there. I can’t trust anybody else to stand and fight right now.”
“We gonna fight, Sargento. No problema.”
“They’re gonna hit you, hit you bad, but you gotta hold,” Stark repeated.
“Sí’. Nobody’s leaving this hill. They’re pushing us now, but we’re pushing back plenty hard. You see? We ain’t gonna run like those Earthworms.” Stark called up a different direct vid feed, seeing through the eyes of another one of his old Squad members as Private Chen fired from a pit outside the bunker. Shadowy shapes moved among the scattered rocks, flickers of motion amid the solid black shadows and glaring white light overlying the dead gray of the lunar landscape. Chen fired coolly, steadily, as his Tac pinpointed target kill-points. His Heads-Up Display jittered as enemy jamming tried to confuse aiming and detection of targets, the symbology altering in a constant wild jig as combat systems tried to sort out real targets from false. Minor vibrations jarred the Tac display as a nearby chain-gun mount pumped out staccato streams of shells. So easy to be there, focusing on the moment, on one target at a time in the familiar routine of a leader responsible for one small group of soldiers. So hard to be back here, instead, worrying about thousands.
“Let me know if it gets too hot,” Stark ordered, breaking the link to resurface in the Command Center.
Vic was watching him, eyes hard. “Ethan, they’re going to catch hell.”
“I know that. They’re gonna catch hell because I can count on them to stand there and take it. That’s the way it works, right? The ones who can take it and do the job, no matter how rough, always end up getting handed that job.” He ran one hand through his hair, staring at the sector display once again where enemy forces were pushing deeper inside the American lines. “That’s a big flippin’ hole.” New symbols appeared, heavy shells arcing in from the American rear to burst within the area where enemy forces were thrusting forward. “Grace is right. The artillery’s not gonna stop them.”
“That’s not Grace’s fault. He has to guess where the enemy will be and where our own troops will be. He’s always going to be behind the curve unless you tell him to drop his stuff on our own people.”
“Which we ain’t gonna do. So how we gonna plug that damn hole, Vic?”
“I’ve got the two on-call companies.” She waved at the display. “At least I don’t have to wonder where to deploy them anymore. Delta’s off to the left a long ways. I’m sending them in behind the Castle to hit the enemy flank,” Vic advised, her fingers flying over the command console to transmit orders straight to Delta Company’s Tactical systems. “The other company is almost dead behind the hole in the line. Maybe they can stop the enemy advance.” She paused. “Okay?”
“What?” Stark questioned irritably. Oh, right. I’m the boss. “Yeah. Good moves. Do it.”
“They won’t be good enough, Ethan. Damn fine thing you ordered those extra battalions activated.” Vic bit her lower lip so hard that a bright bead of ruby blood appeared. “Charlie Company. I need you in place fast.” Even as she spoke, Vic rapidly updated positions to feed Charlie Company’s Tacs. “Establish a defensive line.”
“You want us to hold that alone?” Charlie Company’s acting commander questioned incredulously. Another Sergeant with a lot more soldiers and a lot more responsibility than a few days before. “There’s a lot of crap coming down that way.” The enemy, caution evaporating, had begun chasing the retreating American forces, hurling more and more troops into the hole in the American line despite the artillery falling in their path.
“Negative,” Vic soothed. “Delaying action. Don’t try to hold firm until we get more people there. We’ve got two battalions on the way. Understand? You’re not alone.”
“Okay.” The doubt behind the acknowledgment rang clear even through the distance of the comm circuit.
Stark fidgeted, unable to act for the moment, his available forces committed. The line of symbols representing Charlie Company seemed far too small compared with the mass of friendly and enemy soldiers rushing down at it.
The thin line of Charlie Company had barely taken up position when the first scattered symbols representing fleeing Americans began to stream past and through them. More symbols came, moving rapidly toward the rear in singles and small clusters, like debris in a river rushing against the small dam that was Charlie Company. “Ethan . . .” Vic began.
“I see it.” Some of the Charlie Company soldiers had begun falling back as well, swept up in the retreat as another wave of panic-stricken troops hit their line. First the edges of the company line began peeling away, then segments of the center eroded, then the rest simply collapsed, joining in the rout. “We got big problems, Vic. Holding the flanks won’t help if the center ain’t there.” There’s too much going on all at once. How do you decide anything with all this data in front of you and stuff happening faster than you can think? Indecision ate at him, allied with a growing fear. What do we do? Tell people what to shoot at like the officers did? That won’t accomplish anything. Maybe there’s nothing I can do. Nothing but watch and hope something happens to salvage this mess.
A vision of bloodied grass suddenly mocked him, jeering at his inaction. Just like Stark’s commanders had once waited indecisively at Patterson’s Knoll as their troops died around them; until their options were all foreclosed. Good Lord. Am I becoming my own worst enemy?
Memories tumbled out, as if thinking of the hopeless battle on the Knoll had been a key to a locked door. One steadied, forming a vision of soldiers sitting around a glowing heat lamp somewhere near a nameless battlefield, the veterans swapping war stories while newer personnel watched and listened in something approaching awe. One of those inexperienced soldiers, then-Private Ethan Stark, venting his frustration. It can’t be done. There ain’t no damned way to accomplish this mission.
Corporal Kate Stein, his self-appointed “big sister,” had grinned back. Lemme tell you something kid. When you’ve tried everything you can think of, and nothing’s worked, try something else.
What? Stark complained. You just said I’d already tried everything.
No, I didn’t. I said you’d tried everything you could think of. Think of something else.
Stark rapped his faceshield with an armored fist, drawing a surprised look from Vic. “What was that for?” she wondered.
“Me. Trying to shake a few brain cells loose.”
“I hope it helps.” Vic hung her head for a moment, both hands supporting her above the command console, then raised again to look at Stark. “Ethan, I don’t know how to stop this. I don’t even know why it’s happening.”
“I think I do.” He knew it, now, somewhere down deep. Some people fight for God, some for glory, some for country. Which of those are left for these guys right now, right here? But that’s a long-range problem. Gotta save everybody’s asses first. Too much happening, too big a disaster in the making, and too many responsibilities on his shoulders, yet Stark felt oddly calm. Think of something else. He stood directly before the map display, pointing toward it. “We’ve been trying to deal with this penetration by throwing stuff straight at the enemy.”
“That’s how you stop them.”
“Depends. Forget where the enemy troops are this second. Forget about trying to hold on to as much ground as possible. If you had your choice, where would you try to stop the enemy advance? Stop it cold.”
“My choice? You mean the best terrain?”
“Yeah. Anywhere short of the Colony.”
“Right here.” She illuminated the spot, an isolated ridge of rock rearing up slightly off center from the enemy advance. A remnant of a very old crater, perhaps, the rest of its walls long since pulverized by subsequent minor impacts. “Great ground. But it’s too far back. If that spot didn’t hold we wouldn’t have anyplace else to make a stand before the Colony.”
Stark narrowed his eyes, studying the position. “That’s its strength, Vic. It gives us time to establish a line before the enemy gets there.”
“Ethan, if you don’t hold the line there, we’ve lost.”
“Yeah, but if we can’t hold there, we won’t be able to hold anywhere.” He nodded, once. “Okay. Get those battalions on the way there.”
“Both of them?” Reynolds questioned sharply.
“We gotta stop them and then roll them back.”
“Not that way,” she insisted. “Main force against main force? And what if all those running soldiers break a battalion the way they broke Charlie Company? Think, Ethan. You don’t want every egg in one basket.”
Every nerve demanded action, but Stark forced himself to stand before the display. “Okay, one battalion goes to hold the ridge. Where should the second go?”
Vic swung one arm along an arc, a planner in her element, the despair of a moment before lost in the rush of action. “Deploy them along this side of the penetration. Hit the enemy in the flank after you’ve stopped them. Or, if worse comes to worse, hit the flank and try to stop them that way.”
“Good. Great.” He turned to go. “I’m on my way.”
“I’m on my way,” Stark repeated. He pointed again, this time to the retreating symbology. “Those running soldiers won’t stop just because there’s a battalion waiting at that ridge, anymore than they did when they hit Charlie Company. I’ve gotta be there to hold them.”
“Ethan, you’re all that’s holding this entire army together! If you die, everything will come apart!”
“Vic, everything is coming apart.” He turned away, leaving her groping for an answer. “Sergeant Tanaka, I need a ride out to the front. How soon can I get an APC here?”
She nodded and gestured simultaneously. “An Armored Personnel Carrier? You got one. Two, actually. The Commanding General’s Mobile Operations Centers.”
Stark scowled. “I said I wanted an APC.”
“They are APCs. Just a little modified with extra command and control gear.” Tanaka’s fingers danced over several screens.
“I’ve downloaded the directions to the APC loading dock into your Tac and alerted the drivers. Have a nice trip.”
“Thanks Sarge.” Stark ran, following the path Sergeant Tanaka had entered into his armor’s Tactical Combat System, but deliberately slowing his pace from a mad dash to a quick jog. No way I want people to see me running like crazy— The APC loading access gapped ahead, much larger than Stark was used to and set into the side of the vehicle so he could board just by walking. Why the hell did they compromise the armor and the camouflage by putting a door in the damn thing? Guess Generals don’t like having to climb into their personal vehicles.
Stark dove into the seat directly facing the command displays, fumbling with his restraining harness until he realized it had been much more heavily padded than usual. With a muttered curse he slammed the buckles home, then sat for a long moment. Alright, already. Let’s go! He jacked in, cursing again at the delay. “Driver? What’s the holdup?”
“Awaiting orders, sir.”
“Orders?” Ah, hell. All my career I’ve gotten on these things and they’ve gone where someone else told them to go. Guess I’ve got to break a few habits. Stark pinpointed the ridge on his display and bounced it to the APC systems. “Here’s a position. Get me there as fast as you can.”
“Yessir.” The APC rose with a smooth glide, unlike the wicked lurches Stark was used to experiencing when riding as a simple grunt. Accelerating rapidly, the vehicle shot down the wide lane leading through the lunar surface over the headquarters complex, only to slow significantly as it entered the broken terrain outside the developed areas.
“What’s the problem?” Stark snapped. “How come you slowed down so much?”
“There’s a lot of rocks out here, sir. I’ve got to be careful maneuvering around them.”
“A lot of rocks?” Stark switched to an exterior view, watching the terrain scroll past. Tortured rock, interspersed with puddles of dust. Dead as only something that had never known life could be dead. The terrain didn’t look too bad for a lifeless expanse of rock on the Moon. “How long you been driving up here?”
“Four years.”
“Four—? Why don’t you have more experience with driving around this junk?”
“I’m the General’s driver, sir,” the driver noted with a trace of annoyance. “I’m always on call if the General needs a vehicle.”
And all those Generals probably only rode this thing around the Colony, if that. What a waste of a good soldier and a decent vehicle. One more thing to fix if and when I get the chance. “Well, mister, you’re driving me, now. Get this thing moving. I don’t care if the paint gets scratched or the fenders dented.”
“Uh, standing orders—”
“Just got changed. Move it!”
“Yes, sir.” The APC accelerated again, not to the pace an experienced driver could have maintained, but noticeably faster than it had been poking along at before.
Stark worked the controls before him, bringing up the sector display. He paused, one finger poised to call up direct vid from a frontline soldier, then lowered the hand. Too easy to watch this battle through the eyes of the people fighting it instead of doing my own job of trying to watch the big picture. Blasted command and control gear is too good. Without his willing it, Stark’s memory flashed to the initial assault on the Moon. Years ago, the first time the command and control vid had been fed straight to the networks with minimal time-delay as another form of mass entertainment, the first time the brass in the Pentagon figured out that a public hungry for blood-and-guts entertainment would pay to watch the real thing going down. A clever way to boost the military budget and fund some more hyperexpensive weapons without inflicting pain on civilian taxpayers, never mind how the average soldier felt about it, and never mind another big wedge driven between civilian and military society. Why’d we put up with it as long as we did? And how do I get my people to fight now? He stared grimly at the sector display. Still running. Lots of them. But the flanks are holding.Nobody’s even bothering the Castle. He flinched at the sight of the forces massing against his old Squad’s position on the other flank. “Anita,” he called. “How’s it goin’?”
“Been better, Sargento.” Only someone who knew her well could have detected the worry behind her grim words. “They lost a lot of people trying to push us out fast, and now they’re trying to do it smart. Nothin’ we can’t handle so far, though. Kinda busy to talk.”
“Understand.” He broke the link, fighting off an overwhelming sense of dread. What was that story my friend Rash had told me about? Spartans. Yeah. Hold ‘til you die. Why did it have to be my old Squad?
“Stark?” The voice could have come from beside him, but the command display highlighted a location on the other side of the perimeter. “What’s going on?”
Stark took a deep, calming breath before replying in an even, confident voice. “We got problems in one sector. I’m heading there now.”
“Problems?” another Sergeant queried. “Looks like the front collapsed there.”
“Yeah. That’s how it looks ’cause that’s what happened. But the edges of the penetration are holding, and we got a coupla battalions headed to knock the enemy back on their butts.”
“How come they’re running, Stark?” a third voice wondered.
Count to five, slowly, before answering. “I’ll ask them when I get there.”
“We’re getting some pressure, too,” a fourth Sergeant added. “They’re pushing us in front and the guys guarding our rears are running away. We can’t hold our positions with that happening.”
Stark stared bleakly at the display, feeling uncertainty rising on all sides, the small hesitations multiplying, every one inconsequential in and of itself, but together building into a force that could turn the defenders into a panicked mob. “I told you we’re gonna seal this penetration.”
“Maybe we oughta fall back a little.”
“No!” Stark almost shouted it. Start falling back now, and they’ll never stop. “Hold on! Everybody hold their positions.”
Why. Simple question. One word. Very hard answer. Why get yourself killed for something and someone else? Just having that question asked meant trouble, because “why” was one of the things you were supposed to be able to take for granted that everybody knew. “Why” had been easier to answer before Meecham’s offensive had slaughtered the Third Division in repeated attacks against strong defenses, before the long habit of obedience had been shattered as unit after unit in Stark’s own First Division had revolted against their own officers in order to try to save the remnants of the Third. Now, every possible reply seemed to have too many words, explanations too lengthy to have meaning to someone staring at incoming fire. Stark spoke with forced calm even as his mind churned in futile search for the answer that would likely do the job. “If anybody falls back, they’ll screw everybody on their flanks and everybody in the rear.”
“We’re getting screwed now, Stark.”
“You’re in fortified positions,” Vic broke in. “If you run, you’ll be out in the open and much easier targets.”
“Sure, Reynolds. But you’d still be at headquarters, and we’d be just as dead either way. Why should we do that?”
Stark felt pain, looking down to see his fist clenched so hard the armored fist of his suit was forming a vise. What reason could he give these Sergeants, what cause, when so much they’d always believed in and depended upon had been swept away along with the authority of their imprisoned officers? But maybe “what” was the wrong question right now, right this moment. Maybe right now he could only give them a “who.” Sometimes people who couldn’t find strong enough reasons to fight for themselves could find the reasons to fight for somebody else.
Stark let his anger and frustration boil over, spitting out each word with accusing force. “Okay, Goddammit. You apes elected me to this rotten job. I didn’t want it, but I said I’d do my best because you guys gave it to me.”
“We trusted you—”
“And I trusted you! So now you’re gonna leave me hanging while I try to do this damn job? Is that right?”
“Stark, we’ve got our butts on the line here.”
“What the hell do you think I’m doin’? Looking at the damn scenery? I’m goin’ out there. I’m goin’ on the line. And I’m gonna hold that line. Because you gave me a job to do, and I’m gonna do it. So who the hell’s gonna screw me? Who’s gonna leave my backside hangin’ out? You, Carmen? How about you, Jones? Or maybe Truen?”
A moment’s silence as the APC swerved around obstacles, rocking Stark in his harness though his eyes stayed fixed on the command display. “We ain’t gonna screw you, Stark,” an answer finally came. “We just, you know . . .”
“No, I don’t know. This is a battle. The enemy’s in front of you. Kill ’em if they come at you, and they’ll stop coming. That idea too complicated for anybody?” Silence, maybe embarrassed, maybe defiant. “So, you gonna fight? You gonna hold? You gonna back me up?” Stark demanded.
“Yeah. We put you out there. We’ll watch your flanks. Give ’em hell, Stark.”
“Thanks.” He’d meant it to come out at least half-sarcastic, but relief made it sincere. A moment later, the APC braked gently, coming to a carefully controlled stop. Stark waited, fuming at the delay until the vehicle finally halted, then popped his harness and the access hatch in one motion. With the ease of long practice in low gravity, he shoved off surfaces with hands and feet to drive himself out and down instead of depending on the Moon’s gentle pull for impetus. “Get the APC back about ten meters,” he ordered the driver. “Have the gunner cover the ridge, but don’t fire without my say-so.”
“Uh, sir, mobile command center-configured armored personnel carriers don’t have any armament.”
“You don’t have a gun? Nothing?”
“No, sir. All the command and control gear takes up too much space.”
“Oh, for . . . never mind. Get that damned thing back ten meters and try to look threatening.” Stark stood on the surface, the unnamed ridge rising before him, blasted black rock merging into endless black sky lit with a trillion trillion tiny lights that offered neither heat nor comfort. On the other side of the ridge, panicstricken soldiers were streaming his way. Behind him, a battalion of soldiers was rushing toward this spot. But here, now, everything around sat quiet, still, and empty. Shut out the frantic messages filling comm circuits, look past the HUD crawling with enemy and friendly unit symbols, ignore the APC resting a short distance back, and Stark might be alone on the surface, the only human on the otherwise dead lunar landscape. Just like that first human here, the guy who made the speech about everybody cooperating to share the Moon. Too bad all the other countries thought we meant it and came up here to get their share. Too bad our greedy corporations couldn’t be happy with owning everything on Earth and had to tell their bought-and-paid-for politicians to order us up here to take it all back, so we end up fighting an endless war that we can’t win and refuse to lose no matter how much we bleed. Yeah, too bad that for every human who wants to cooperate in building something there’s usually two willing to cooperate to destroy it. Far above, the blue-white marble of Earth beckoned, gazing down serenely at the organized violence its children had brought from their home. You ever feel a little guilty, Mother Earth? Inflicting your offspring on other planets? Hell, you ought to. Maybe if you’d treated the human race nicer when we were growing up we’d have turned out better.
Stark’s original intention had been to take a position on top of the ridge, giving him maximum visibility to help rally his panicked soldiers. But some instinct held him here, on the reverse slope, while he watched the symbols crawl his way from both directions. Off to his right, where the widest open gap lay, a field of jagged rocks littered the terrain. On his left, a smaller gap beckoned, but off the direct line-of-retreat of Stark’s fleeing troops. On Earth they’d run right or left, but here they’ll go up the ridge. Easier in the low gravity. So we’ve got to hold the top of that ridge. Right? Wrong. That won’t work. Not enough time to dig in and anyone on that ridge will be exposed to fire by every enemy soldier coming this way. Besides, I’ve got to stop all the apes running away, and my reserve battalion won’t get here before some of them do. Just me and a lot of scared-witless soldiers. A whole lot of scared soldiers. Back here, I can handle them as they start coming over that ridge, one or two at a time. Yeah, much better odds. But how to stop them? A rousing speech? Stark snorted in self-derision. I wouldn’t know how. So what do I know?
I know how to tell people what to do.
A figure came panting over the crest of the ridge, movements jerky with fatigue and panic. Stark tagged the soldier’s symbol, coming up with an instant ID. “Corporal Watkins!” The figure spasmed in surprise, staring toward where Stark stood. “Take up position on the right.” Stark pointed, armored finger designating the spot.
“What? But—”
“Watkins, get your butt in position! Now!” The figure finally moved, instinctively obedient though still uncertain. Two more soldiers came scrambling into Stark’s view. “Jurgen! Rodriguez! On the left! By that rock.”
“There’s an enemy army right behind us! We can’t stop them!”
“You haven’t tried! Get into position.”
“Who the hell are—? Stark? You’re Stark?”
“Yeah, I’m Stark. You gonna stand here with me or leave me to fight alone?”
The two privates began moving, descending the reverse slope to where Stark had pointed them. Another soldier came right behind them. “Steinberg! Get over there with Corporal Watkins!”
“I don’t—”
“Shut up and get over there!” The words had barely cleared Stark’s throat when two more soldiers came into sight, but both of these paused on the top of the ridge, facing back toward the enemy. “Sergeant Ulithi, Sergeant Van Buskirk! Get down here!”
“We’re going to stop them,” Van Buskirk insisted, standing steady even though his voice shook with anger and frustration.
“Damn straight,” Stark approved. “But do it down here. One soldier at a time.” He felt something to his left, where Jurgen and Rodriguez waited by their rock, an unsteadiness, as if the soldiers were reeds wavering in a strong wind. “Sergeant Ulithi, get down on my left and hold those soldiers and any others I send you. Van Buskirk, same on the right with Corporal Watkins.”
“Roger. They won’t go nowhere, Stark.” The Sergeants moved, and Stark’s small line steadied a little more. More American soldiers now, coming in larger numbers. Too many to hail individually. Stark grabbed the ones he could, building up concentrations of troops who had stopped running. Gradually, they stiffened, out of sight of the enemy, surrounded by friends, with increasing numbers of Sergeants giving them alternate doses of encouragement and browbeating. Gradually, they became an armed force again instead of a beaten mob.
“Commander Stark?” Another voice, breathing heavily, from a symbol approaching from the rear. “Fourth Battalion. Sergeant Milheim commanding.”
Stark broke his concentration on the situation to his front, switching scans and juggling responsibilities frantically. “Nice to see you. You got the positions in your Tacs?”
“Yeah, but I don’t like them.”
“What—?” Stark bit off the word, remembering Vic’s anger at being ordered around like a new recruit. He’s not some brainless, green private. He’s a smart, senior enlisted. I’m not perfect, and I don’t have time to think everything through the way a guy with less responsibilities can. I damn well better remember all that. “What’s the problem?” he continued, his tone clipped but respectful.
Milheim pointed along the ridge. “You want my battalion deployed in thirds. One third here in the center, and the others to the left and right. I want to put most of my people right here in the middle and only a company on each flank.”
Stark considered the idea, frowning at the ridge before him. “Why?”
“Because the enemy ain’t gonna come through that rough terrain on the left,” Milheim argued. “It’d slow them too much, even in low-G. And the opening on the right is too far off their line of advance. No, they’re gonna come charging right up the middle here, and I want enough force on hand to knock them back on their butts.”
“Kinda risky if you’re wrong,” Stark observed. “But it makes sense.” And it felt right on that level where his instincts operated. “Okay. Do it, Milheim. Update your battalion’s Tacs and get them deployed like you want. Do it fast. We ain’t got much time.”
“You got it.” Milheim’s fierce smile somehow came through the comm circuit, then he switched circuits to start ordering his soldiers into position.
“Yeah, Vic.”
“What the hell is Milheim doing?”
“Sorry. You weren’t in on that conversation.” Small wonder, with the entire rest of the battle to worry about. “We decided to deploy his battalion different than you’d told them.”
“I see. You’ve gotten rid of the officers so now you have to disobey my orders.”
“You think your original plan was better?”
“I don’t know. But I do know I can’t run a battle if you keep improvising and don’t keep me informed!”
Stark winced. She’s right. “I’ll keep you cut in from now on.”
“Thanks.” Vic sounded only slightly mollified. He’d have a lot of fences to mend when this battle was over, assuming they both survived the experience. “Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m not used to handling this many troops. I want input.”
“Understood. Me, too.”
“You sure you want that battalion deployed along the back of the ridge? The best place to hit the enemy is when they’re trying to climb up at you.”