Stories in English for Beginners - Daria Galek - E-Book

Stories in English for Beginners E-Book

Daria Gałek

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Welcome to the book "Stories in English for Beginners." This unique collection contains 40 carefully selected stories to help you learn English. After each story, you'll find exercises with answers to help reinforce the knowledge you've gained.
The stories in this book vary in themes and levels of difficulty, but all are tailored to the beginner level. You'll find everyday stories as well as more exciting adventures. Each story aims to develop your knowledge of English in an enjoyable and engaging way.
The exercises accompanying each story are designed to test your understanding of the text and help you learn new words and grammatical structures. Thanks to these exercises, you will be able to systematically develop your language skills.
I hope this book becomes for you not only a learning tool but also a source of joy and satisfaction in discovering a new language.
Good luck and happy reading!

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Stories in English for Beginners


Daria Galek

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


First edition. June 27, 2024.

Copyright © 2024 Daria Galek.

ISBN: 979-8227901699

Written by Daria Galek.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


Tips for Reading Stories in English

Chapter 1. Day at School

Chapter 2. A Walk in the Park

Chapter 3. Shopping at the Supermarket

Chapter 4. Liam's Family

Chapter 5. James’s Birthday

Chapter 6. A Day at the Beach

Chapter 7. At the Train Station

Chapter 8. My Pet

Chapter 9. A Rainy Day

Chapter 10. Dinner at Home

Chapter 11. Visit to the Zoo

Chapter 12. A Day in the Mountains

Chapter 13. My Best Friend

Chapter 14. The Neighborhood Party

Chapter 15. The Doctor's Visit

Chapter 16. The Soccer Match

Chapter 17. My Room

Chapter 18. A Plane Journey

Chapter 19. My Spanish Class

Chapter 20. The Library

Chapter 21. An Afternoon at the Movies

Chapter 22. The Music Festival

Chapter 23. A Bike Ride

Chapter 24. Art Class

Chapter 25. A Snowy Day

Chapter 26. The History Museum

Chapter 27. My Favorite Breakfast

Chapter 28. A Day in the Countryside

Chapter 29. The Dentist Visit

Chapter 30. The Book Fair

Chapter 31. A Walk Downtown

Chapter 32. A Day at the Aquarium

Chapter 33. The New Year's Eve Party

Chapter 34. Music Class

Chapter 35. The New Job

Chapter 36. A Day at the Gym

Chapter 37. The Photography Workshop

Chapter 38. The Dance Class

Chapter 39. The First Day of Vacation

Chapter 40. Visiting the Grandparents



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Welcome to the book "Stories in English for Beginners." This unique collection contains 40 carefully selected stories to help you learn English. After each story, you'll find exercises with answers to help reinforce the knowledge you've gained.

The stories in this book vary in themes and levels of difficulty, but all are tailored to the beginner level. You'll find everyday stories as well as more exciting adventures. Each story aims to develop your knowledge of English in an enjoyable and engaging way.

The exercises accompanying each story are designed to test your understanding of the text and help you learn new words and grammatical structures. Thanks to these exercises, you will be able to systematically develop your language skills.

I hope this book becomes for you not only a learning tool but also a source of joy and satisfaction in discovering a new language.

Good luck and happy reading!

Tips for Reading Stories in English

Reading stories in English can be both enjoyable and highly effective in learning a new language. To fully benefit from the stories in this book, it's worth applying a few simple but effective strategies. Here are some tips that might help you:

1. Read aloud: Reading aloud helps improve pronunciation and fluency. You'll hear how words and sentences sound, which is extremely helpful in learning a foreign language.

2. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes: Learning a new language is a process where making mistakes is natural and inevitable. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve.

3. Focus on understanding the overall meaning: At first, you don’t need to understand every word. Concentrate on grasping the overall meaning of the story. Over time, you'll understand more details.

4. Use a dictionary: If you find difficult words, use a dictionary to look up their meaning. This will help you expand your vocabulary effectively.

5. Take notes: Write down new words and phrases you encounter while reading. This way, you can revisit them and reinforce your knowledge.

6. Complete the exercises after each story: Exercises are a key element of learning. Solve them carefully to check your understanding of the text and reinforce new vocabulary and grammatical structures.

7. Read regularly: Regularity is the key to success in language learning. Try to read every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Regular reading will help you gradually develop your language skills.

8. Re-read: Don’t be afraid to go back to stories you've already read. Re-reading will help you better understand the text and reinforce new words and grammatical structures.

9. Use context: If you encounter a difficult word, try to guess its meaning based on the context. This is a skill that will be very useful in language learning.

10. Be patient: Learning a language is a process that takes time. Be patient and consistent, and you will definitely see progress.

Remember, learning a language is not just about gaining knowledge, but also about enjoying the discovery of a new culture and ways of expression.