TANTRA - The Supreme Understanding - Osho - Hörbuch

TANTRA - The Supreme Understanding Hörbuch




Most discussions on Tantra begin and end with sex; not so here. With his customary clarity and lucidity, Osho reveals in detail – and in a contemporary language – the real nature of Tantra, a way of life both natural and meditative, where inner transformation and outer practice meet. Learn about the mystical insights found in the ancient Tantric writings, and the many significant Tantric meditation techniques that are as relevant to the modern-day seeker as they were in earlier times. The Song of Mahamudra is the 11th century Indian mystic Tilopa's medium in which he communicates the essence of Tantra to his disciple Naropa. Using the song as a basis for this series of talks, Osho delves into The Song of Mahamudra with an understanding that far exceeds what we believe Tantra to be today. Osho contrasts the way of Tantra with the way of Yoga, to further deepen our understanding of two of the most widely used descriptions of living this century. #1: The Ultimate Experience #2: The Nature of the Mind #3: The Nature of Darkness #4: Relaxation Is to Be at Home #5: The Tantra Attitude #6: Tantra: The Great Teaching #7: The Path of Tantra: Live without Habits #8: Choicelessness: Cut the Root of the Mind #9: Allow Things to Happen #10: The Supreme Understanding Copyright © 2024 Osho International Foundation

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Zeit:16 Std. 42 min

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