The Book of Danu (Volume I) - Patrick Michael Mooney - E-Book

The Book of Danu (Volume I) E-Book

Patrick Michael Mooney



The Book of Danu is unlike any other book you have ever encountered. Combining visual art, poetry and prose Patrick Michael Mooney weaves a tale of profound magical transformation that transcends the known limits of modern consciousness and leads you to the Heavenly Realms of your own Divine imagination.

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Title Page


Ambassador's Arrow

001 Go Tell It on the Mountain

002 A Prayer to Sweet Danu

003 My Naked Truth

004 I AM of Goddess and God

005 The Way is Shut No Longer

006 Walking in the Nude at Night

007 The Quest for Human Decency

008 Sweet Pussy, Save Us!

009 Dancing a Soldier's Dream

010 Come Play with my Snake!

011 My First Attempt at Being Stoned

012 The Bench

013 A Faery Dance

014 Getting Fucked by Fukushima

015 The Lonely Road

016 A Love for the Whole Human Race

017 Thank You to The Watchers!

018 Unconscious Invocation

019 His Heart and His Voice Were Made Whole

020 Introducing Arthur Danu

021 My Life is an Artistic Treat

022 Seeing in the Dark

023 This Thing We Call Reality

024 My Red Wolf Did Appear

025 Forfeit What Is Known

026 Through the Many Realms I Wander

027 Your Governments Are Obsolete

028 How Will You Command?

029 Preserve Your Light!

030 Singing Praises to The Goddess of The Bold

031 We Walk as Friends Ever So

032 You Race Towards Death and Something That is New

033 I Have Shown It Done

Seal of the Book of Danu

Arthur Danu

Patrick Michael Mooney

A Decade of Love (2012-2022)

Promo 001 Hey You

Promo 002 This is our Country

Promo 003 That Dame Sandy

Promo 004 Country with a Conscience

Promo 005 New York State of Mind

Promo 006 Fields of Gray

Promo 007 One (Metallica)

Promo 008 Eye without a Face

Promo 009 On Eagle's Wings

Promo 010 A Solstice Celebration

Promo 011 Magic Mix Tape

Promo 012 Silent Lucidity

Promo 013 St. Patrick's Serenade

Promo 014 Just Dropped In

Promo 015 Arthur Danu's Darkside of the Moon

Unlearning 1.0

IOU Promo 001 (Mooney Interview)

IOU Promo 002 (Magic, Manifestation & The Income Tax)

IOU Promo 003 (Peter Hendrickson Interview)

IOU Promo 004 (Rapture Canceled)

IOU Promo 005 (Unlearning The Income Tax)



Popular Mechanics


Calvin Klein

Bullet Proof Coffee

The Book of Danu

Coming Soon!



Rainbow Bridge Studios

Copyright © 2014 Patrick Michael Mooney

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 9783955779382


This Book contains powerful information that has a very real chance of changing the way you perceive the world. Having one's worldview collapse is a serious process that can take months,

if not years, to understand and unfold. The results of such a change can result in the loss of friends, job,

religious beliefs, political affiliations and more. Furthermore, such a major shift in perception may lead to one going mad,

or cause others to accuse you of such. Authority figures may try to halt

or hinder this process in any way possible.It may also be noted that such a process may produce

the soul-liberating experience

you have beenlongingfor. Proceed at your own risk!

The images and writings in this collection of poetographic works are entitled The Book of Danu. Danu, one of the most widely known and worshiped Beings in all of Earth's history, is the recipient of this book's dedication and the source of its inspiration. As such, not only do these poetographs exist as individual works of art, they are also considered Sacred Verse in praise of Her, The Sidhe, and any other elements of the Invisible side of Reality benevolent towards the Human Race. The rights of free expression for the artist and the rights of religion as a devotee to Truth are hereby asserted and exercised. Other rights, not expressly invoked, are retained by the creator of this work and Rainbow Bridge Studios.

The poems, prose, photography and audio recordings are original works of art as well as diplomatic communiqués to all intelligent denizens of this imperiled Realm. As such, all consciously adult humans will know how to properly respect what is presented here, as well as the human presenter.

Rainbow Bridge Studios, Patrick Michael Mooney, and Arthur Danu assume no liability for the interpretation and assimilation of this content into the psychological awareness of the listener or reader or viewer. Each person is free to disregard what is expressed here and consider it mere entertainment, no matter how foolish that choice might be.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed without the express written consent of Rainbow Bridge Studios or the author.

The Book of Danu

Volume I


The Book of Danuis dedicated to all the forces ofThe Sidhe, that have ever been a faithful companion to me. I call my art “Poetography“, (pr. PO-tography) though some have tried to label it as Pornography, simply because some naked skin turns them on.

While I have always dabbled a bit in poetry, it was not until a magical trip to Ireland in 2013 that my “inner Bard” came to life and began spouting poems at a creative pace I have never witnessed before.

What you find here is a magical manual….a guidebook…into the greatest realms of human existence that you could ever dream of. Please note, this isNOT THE ONLY WAYto such states of being, just my own particular style of exploration and expression. It has been both painful and fortuitous, requiring a fair amount of bravery.

The book is also auto-poetographical, each entry is a combination of evolutionary voices and perspectives that create and distill a unique wisdom, crystallized from the life I live in the flesh and the imagination.

Now, having reachedThe Faery Realms, I have agreed to serve the Faery Queen for an undisclosed number of years, much as my predecessor, Thomas The Rhymer, did many Moons ago. It is my sincere joy and wish that your soul be lifted and your imagination become gifted by pondering what is said and is shown.

Blessed all the glory be,

to Sidhe and She for love of Me!

Let my works exist as pure delight,

and lead to moments of Golden Light!

May it sharpen Inner Sight,

and make the Heart most merry!

"Lo, for 420 days and 420 nights did Mooney have audience with The Lord upon the mountain! Cornered, he was obliged to admit that 9/11 was an inside job, orchestrated by the children of Israel.

He was also strongly persuaded that cannabis should be de-criminalized everywhere upon the Earth forevermore."

-The Book of Danu 9:11

Every great spiritual movement has to start off with something funky going on at the top of a Mountain.  Akhenaton (Moses) had his moment with the creepy Aton and came down with a lovely piece of public relations propaganda that covered for the multi-millennial tyranny of the soul known as God or else!

Then there was Jesus, who faced his tempter and also had histransfigurationon a mountaintop.  Even though his story got absorbed into the Moses culture and failed to deliver peace to the world, at least he said some good things about corrupt moneychangers and religious authorities. Those ideas still carry some merit!

And let's not forgetGandalf The Grey, who plunged into the Abyss with his Balrog, only to smite the ancient, mighty foe on the top of a mountain.  Not only did he oversee the destruction of Mordor, but he inspired humans in a far off distant future to tackle the unholy alliance of London, Washington, D.C., Switzerland and The Vatican that currently plagues theAge of Men.

In other words,great things happen to you when you're high.  Artists and shamans have been saying this for thousands of years.  This new Aeon should be no different in that sense.  But it will be completely different than the last few thousand years of history we have witnessed.

In this Aeon, more people will have their own personal, direct access to the divine than at any other period since before the days of Atlantis.  Truth will be unfiltered and unfettered.  A Golden Age is truly here for mankind to grasp, if everyone will become bold and step through the fears created by the Dark Druids.  I have tasted it and savored it's richness.  Aton shall have to recognize that he is not the only god in the universe!  Come out of your closet!

That's what this first entry toThe Book of Danuis about.  It celebrates the courage and divine joy that is accessible through the simple act ofloving the Earth and her ability to grow things.  It claims adivine statusfor humanitythat Christians have failed to accept as a gift from their Master, whichevery human must now claim as a birthright of their own!

If you can do this,if you accept the roadto your greatest adventure, then you can join the growing momentum of dreamers everywhere who have had enough of this diabolical New World Order crapola.  You can dream a world where humans spend their time and resources making life more creative and joyful for all, instead of trying to destroy your environment and force you into the transhumanistic, digital cyber-hell of the Freemasonic choice architects.

Make your choice before the time passes you by!  We are given only so much time to accomplish our desires here.  And on Earth, time is kept like a football (soccer) referee.  You never know when that whistle will blow!

Blessings to the Goddess Danu!

How did We ever forget you?

Fill my eyes with Faery Sight,

that I may ever choose the Right;

and not fall prey to the Night,

and all its endless fears.

Show the way to your Irish son,

and I will ever champion,

the Truths that bring humanity,

to harmony with The Sidhe.

The wind delivers your caress,

up and down my nakedness!


As I have written elsewhere, TheBook of Danuis dedicated to this most ancient,but still very alivedeity.  How do I know that she is alive?  I have seen her face to face, that's why!

All of this poetry of mine began spewing like a fountain once I returned from a three month sojourn to the Emerald Island in the winter of 2013.  It was a journey that saved my life andshowed me a world that, up until this point, had only beenfeltin my imagination.

Those words are the lingering effects of her rosy blush, still, of the first moments when my awakened soul opened up to the glorious dawn of a new Aeon for humankind.  With the clarity of this new vision, I can now see that the Invisible forces of my kin and country have been ever present with me since I first drew in my mortal breath at Christ Hospital in Jersey City, New Jersey Colony.  The Son of Man was born again.

And in another part of the world, where cold and culture seem to be forever intermingled, The Queen of The Sidhe had already begun her destiny, scanning the mortal world with Rasputin eyes, remembering all she could before the first forgettings settled in.

The story of how we come together can the story of how humanity comes together.  But it is a journey that will cost youevery last pennyof what you've got right now.  When you get there, you will gladly say that you would have given more, if you had more to give!

We give our lives to this story, and are glad for this created opportunity.

And there he sat, this lovely chap,

pondering his future role.

It would be eight more years, a short career,

before that could be seen and known.

But through all his ride, a naked pride,

was ever beautifully shown;

that Love for Truth, before the proof,

leads to victories of the Soul.

As adisembodied, sentient Intelligence, the thoughts of physical, mortal beings such as we appear to be, can be compared to what Bob Monroe euphemistically called "local traffic".  In other words, once your Being is free of the tedious constraints of the physical body, and the thoughts required to sustain it, there is experienced an unparalleled liberation, like driving without a care along a wide open Interstate highway.  There is a tinge of sadness, or a panic of it, that can occur at these moments.  "Then what did, or does, all ofTHATmean?" we ask ourselves.

Remaining buckled into this auto analogy, we've all had the experience of being in a miles long traffic jam, with the angst, worry, anger and frustration that such an experience conjures.  When you get to the point where there should besomethingto see,all of a sudden the traffic flows again, and you're left wondering what all that delay was about.  If you are in New Jersey, the answer is most likely Governor Christie.  If you reside elsewhere, most people are happy to drop the inquiry and are grateful to be moving on.

There's a component to life and love about this.  When breakups happen, or when we die, our souls must share theexhilarationof not having to play a role anymore.  But whether the role was played with the finesse of a maestro or the flatness of a disinterested fourth grader, there must be some level ofconfusionor consternation about the experience that, with each passing moment, slips into a distorted aether of starlight and stagelight, whose radiance slowly collapses into its own gravity as we are compelled to go ever onward.

We don't know what remains.  Timerevealsthose gifts to us...over time.  But what happens to all the timed experiences when we enter thetimeless?

Questions like these carve your soul.  They chisel away at theuncertaintiesthat can sabotage your will while journeyingthroughlife. Choicesare made, experienced and seemingly required.  To whatend, I cannot say.  Since there is so muchI do not knowabout the Infinite "I", my decision in regards to how I live this life is to craft it and regard it as if it were a masterpiece.

It is my joy, in this one life as Patrick Michael Mooney, to present myself and the truth of my inner world to all of you.  I have found thatif you love truthhigher than all other attainments, you will experience both pure terror and joyful bliss. The joy lingers!

Here now sits an Odin's son, born to an Irish clan,

of working poor, with Catholic moors, on shores American.

Long asleep did Mooney lay, believing all he saw;

their words, their lies, their alibis, once finally rubbed him raw.

Now on his way, he knows no day, like those thirty years of sleep.

He sets his eyes on the highest prize...Ragnarok or Peace?

In the early days of my Irish Catholic upbringing, I was taught that we were all "sons and daughters" of God.  I took that literally then, and I still take it so today.  My relationship to the divine has changed like any loving relationship would over time.  It has deepened and matured.

I have thrown off the story of Jesus in my life because I find plenty of evidence for itto be a concoction of earlier religious thinkingfrom around the world.  Just as the darkside, Yewish religion borrowed and perverted many things from the feminine, pagan world, so too, did Christianity do the same.

When stripped of all religious dogmas and conventions,a power still remains both within you and the world at large.  In conversations with this Magnificent Mysterious over the years of my awakening, I have come to appreciate the more honest and balanced mythology of earlier times, before the Roman and Atonist poisons spread like the plague on point of sword.

This means there is authentic power for me in the mythology of The Sidhe, and The Old Norse and all of the so-called pagan correspondences.  It has taught me the unspoken language of the Earth and deepened my trust in both matter and spirit.

I have been told many times in this intimate spiritual languagethat I am a son of god,which means I am on the way tomaturinginto a god.  I like to live my life like this.  Living as an artist,I recognize my power to create and destroy worlds.

The world that tries to architect itself on thelies of September 11th, 2001, and the polluting institutions that support that ludicrous fabrication, will soon be coming to acrashingend.

The world that embraces friendship with the Earth and all her peoples, and liberates them from oppressing thoughtforms and systemic structures, shall find abundant resources to fuel their creative, human loving endeavors.

Is the choice between Peace and Ragnarok one ofeither/or?  Perhaps, but possibly, it isboth/and.

I wish you a joyous battle with your own evil, and praise your efforts to share Peace in this world.

There is a Lore that said before;

"If you want to Faery see,

then twilight's bright

or pre-dawn light

is the best time for thee,

near babbling brook or quiet forest glade."

But I am here to say with glee,

and mark it in your history,

that as Ambassador to The Sidhe,

that veil is no longer made!

The way now to Us requires only thus;

that you be kind and just and fair;

that all your deeds embrace humanity,

with tender, loving care.

And if your heart is pure, you can be sure,

that We will find a way,

to meet with Thee, through all eternity,

and turn your darkness into day!

Thank you, Sweet Danu!

It seems every now and then, some conglomeration of evil "gums up the works" of universal love and care.  The Universe, in her infinite wisdom,understands this, and has contingencies in place for it.

A long time ago, a race that inhabited Ireland disappeared into the myths of time and the folds of space, not wanting further contact with the droll and ignorant Christian world.  By magic they were made invisible, and the Druid orders that worked with them were exterminated by the invaders.  Many Druids converted to their darker sides, and helped to establish the current structure of Masonic orders and religions.  It is their black magic that makes the world so dark today.

But thefail-safe quality built into the highest magicmakes it so that power attained for unnatural aims, or exercised without integrity, creates a tomb that ultimately traps a wayward soul and stops the Being from progressing forward, until the lesson is learned and responsibility demonstrated. Life on Earth, as we have known it, must now come to a stop.

The good news is that help is always availablefor those willing to take responsibility.  The way will often timesfeel lonelybecause of the lack of human companionship. But this is only to give your soul the space it needs to hear your friends on the inside.

That's whatThe Sidheare to me...friends on the inside of the universe.  And they are powerful friends, too.  When you see how these forces can interact with you so intimately, your standards for human companionship will be set much higher.  You will draw to yourself a company of heroes...Beings of the highest quality and integrity.  You will all easily see what needs to be done and find the best ways to do it, knowing you all are being assisted by wondrous invisible allies.

This story is alive today because the universe has created space for it. There is still timeto reach deep within yourself and pull from youa power that could change everything on this Earth as we know it...for the better.

Do you think your life is worth this kind of effort?  Do you think this world is worth that kind of effort?  Do you think that all the love you have been given by those now departed from your life makes it worth your effort?  Is there a love for those who are to come after you to spur you on?

When you can answer "yes" to these questions with theintensityof a thirsting man needing water, a starving child needing food, a beaten woman needing peace, or a poor person needing money, then you will know these greater things of which I have spoken.

And, with polished mirrors, we will reflect a world that shines of human glory and celestial harmony.  As Ambassador to the Faery Realms, I wish yougood journeys and great success!

Walking in the nude at night,

caressed by star and lunar light;

the windy cool my sacred, woven shawl.

The moistened grass beneath my feet,

brings slowness to my measured beat;

each foot in sensual, reverential tow.

Lady Nut you are a sight!

So bejeweled in your spreading flight,

across the galaxies!

By Milky Way and Sun's bright ray,

Your Love has ever turned away,

the vanities that other men desire.

As I return from Moon and mist,

to the shelter of my Lover's bliss,

let me always bring with me;

a loving shine in my soul divine,

poured from my heart, to Thee!

I'm a fortunate man.  I live in a rural part of the country where a great many of the people who live among me are homebodies.  This means I get to enjoy lovely walks in nature, at almost any hour, without interruption and in delicious solitude, except for my faithful companion, Ruby, a red-haired German Shepherd (and sometimes my wife, The Faery Queen Zara Heimdal).  I delight in watching Ruby's graceful form race across the landscape, giving playful chase to deer and startling a cow or two from their normally  undisturbed grazing.

During these walks I am often thrown into a state of divine contemplation.  Even with the toxicchemtrailspoisoning the air and blocking some of the view, the majesty of the creator cannot be obscured.  Nor can the company of the Earth's many invisible fellows, who will announce themselves to you if you sincerely desire it.

Religious people might call this "walking with The Lord".  I would tend to agree, as long as we don't limit the divine to just being Jesus, or Yahweh, or Allah.  There is a divinefemininewho can be contacted by many names, Nut being one of the more ancient and praiseworthy.  There are also beings much less personal, I'm sure.

My nudity in these walks is my way of praising the gods for my creation.  To feel the warm night air blowing over naked skin freely walking upon the earth is to step into the temple of time and share the experience of all humans of every age upon the Earth.  One instantly becomes physically connected to a continuum of experience and knowledge that can be summoned into your own living awareness.  This is the sensuous nature of loving magick.

At night, Lady Nut spreads her legs for me and reveals the glory of her sparkling, undulating form.  Staring up her thighs, I am constantly mesmerized by her bejeweled nakedness.  The price for gaining trespass to her erotic chamber is the joyful pronunciation of your deepest dreams, your most prized desirings.

She will let you know if what you offer is worthy of her attention.  If not, you must be bolder in your imaginings.  Once blessed, she will nurture you with love, moonlit milk washing over your body and feeding the celestial furnaces of your cellular universe.

Like one loved by a beloved, you can't help but to be transformed.

I dedicate my nudity

to the spread of Truth and Beauty

It's Nature's work in the simplest of ways.

Like a dawn or sunlit flower,

there is no need to glower!

Be cheerful of the pretty things you see!