The Children Tales of Beatrix Potter - Beatrix Potter - E-Book

The Children Tales of Beatrix Potter E-Book

Beatrix Potter

1,49 €

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The Children Tales of Beatrix Potter: Twenty Two Illustrated Tales by Beatrix Potter (1866-1943).Beatrix Potter created some of the best-loved children’s stories of all time, the first of which was published in 1902, have been a joy to generations of young readers. This collection contains 22 tales and verses together--complete and unabridged--in one book.All the original illustrations, both color and black and white, are included.The stories are arranged in the order in which they were first published to enable them to be read in the proper sequence, from A Tale of Peter Rabbit to Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes.It is 110 years since the Tale of Peter Rabbit first enchanted children and 150 million copies of the original story have been sold.This will warm the hearts of those who remember her fondly from their childhoods and those who discover for the first time the magic of these timeless tales.

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