The Complete Novels of Fanny Burney (Illustrated) - Frances Burney - E-Book

The Complete Novels of Fanny Burney (Illustrated) E-Book

Frances Burney

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Frances Burney, known by her contemporaries as Fanny Burney, was a trailblazing female novelist whose works continue to captivate readers with their wit, social commentary, and emotional depth. 'The Complete Novels of Fanny Burney (Illustrated)' brings together all of Burney's groundbreaking novels in one comprehensive volume. From the satirical 'Evelina' to the insightful 'Cecilia' and the emotionally powerful 'Camilla,' Burney's works showcase her unique voice and keen observation of human nature during the late 18th century. Her novels are characterized by their focus on female protagonists navigating the complexities of society, love, and family, making them both entertaining and thought-provoking reads for modern audiences. Burney's writing style is marked by a blend of humor, sentimentality, and acute social criticism, making her works both timeless classics and essential reflections of their era. Readers interested in exploring the works of one of the pioneering women writers of the time will find 'The Complete Novels of Fanny Burney (Illustrated)' to be a rewarding and enlightening journey through the world of 18th-century English literature.

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