The Ghost-Ship and Other Stories - Richard Middleton - E-Book

The Ghost-Ship and Other Stories E-Book

Richard Middleton

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Richard Barnham Middleton's "The Ghost Ship" is one of the best-loved ghost stories in English literature, about which Arthur Machen wrote, "I declare I would not exchange this short, crazy, enchanting fantasy for a whole wilderness of seemly novels." Middleton was one of the most interesting stylists in British ghostly fiction, rich and exuberant in his more traditional ghost stories (especially the humorous ones), lean and concise in his more original psychological tales.

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Richard Middleton

The Ghost-Ship and Other Stories

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Table of contents

The Ghost-Ship and Other Stories


The Ghost-Ship

A Drama Of Youth

The New Boy

On the Brighton Road

A Tragedy In Little

Shepherd’s Boy

The Passing of Edward

The Story Of A Book

The Bird In The Garden

Children Of The Moon

The Coffin Merchant

The Soul Of A Policeman

The Conjurer

The Poet’s Allegory

And Who Shall Say-?

The Biography Of A Superman

Blue Blood

Fate And The Artist

The Great Man

A Wet Day

The Ghost-Ship and Other Stories

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The other day I said to a friend, “I have just been reading in proof a volume of short stories by an author named Richard Middleton. He is dead. It is an extraordinary book, and all the work in it is full of a quite curious and distinctive quality. In my opinion it is very fine work indeed.”

It would be so simple if the business of the introducer or preface-writer were limited to such a straightforward, honest, and direct expression of opinion; unfortunately that is not so. For most of us, the happier ones of the world, it is enough to say “I like it,” or “I don’t like it,” and there is an end: the critic has to answer the everlasting “Why?” And so, I suppose, it is my office, in this present instance, to say why I like the collection of tales that follows.

I think that I have found a hint as to the right answer in two of these stories. One is called “The Story of a Book,” the other “The Biography of a Superman.” Each is rather an essay than a tale, though the form of each is narrative. The first relates the sad bewilderment of a successful novelist who feels that, after all, his great work was something less than nothing.

He could not helpnoticing

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