The I AM Discourses - Saint Germain - E-Book

The I AM Discourses E-Book

Saint Germain



Dear reader, if this book has come into your hands, you can be sure it is not by chance. Within these pages, you will find profound wisdom, resonant with your own path and inner quest. Trust that you will find answers here that will help you align with your purest and truest essence. Remember, it was not you who chose this book, but He who has chosen you for his message to reach you.   The thirty-three discourses by the Master Saint Germain symbolically represent the years of Jesus' life, the Supreme Master. These teachings not only emanate Jesus' wisdom and unconditional love but also guide us toward understanding our own divinity and spiritual potential. Each reading of these discourses, undertaken with dedication, reveals new levels of understanding, reflecting the continuous growth of our spiritual consciousness.   These instructions are a specific gift for our era, offering essential guidance for our spiritual path. They invite us to deepen our quest for a happiness that transcends the material, rooted in the understanding and realization of our true divine nature. In these pages, Saint Germain provides us with the fundamental steps to achieve this lasting spiritual happiness.   For those seeking a deeper connection with their spiritual essence and wishing to live in harmony with divine laws, Saint Germain's discourses are an indispensable compass. By studying and applying these teachings, we embark on a journey toward self-mastery and the realization of our innate divinity, discovering authentic spiritual happiness and a deeper connection with the I AM Presence.

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Table of Contents
Message from the Beloved Master Saint Germain to the reader of this book
Chapter I - First part - I Am the Active Presence of God
Chapter I - Second part - The “I Am” Is Our Eternal Father
Chapter II - First part - The “I Am” Affirmations Of Jesus
Chapter II - Second part - I Am The Resurrection And The Life
Chapter III - First part - The Great Electronic Belt
Chapter III - Second Part - The Open Door Of God Before Us
Chapter IV - First part - The Flame Of God - The Creative Fire
Chapter IV - Second part - I Am The Mighty Magic Circle
Chapter V - First part - I Am Present Everywhere
Chapter V – Second part - I Am A Sustaining Presence
Chapter VI - First part - I AM Harmony And Instant Help
Chapter VI - Second part - Love Is The Active Principle Of I Am
Chapter VII – First part - I Am Love, Wisdom, Power, And Peace
Chapter VII – Second part - I Am The Pure Revelation And Inspiration
Chapter VIII – First part - I AM The Power Of My Self-Control
Chapter VIII – Second part - I AM The Only And All-Powerful Presence Acting In My Mind, Body, And World
Chapter IX – First part - Feeling In Meditation
Chapter IX – Second part - I AM The Law Of Divine Justice And Protection
Chapter X – First part - The Light Of The Universe - The Eternal I AM - I AM The Sustaining Intelligence
Chapter X – Second part - I Am Here And I Am There
Chapter XI – First part - The Master Himalaya
Chapter XI – Second part - I Am The Breath of Balance
Chapter XII – First part - Love is the axis of the Universe that I AM
Chapter XII – Second part - I Am The Only Presence Acting
Chapter XIII – First part - I Am The Love, The Only Creative Motive That Supports All Action
Chapter XIII – Second part - I Am The Only Intelligent Activity
Chapter XIV – First part - Faith - Hope - Charity
Chapter XIV – Second part - I Am The Victorious Presence Of Love
Chapter XV – First part - I Am The Invincible And All-Penetrating Presence Of Love
Chapter XV – Second part - You Cannot Serve Two Masters
Chapter XVI – First part - The Personal Ray Of Jesus
Chapter XVI- Second part - I Am The Pure Mind Of God
Chapter XVII – First part - Powerful and Infinite Presence
Chapter XVII – Second part - Divine Presence I AM
Chapter XVIII – First part - In the fullness of the Love
Chapter XVIII – Second part- We invoke Your Power
Chapter XIX - Majestic Presence of Ascended Jesus Christ
Chapter XX – First part - Mighty and Invincible Presence I AM
Chapter XX – Second part - Infinite Creator of all that exists
Chapter XXI – First part - Infinite Presence that manifests Your Perfection everywhere
Chapter XXI – Second Part - Mighty and Infinite Presence
Chapter XXII – First part - Our Omnipresent Radiant Light
Chapter XXII – Second part - We bow before the Majesty
Chapter XXIII – First part - All-Loving Presence
Chapter XXIII – Second part - Mighty and Supreme Governor of the Universe
Chapter XXIV – First part - Mighty Infinite Intelligence
Chapter XXIV – Second part - Divine and beloved Mighty Presence of Jesus Christ
Chapter XXV – First part - Infinite “I AM Presence”
Chapter XXV – Second part I- n Your Omnipotent I AM Presence
Chapter XXVI – First part - Enveloping Love
Chapter XXVI – Second part - Mighty Light of the Universe
Chapter XXVII - Glorious Presence of Jesus Christ
Chapter XXVIII - Powerful and Infinite Active Presence of Christ
Chapter XXIX - Wonderful Light of the “I AM Presence”
Chapter XXX - Mighty - I AM Presence
Chapter XXXI – First part - Wonderful I AM Presence
Chapter XXXI – Second part - We invoke Your Divine Presence
Chapter XXXII – First part - We turn to You
Chapter XXXII – Second part - Divine Light that Illuminates the cosmos
Chapter XXXIII - We invoke You, oh Mighty Presence I AM.
Farewell and Blessing of Saint Germain

I AM Discourses

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I AM Discourses

Saint Germain

Germain, Saint

The I AM Discourses / Saint Germain. - 1st Improved ed. - Buenos Aires : Pampia, 2024.

Translation by: Jose Marcelo Caballero.

ISBN 978-631-6559-21-0

1. Metaphysics. 2. Esotericism. 3. Occultism. I. Caballero, José Marcelo, trans. II. Title.

Translation of the Spanish edition: José Marcelo Caballero

Cover design and image: Maitreya Art & Design

Interior design and image: Maitreya Art & Design

©2024, Pampia Publishing Group

ISBN 978-631-6559-21-0

First edition: July 2024

Pampia Publishing Group

Juan Bautista Alberdi Avenue 872

C1424BYV - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

All rights reserved.

This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, nor stored in, nor transmitted by a retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without the express written permission of the publisher and the author.

Edited in Argentina

Prologue for the people of the 21st Century

Dear reader, if this book has come into your hands, you can be fully confident that it is not by chance. It contains profound wisdom, in perfect harmony with the path you have been following and your most intimate quest. Do not doubt that here you will find answers that will guide you in your intention to align ever more deeply with your truest and most profound essence. And do not doubt either that, in reality, it was not you who chose this book, but the Beloved Master Saint Germain who chose you to receive his message.

The thirty-three discourses he offers us symbolize the thirty-three years of the life of Jesus, the Supreme Master. These discourses not only reflect the wisdom and unconditional love of Jesus but also act as a bridge toward the understanding of our own divinity and spiritual potential. They invite us to study them repeatedly with dedication and constancy, as each reading reveals new details and depths of understanding that previously went unnoticed. This is because our level of spiritual consciousness and understanding evolves with each reading, allowing us to grasp more subtle aspects of these sublime instructions.

The content of these discourses is directed specifically at us, in this era and at this moment. They are a highly relevant message, delivered to guide us on our spiritual path, constituting one of the fundamental steps toward true spiritual happiness, a happiness that transcends the material and the ephemeral, and that is rooted in the understanding and realization of our divine nature.

The teachings of Master Saint Germain have been accessible for a long time, disseminated by enlightened emissaries who have received his wise words and shared them with us. Although much time has passed since the first revelation, his message remains as significant as ever, especially in our current era. At a time when we live with an abundance of information, driven by digital advancements and progress in quantum mechanics —as is the case with quantum computers— these teachings become even more relevant. This context of rapid technological and scientific development provides us with a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of this spiritual guidance.

It is vital to recognize that with each review of these messages, we discover new layers of understanding that transcend the words themselves. The teachings of Saint Germain renew themselves for us based on our inner state, the era we live in, and our capacity to tune into the Master’s energy. This process is strengthened by our internal efforts of alignment and awareness of our Divinity. The messages of the Ascended Masters anticipated this era of transformation, guiding us toward a harmonious integration of the spiritual and the scientific.

Through these pages, He communicates to us the absolute importance that these teachings are not just readings, just words or theoretical knowledge, but that they must be lived. This is the deepest meaning of this teaching: that it becomes conscious action, lived in our daily lives. It depends on our choice and free will to connect each day with the truth of these teachings, to receive Master Saint Germain in our hearts and to welcome his Love-filled radiation, through which he guides us.

Blessed are those who discover it, because among the many truths circulating in the world, the Divine Presence “I AM” is the most luminous and transcendental. This Divine Presence, which resides within each one of us, is the source of all wisdom, power, and love. In its simplicity lies its greatness, and to the extent that we align with this Presence, we begin to experience a profound transformation in our lives.

The practice of the “I AM” decrees and affirmations is a powerful tool that allows us to invoke this Presence and manifest its perfection in our daily lives. Through these decrees, we can transmute negative energies, release karmic patterns, and attract divine blessings. The Violet Flame, one of Saint Germain’s most prominent teachings, is a spiritual transmutation tool that helps us purify and elevate our vibrations, facilitating our spiritual evolution.

May the teachings contained here awaken the Divine Presence that dwells within you. And having awakened it, may your Divine Presence act in your life, your home, and your world, guiding you toward your highest good and the highest good of all those around you.

Message from the Beloved Master Saint Germain to the reader of this book

“Beloved Child Of The Light,

I rejoice and celebrate your existence as a Divine Spark of Light that has taken unique and individual form and consciousness, yet within its individuality holds and guards the greatest treasure… the entirety of the ONE Presence, the Great I AM, expressing in and through you, participating through you in its own magnificent Creation.

Your individuality has a profound meaning, your existence has incalculable value to the One who created you, and who manifests through you. May your human consciousness rise beyond the limitations of the illusion of your world, so that you may recognize yourself as an active part of the Creator in His Creation.

Today I am present here, bringing you these teachings, which are directed towards the depths of your Being, and of which your conscious mind is only capable of understanding a small percentage. But these teachings will permeate your soul and your heart, awakening within you certainties and knowledge that have already been transmitted to you, truths that your soul knows and remembers… and that only need to be called upon to awaken from their slumber.

Today I ask you, beloved traveler, to recognize yourself as a conscious disciple of this humble servant… to recognize yourself as my disciple, as it is not by chance that this message has come into your hands. I am here to remind you that from the Ascended Hosts we accompany your journey on Earth and are here, fulfilling our commitment to help you transcend your own human creations so that you can rise above them… remembering your pure and unblemished nature, your magnificence, and your beauty. Your Light is the very Light of the One who created you, and you are there on Earth to embody that Light for yourself and for all those around you. You are there to bear living testimony of the I AM, participating within its own Creation, through your living consciousness, liberated from all contamination.

It is through devotion to your primal essence, through the recognition of your true identity, that you can truly and freely embody that Light through your physical form, without anything else being able to overshadow it. It is through the conscious recognition that the I AM dwells within you, and by giving this Divine Presence full dominion and direction over all aspects of your life, that you will once again become ONE with It. It is not that you have ever ceased to be unified with this Infinite, Omnipresent, and Omniscient Presence, but that all the illusions of your world have made you believe that you were ever separated. You were never separated… therefore there is nothing you need to do to reunite with this Divine Existence. You only need to traverse the illusions you have created to distract yourself and realign with what YOU ALREADY ARE and what seeks to express itself through you.

Through this message, I recognize you today as My Beloved Disciple, for that is why these teachings have come to you. From today on, become a committed disciple of Love, in which Love is your primary quest. A pure and vibrant Love, unconditional and complete, towards the Divine Presence that dwells within you. A Love incarnated in your physical form, that allows the Love of Christ to touch the material form and elevate it, bringing it back to its highest perfection. That will be your contribution to the Great Plan, that will be your identification as a member of the Great White Brotherhood… the pure, Christlike, and radiant Love that you can become at every moment of your Existence. Through this Love, my dear disciple, you will achieve the utmost freedom and allow the I AM THAT I AM to manifest through you, for you and for all.

May the blessed Divine Presence of the I AM and the boundless Love of the Christ of Light pour over you now, blessing and purifying your existence and your world. Blessed is your Divine expression in the physical form, blessed are your feet that walk the earth. I AM THAT I AM, HERE AND THERE, AND IN EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS AND HAPPENS. I bless your life and your path with Love, honoring your existence.

Your Master, Guide, and Friend, Saint Germain”

Chapter I - First part

I Am the Active Presence of God

The Teaching

Life in all its activities, wherever it manifests, is God in Action, and it is only due to a lack of understanding, thought, and feeling that humanity constantly interrupts the pure flow of that Perfect Essence of Life, which, without interference, naturally expresses its Perfection everywhere.

The natural tendency of Life is Love, Peace, Harmony, and Well-being, as Life does not care who uses It; It constantly emanates to manifest its Perfection, always with that ascending process inherent in Itself.

“I AM”

“I AM” is the activity of that Life. It is such a pity that sincere disciples seem not to understand the True meaning of these two words!

When you say and feel “I AM,” you set the chord of Eternal Life into action so that It continues on Its way unimpeded. In other words, you open the door to Its natural emanation. And when you say “I am not,” you close the door to that Mighty Energy.

“I AM” is the Full Activity of God. This Truth of “God in Action” has been placed before you so often, I want you to understand what Its First expression is in Individualization.

The first expression of every being, everywhere in the Universe, whether in words, thought, or Feeling, is “I AM,” recognizing its own Victorious Divinity.

The disciple who strives to understand and apply these powerful yet simple laws must be strictly vigilant and watchful of their thoughts and expressions, for every time they say or feel “I am not,” “I cannot,” “I do not have,” etc., knowingly or unknowingly, they are suffocating that “Great Presence” within them and setting into motion a Mighty and Unlimited Energy that continues to act against them, unless reversed and the imperfection is consumed or changed.

This demonstrates the enormous power you have to qualify this Mighty Energy of God; and I assert, dear disciples, that dynamite is less dangerous, for it would only free you from the body, whereas thoughts sent out ignorantly and without control bind you to the wheel of infinite reincarnations.

Thus, you can see how important it is to know what you are doing when you use erroneous expressions imprudently; since you are utilizing the most Divine Principle of Activity in the Universe, “I AM.”

Do not misunderstand me. This is not an exotic, vain, and Eastern expression, but the Highest Principle of Life, used and expressed by all civilizations that have existed, for the first expression that all conscious forms of Life give is: “I AM.”

It is only later, in their external contact and with erroneously qualified activity, that they begin to accept anything less than “I AM.”

Now, my beloved disciples, do you not see that when you say “I am sick,” you are reversing this Principle of Life, which is naturally all Perfection, thus giving it another quality through your own ignorance, a quality that Life has never possessed in its natural expression?

Through many centuries of effort and misunderstanding, humanity has saturated the very atmosphere around them with falsehood and illusion, for I do not need to state that when you say “I am sick,” it is a vile falsehood concerning your Divinity, for It cannot be sick.

Does this sound harsh to your ears? Then I tell you: think about it repeatedly, and you will see that it can bring you blessing and freedom.

I repeat, my beloved ones: in the name of God, stop using these erroneous expressions for your Divinity, for it will be impossible for you to obtain freedom if you continue doing so.

I will not tire of speaking to you about this often, until you truly recognize and accept the “Mighty Presence” of God within you, which will result in absolutely no more adverse conditions for you.

I say to you: STOP giving power to external conditions, people, places, or things, and in the Name of God, whenever you are about to say “I am sick,” “I am ruined,” “I do not feel well,” instantly change this fatal condition for your progress, and declare, silently, with all the intensity of your Being: “I AM,” which means all health, well-being, perfection, happiness, peace, and the power to recognize Perfection in yourself and everywhere.

When you think of the expression “I AM,” it means that you know God is in your Action, expressing in your life.

Therefore, do not let erroneous expressions continue to govern your life, producing limitations.

Let each of you always remember the following:


By thus remembering this Invincible and Mighty Presence, you keep the door open for Its Pure and Invincible Essence and Intelligence to weave into your external expression and manifest that marvelous Perfection.

I beg you, my beloved ones, that wherever you are, never use erroneous expressions.

Many of you know that cattle ranchers use a red-hot iron to brand their livestock. Such is my longing to imbue you with the “Active Presence of God” within you that I would like to brand those words “I AM” on your hearts as if with a red-hot iron so that they remain engraved in your consciousness and thus you recognize, accept, and use that Mighty and Glorious Presence of God within you.

I trust that all who hear or read these words will feel the power and Mighty Conviction of this Truth that accompanies them and will take action with it, wherever it may be.


Mighty Perfect Protectors: as we receive your Magic Circle of Protection, we develop in the Mighty and Beneficent Presence!

Oh! Inner Master: we wholeheartedly accept this Good Fortune that manifests and realizes itself in our external experience. We praise and thank you for Your Wisdom that you allow us to use. We praise and thank you because we have the strength to only accept Your Mighty and Active Presence everywhere and because we can reject anything that does not resemble You!

Chapter I - Second part

The “I Am” Is our Eternal Father


We invoke You, our Lord, so that Your Divine Presence may Illuminate our hearts and thus we may understand You better! Oh, Infinite Love that has descended upon human beings and manifested in multiple aspects: We pray that You dispel hatred and fill human hearts with Your Love!

Divine Presence I AM: We will always invoke You in all the difficulties of our lives, for we have faith and hope that where You are, difficulties will dissipate just as darkness before Light! We thank You for all that we are and all that we will be!

The Teaching

If at any moment something less than Perfection itself presents itself in your experience, declare with all your energy that this is NOT the Truth and that you accept only God, who is the Omnipotent Perfection in your Life, wherever it may manifest, for if you give in to false appearances, they will express themselves in your Lives and experiences.

Beloved disciples: it is not a matter of belief on your part nor of whether you should accept these Truths; They are the “LAW” itself, proven through long centuries of experience and placed before you for your freedom.

Remember that your past thoughts and feelings are what have built (created) the dissonance in your current world.

I tell you: RISE AND WALK WITH THE FATHER, the “I AM,” to free yourselves from those limitations!

In the Universe, there is only one thing that can surround you with limitation, and that is when you accept the external appearance instead of the “Mighty Active Presence of God within you.”

The Western world refuses to accept the ancient and Eastern idea of witchcraft or, in other words, opposes the use of spiritual powers and, yet, today, the worst kind of witchcraft is being employed, more than at any other time in human history, as the misuse of misqualified mental power.

Recognizing that only God acts in every being, whoever proclaims this Truth would not only free themselves but the entire world would enjoy freedom and justice.

Today it is the same as it once was in Egypt, and those who misuse the “Mental Powers” bind themselves to negative principles and, consequently, to repeated reincarnations.


You need the habit of calming yourselves. Sit down three or four times a day and simply calm your outer “self.” This will provide you with energy.

Learn to give orders and to watch the energy of your body. If you want your energy to be of a calm nature, be calm. If you want it to be active, be active. You must make the decision; face the situation and then overcome it. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

The disciple must watch their habits. They must analyze their Inner Self and uproot everything that is not Perfect. This brings freedom that cannot be obtained in any other way.

Maintaining old habits is like wearing old and worn-out clothes. The disciple will not wait for someone else to think and do these things for them. They must do them themselves, for no one can replace them.

In this work and under this condition, every latent hindrance in the being comes out to be consumed.


It is ridiculous to resort to things that did not work. If you have created limitations for centuries, and with attention and your own effort, you can free yourself in a few years, does it not seem worth doing? Is this not wonderful?

Sometimes, a sense of humor helps one separate from something more quickly and efficiently; for a flexible and cheerful feeling releases energy that often causes an extraordinary manifestation.

If one torments themselves and calls upon the “Law of Forgiveness,” they can consume in the “Consuming Flame” all past undesirable creations and be free.

Calmly say and think about the meaning of the following:


This sets the complete action in motion.

You must be conscious that the “FLAME” is the “Active Presence of God” doing the consummation. The Will of God is here in “ACTION.”

When you feel inclined to do certain constructive work, go ahead. Have perseverance and do it. DO NOT WORRY WHETHER THE MANIFESTATION WILL COME OR NOT.

Even if the disciples only know one thing intellectually, they should not allow their minds to revert to erroneous conditions, for they already know what to expect from this activity. It is incredible that humanity does not resolve to overcome this enemy in their consciousness.


All the work of the Master consists of passing on to the disciple some teachings and explanations of the activity of the “I AM Presence.” The rest must be done by the disciple.

What the “mind” accepts through its attention is what aligns with who accepts it, and lets the two become one. When the “mind” accepts and agrees with a “condition,” it establishes it in its world.

Whatever your attention dwells upon, you are already accepting and agreeing with it, for through attention you have allowed the mind to become one with it.

If a person saw a coiled rattlesnake, would they walk towards it to receive the bite? Certainly not. However, this is what disciples do when they allow their attention to be directed to old afflictions or negative things. Such habits give a specific quality to the past moment.

There are only TWO ACTIVITIES in life, and if you do not let the “Inner” govern its Plan of Perfection, then the outer must necessarily do so.

When a constructive image appears in your “mind,” it is a reality. When you reflect upon a mental image and MAINTAIN or HOLD it, the reality becomes stronger.

One can perceive their own “Divine Presence” at any moment, and can see and feel that they receive Its Radiation.

The outer has all the confidence in the world for things it does not need, and it is the duty of the disciple to force it to have the same confidence in Divine Perfection as it has in sensory imperfection.

The disciple must always have confidence in themselves and should often think:



Bless us, Oh Lord, in Your Grace, all of us who have come to hear Your Word. Bless all who contribute with their work to the improvement of human beings who are Your children. Bless all who invoke You day and night and walk in Your Presence as in the Light of the sun. Bless all who, unable to be present at this moment, are in Silent Union with us.

We thank You!

Chapter II - First part

The “I Am” Affirmations of Jesus


Oh, Thou, Infinite Omniscient Presence! Thou, Mighty Master in every human form. We recognize and fully accept Thy Presence manifested in the human form of every being. We give praises and thanks that we have finally recognized Thee!

Oh, Mighty Presence to whom we can turn to perceive the Glory of God’s Activity, the “I AM” of all things! We thank Thee for everything!

The Teaching

When Jesus said, “I AM the resurrection and the life,” he revealed one of the most powerful affirmations that can be expressed.

By saying “I AM,” he did not refer to the external expression but to the Mighty Presence of the Master – to the Inner God – for he repeatedly said, “I, by myself, can do nothing; it is the Father within me – the ‘I AM’ – who does the works.”

Then he said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” thus acknowledging the One and only Power of God in Action within Him.

Jesus also said, “I AM the light that lights every man that comes into the world,” beginning each affirmation of vital importance with the words “I AM.”

Viewing “I AM” from any angle, it can be said that it is one of the most Powerful means of releasing the Inner Power of God, Love, Wisdom, and Truth, and putting it into Action in the external experience.

Now let us refer to His vigorous affirmation, the most powerful ever spoken in external expression:


Do you not see how vital it is when you begin to review these Mighty Affirmations with understanding?

Once you fully recognize and accept “I AM” as the Mighty Presence of God in Action within you, you will have taken one of the greatest steps toward liberation.

Reflect on the expression of truth: “I AM the open door which no man can shut.” If you can realize it, you will have the key that allows you to pass through the veil of flesh, taking with you all the consciousness you have generated or accumulated, that is, everything that is imperfect and transmute it there. In other words, elevate it to that Perfection into which you will have entered.

Nothing can be said too much about the importance of contemplating, as often as possible, “I AM” as the Great Active Presence of God within you, in your home, in your world, and in your affairs.

Every breath you take is God in Action within you. Your ability to express a thought or feeling and radiate it is God acting within you.

As you have free will, it is entirely up to you to qualify the energy sent by your thought and feeling and determine how it should act for you.

No one can say, “How can I know what kind of qualification to give to this energy?” because everyone knows the difference between constructive and destructive thought, feeling, and action.

Upon receiving the instruction, the disciple must constantly analyze the motive behind the question to discover whether there is a feeling of intellectual pride, arrogance, or stubbornness in the mental and physical plane.

If the motive contains a latent desire to argue and prove that the instruction is wrong, then the being, instead of receiving the blessing and truth destined for them, unknowingly closes the door to themselves for a certain time to receive the good offered to them.

Again, I allow myself to remind the disciples, regardless of their personal opinions on what Truth should be, that I have tested through many centuries these condensed instructions that are now being revealed to you.

If anyone wishes to receive the greatest benefit possible and the understanding that will lead them to sure freedom and liberation, let them listen, then, with a completely willing mind and with the consciousness that the “I AM,” the Active Presence of God within them, is their effective faculty to receive, accept, and apply without limit the radiant instruction being revealed to them, which will enable some students of this era to understand these simple and yet Powerful Affirmations of Truth for their great blessing and freedom.

The following warning was given to humanity many centuries ago: “You cannot serve two masters.”

Why is this so? Because there is only One Intelligence, One Presence, and One Power that can Act, and that is the “Presence of God” acting within you.

When you turn to external manifestations and give all kinds of expressions and apparent powers, you are trying to serve a false and usurping master, for the external expression can only find an appearance by using the Mighty Energy of God.

Your ability to raise your hand and Life flowing through the nervous system in your outer form is “God in Action” in your body through your mind.

Beloved disciples: try to use this simple means as a reminder of “God in Action” within you. When you walk down the street, think for a moment like this:


In this way, you will see that it is impossible to continue without understanding that every movement you make is “God in Action”; that every thought in your mind is the “Energy of God” enabling you to think.

When you know this is the fact, and there is no argument about it, why do you not worship it and give it complete confidence? Why do you not believe, have faith, and accept that Mighty Presence of God in Action that is within you, instead of turning to the outer expression, which is dressed, qualified, and colored by the external human concept of things, forgetting the “Mighty One Presence,” which is through which the outer can be expressed?

All external form and its corresponding expression are nothing but the “Life of experience,” through which each being can learn through their own experience the True Origin of Themselves and reach “Complete Perfection” through the Self-Conscious knowledge thus obtained.

The external experience of Life is nothing but a constantly changing and passing picture, which the outer mind (or human mind) has created in its imagination, considering itself as the True Actor. This is how attention is constantly fixed on the outer, where there are only imperfections.

The “Children of God” have forgotten their own Divinity and must return to It once again.

God is the Giver, the Receiver, and the Gift, and is the ONLY Possessor of all Intelligence, Substance, Energy, and Well-being in the Universe.

If the children of God learned to GIVE for the joy of giving, whether it be Love, money, help, or anything else, they would open the door to such vast Well-being that it would be impossible to wish for the simplest thing in the external expression.

The idea of certain groups of humanity claiming these wonderful blessings of God for themselves alone is what has caused so much selfishness and hatred among one another: for there is only One Love, One Intelligence, One Power, and One Acting Substance, and that is “God in every human being.”

Every disciple must be warned of this fact so as not to allow their personal “self” to desire to claim this power for themselves alone.

If in all acts of the personality only God were given complete credit, incredible transformations would soon occur in every being that gave full credit and power to Whom it belongs.

There is very rarely correct understanding between supply and demand. There is positively an abundant and Omnipotent supply, but the request for it must be made according to the Law of the Universe to allow it to come into individual use.

As each being has free will, they must make the request consciously and with full determination, and it will not take long to come into expression, whatever it may be, as long as the individual maintains their determined and unwavering consciousness.

The following affirmation, used with sincere determination, will bring the disciple everything they could possibly use:


The element of limitation that seems to affect so many disciples is felt because they begin to declare the Truth, as in the previous affirmation, but then, if they examine their minds consciously after a few hours, they would discover hidden feelings of doubt or fear, for both are feelings.

Naturally, these feelings greatly neutralize the constructive force that would have quickly brought the realization of the desire or demand.

Once the disciple learns well that every just desire or wish is “God in Action” guiding their Energy towards its complete realization, and that God Is OMNIPOTENCE, they will realize that within themselves exists UNLIMITED LOVE, POWER, and INTELLIGENCE, with which they can achieve any purpose they have before them.

With simple decision, the word “failure” would be completely erased from your world, and shortly from your consciousness as well, because you would see that you are handling INTELLIGENCE and POWER that cannot fail. This is how disciples and other beings will reach their Complete Mastery as God intended.

The Great Father, the All-Knowing and All-Loving, never wanted any of his children to lack a single thing, but because they allowed their attention to be fixed on the outer appearance, which is like the sands of the desert, knowingly or unknowingly, they separated themselves to a great extent from that Great Well-being and Intelligence.

That Great Well-being is the inheritance of all, and everyone can regain it by turning to the “I AM,” the Active Principle of God that is always in all as the Only Source of Active Life, Intelligence, and Well-being.


Thou, Mighty, Majestic Conqueror “I AM”: we give praises and thanks for our understanding of Thee as God Acting in us. We pray that with Thy Omnipotent Presence and Radiation, Thou make us FEEL the PRECIOUS IMPORTANCE OF THY MAJESTIC TRUTH AND WONDERFUL PRESENCE! When we contemplate Thee, let Thy Vigorous Radiation invade us with that comprehensive consciousness, so we may know and apply Thy Affirmations of Truth with ever greater perfection.

We give praises and thanks for Thy Truth and Perfection manifested to all those who look to Thee with firm and unwavering faith!

Chapter II - Second part

I Am the resurrection and the life


We invoke You, oh Divine Presence “I AM,” to guide our steps towards the Eternal Light. Great and long were the nights in which humanity groaned in its ignorance until the Divine Spark of the “I AM Presence” illuminated our hearts and filled us with unheard-of happiness! You are, in Your Divine Presence, more than the midday light, for through You we distinguish and value all things within our reach!

We thank You!

The Teaching

Throughout all ages, certain conduct guidelines have been necessary for the student eager to go beyond certain spiritual attainments. The conservation and mastery of Vital Force on the sexual plane are the foundations for these attainments.

A being who has been using this energy without any thought of governing it, if they suddenly said, “I will leave this, I will cut it off completely,” without understanding what the correct attitude of consciousness should be, would simply suppress a current of energy that had been directed in the opposite direction.

Any student who wishes to govern this energy will find that the affirmation of Jesus “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE,” if used intelligently, is far more effective than anything else that could be given. This will govern the current of Life Energy in a normal and natural way and direct it to its natural path.

This affirmation of Jesus will not only purify thought, but being one of the most powerful and at the same time elevating and readjusting, it can be used to correct this greatest of all sexual barriers and thus achieve the highest spiritual attainment.

If anyone who begins to feel the Inner Impulse to correct this condition used this Affirmation of Jesus, it would direct this Wonderful current of Energy to the highest center of the brain.

The disciple will then find their mind flooded with the most wonderful ideas, with abundant sustaining power and ability in realizing these gifts for their happiness and for the blessing of all humanity.

I advise that some disciple try this and observe the results in their own mind and body.

My beloved ones, deeply feel this affirmation of Jesus


Repeat it three times, either silently or aloud, and you will experience the elevation of your consciousness.

Some disciples may need to try this several times to feel the beneficial influence, but others will experience it on the first attempt. This will demonstrate to you, on a small scale, what can be achieved through its continued use.

There is only one means to overcome or escape any difficulty, and that is, once you know what kind of difficulty it is, to completely remove your attention from the external and firmly fix it on the Mighty Affirmation of Jesus:


Any physical plane situation one wishes to overcome can be promptly consummated by the use of this Affirmation.

I had a disciple who felt the Inner Impulse to test this Mighty Energy of God in Action, and with the simple use of this affirmation of Jesus, she was able, with a little help, to elevate her body. Within a year, a remarkable transformation took place in her entire physical appearance.

It seems incredible that with so many affirmations spoken by Jesus (which are only a part of what He gave us), so few human beings give due importance to those wonderful words of such power.

In no Age in world history were as many Grand Affirmations given as Jesus gave. Each of them, when used consciously, is accompanied by radiation and perfection that are the gifts of Jesus Himself. Not only do they have the power of “I AM,” but also His Individual Help when used firmly.

Therefore, disciples should often contemplate the true meaning of these Wonderful Affirmations of Jesus.

The day you understand that your thought, feeling, and expression of “I AM” set into motion the “Great Divine Power within you,” without any limitation, you will then receive what your desire firmly wishes.

The disciple should no longer have any difficulty seeing and understanding that the external appearance is nothing but an imperfect creation of man for having believed that the external was a source of power.

A moment of contemplation will lead you to the realization that there is only One Love, One Intelligence, and One Power that can ACT, and that is God.

External defects or human imperfections have nothing to do with the “OMNIPRESENT PERFECTION OF GOD,” for any imperfection is a creation of humanity’s external concept.

If man accepts and sincerely turns to the “MIGHTY I AM” within him, knowing that God is all Perfection and that any appearance is nothing but a creation of the human mind for having misused the “Power of God,” he will soon see that if he sincerely contemplates and accepts God’s Perfection, it will make that same “GREAT PERFECTION” manifest in his Life and experience.

There is no other possible means of attracting this Perfection to your mind, body, and external experience, except by recognizing and accepting the “GREAT ACTIVE PRESENCE OF GOD WITHIN YOU.”

The complete recognition of this will direct that Inner Power to manifest this Perfection of God in your physical plane experience.

I say to the disciples: “I am presenting, as a Messenger of this Truth, affirmations of Truth that positively produce marvelous results if used and maintained firmly.”

Disciples believe their attempts do not produce results, and this is because they do one thing today and forget it completely the next day.

The desire for Light and Truth is the Presence of God in the desire, forming its expression into action.

To achieve illumination, the following affirmation is very appropriate:


The day your eyes open to see one of these Wonderful Ascended Beings, your joy will last for eternity.

If one does not take the attitude of “I HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO THIS,” they will never be able to accomplish what they desire.

The moment you express: “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE,” with THOUGHT and with all the FEELING, all the Energy of your Being will immediately direct itself to the center of the Brain, which is the Origin of your Existence.

You cannot fully appreciate the Power in this affirmation. There is no limit to what you can do with it: it was the affirmation that Jesus used the most in his most notable miracles.

Always remember and know that when you undertake something constructive, it is God within you inspiring you to do it.

The most mistaken thing is to ask: “Have you verified this in your own experience?” Every being must prove it for themselves; otherwise, it serves no purpose. Nothing really means anything to anyone until they use it.

FEELING carries with it a certain coexisting sight. Man often feels something so clearly that he actually sees it from the Inner Viewpoint.

As you reach the Ascended State, FEELING, Sight, and Color will manifest almost simultaneously.

THE MOST HARMONIOUS NOTE IS THE SOFTEST. This is why enrapturing music is the most calming in its effect, and booming music is the opposite.


In the Adoration of the “I AM” Divine Presence, we ask You, oh Master Jesus, for Your Blessing and protection for all the destitute and abandoned beings of this world. We ask You, oh sweet Master, for Your Blessing also for all those who suffer and who in their sufferings have not forgotten You!

Blessed be Your Holy Name, forever and ever!

Chapter III - First part

The Great Electronic Belt


Thou, Infinite and All-Penetrating Presence, whose Divine Radiation permeates the entire earth: we give praise and thanks for the Power of Christ’s Love and Wisdom with which we are imbued, whose Presence is elevating the consciousness of humanity above the petty selfishness of the personal “self” activity! We give praise and thanks for making us aware of Thy Divine Presence, Active at all times, and that with the conscious recognition of Thee, Thou fill our minds and bodies with Thy Pure Presence forever!

In our Solar system, Earth occupies a prominent place due to its favorable distance from our visible Logos: the Sun.

The influence of this star is so great that most of humanity is unaware of it.

Physically, the Sun gives life to all beings on this Earth; and, especially if human beings respond to their Divine destiny, they form conscious electronic centers.

If all human beings reached the higher state of spiritual evolution, then our Earth would become a very powerful electronic center and spiritual advancement would reach its peak.

We could then call such a center the “City of Gold,” for it would vibrate only with the yellow radiation, Divine vibration. There would be no more sick or imperfect beings on our planet and we would be in the long-awaited millennium.

It is from such a Center that Saint Germain calls us in this message which we present below.

The Teaching

My beloved ones: I am sending you this message from the radiation of the GREAT ELECTRONIC BELT.

From the heart of the City of Gold, Rays emanate upon which speech, Light, and sound travel.

The time has quickly arrived when we must be more aware of the Great Electronic Belts that envelop all creation, from Divinity to all beings.

The Etheric Belt around the City of Gold is impenetrable, much more so than a thick wall of steel, for one not attuned to it cannot penetrate it. A being with sufficient understanding of the Active Principle of God’s Presence within themselves can also, though to a lesser degree, surround themselves with an Electronic Belt or Circle, to which they have the faculty to impart the quality they desire; but woe to the one who gives it a destructive quality.

If someone were foolish enough to do this, they would find that this force of the Electronic Belt falls upon their personal “self,” consuming it. But those who build it wisely and qualify it with Supreme Divine Love and Constructive Power will find themselves acting in a world unaffected by humanity’s ignorance.

The Cosmic period has arrived in which those who have reached a certain degree of understanding must CREATE, APPLY, and USE this Wonderful Circle of Pure Electronic Force.

All creation that is “Self-Conscious Action” naturally has this Circle of pure electronic force around it, but on a large scale, its force is unguided and, therefore, scattered, waiting for conscious action to put it to use.

By CONSCIOUSLY creating this Potent Ring of Pure Electronic force, you stop all leaks in the generation of this Unlimited Essence and keep it in reserve for conscious use and direction.

After a few months of this conscious creative activity of the Electronic Belt, one must be very careful not to release or direct this Force in any way other than through Divine Love.

At the beginning of man’s individualization, he was naturally surrounded by the Magic Circle; but as consciousness declined more and more, cracks, so to speak, appeared in this Great Circle of Force, causing leaks of what once was, until it almost disappeared completely. However, this circle was not a conscious creation of the individual, but a natural surrounding circle.

Now, the students of Light must work with confidence and CONSCIOUSLY CREATE this Electronic Belt around themselves, visualizing it perfectly, without making breaks or cracks in its construction.

In this way, it will be possible to consciously enter the Electronic Belt of Divinity itself and receive there Unlimited Wisdom, Love, Light, and simple Laws, with whose application all Creative Power is possible.

The disciple is always advised never to forget to turn to their own Impersonal God, who is the CREATOR of their Individualization. However, there was never a single advancement that did not involve the help of those who preceded us.

Since there is only One God, the One Presence, and Its Omnipotent Activity, then those who are more advanced than others possess a bit more of the DIVINE SELF in Action, that is, there is more of Christ in them than in others.

Knowing this, you will understand why you can feel I AM HERE and I AM THERE, for there is only ONE DIVINE SELF everywhere.

When the disciple can understand that the Hosts of Ascended Masters are only a more advanced consciousness of Himself, he will then begin to feel within himself the irrefutable possibilities that are within his reach.

Whether one speaks directly to Divinity Itself, to one of the Ascended Masters of Light, or to his own DIVINE SELF, in reality, there is no difference, for all are ONE.

Until this state of consciousness is reached, there will be a difference, for the human being is almost certain to feel a division of the DIVINE SELF, which is not possible to make, except in the ignorance of the external activity of the mind.

When the disciple thinks about the experience of the personal “self,” he must always be alert, for this is nothing but the external activity of Intelligence. One must always be vigilant against the effort to divide within his own consciousness this Sublime One Power of God that has Its Center in him.

Again, I must remind you that this Unlimited Power of God will not intervene with Its Wonderful Powers in your external use, except by your own invitation.

There is only one type of invitation that can reach it and make it act, and this is your FEELING of deep Love and Devotion.

When one has generated around himself this Electronic Belt or Ring, no power can penetrate it except Divine Love.

It is only Your consciousness of Divine Love that can penetrate this Great Inner Zone of Divinity, through which Divinity returns to you Its Radiant Emanation, note well, through Its Messengers: Beings so Transcendental that they surpass any of your current concepts, making it impossible to explain to you with words the Majestic Love, Wisdom, and Power of those Great Spirits.

At this Stage, I wish to remind you once again that whoever undertakes the action and remains silent will find themselves elevated in the transcendent Radiation of this Inner Sphere. Then, through their own experience and having seen it themselves, they will understand what I have just said.

The soul that is strong enough to clothe itself with its Armor of Divine Love and move forward will find no obstruction, for there is nothing, between its present consciousness and that Powerful Transcendental Inner Sphere, that can hinder the approach of Divine Love.

When you have felt and seen within this Inner Circle, you will understand how imperfect the present expression of “Divine Love” is.

Once one becomes conscious of these Great Spheres that can be reached, he will find himself fearlessly penetrating deeper and deeper into the radiation of this Great Powerful and Intelligent Center of the Universe (God), from which all worlds and all creation originated.

Among you, there are strong, intrepid, and brave souls who will understand this and can use it to great benefit for themselves and others. There are those who will understand and see that the Presence invading every heart is God in Action; that the activity circulating through the body is God; that the Essence within you vitalizing your material form is God in Action.

Oh, beloved disciples! awaken to this fact right now, do you not see what a great error it is to fall under the ignorance of the material “self” feeling pain, misfortune, and all kinds of discomforts created by the ignorance and activity of the physical “self,” when a few moments of serious contemplation will make one realize that there is only ONE PRESENCE, ONE INTELLIGENCE, ONE ACTING POWER in your mind and body and that this is God?

Do you see how simple and yet how powerful this Consciousness is within you, allowing the complete recognition of the Great Pure Activity of God in your mind and body and letting His Wonderful and Transcendent Essence fill each of your cells?

I hope, my beloved ones, that you will have no difficulty in understanding this simple Truth of the “DIVINE SELF” acting within you.

Always turn to It, praising, loving, and asking It to fill every cell of your body, in all circumstances of your external activity: in your home, in your affairs, and in your world.


Eternal Father! By consciously recognizing Thy Mighty Presence, we receive Thy Blessing. Thy Wonderful Radiation Divinizes us and Thy Wisdom Governs us at all times! May Thy Transcendental Light always protect us in the community of the Great Ones of the City of Gold!

We thank Thee!

Chapter III - Second Part

The open door of God before us
