The importance of games in child development - Susanne Richter - E-Book

The importance of games in child development E-Book

Susanne Richter

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Seminar paper from the year 2004 in the subject Pedagogy - Orthopaedagogy and Special Education, grade: 1, Neisse University Görlitz, course: Heilpädagogik/Behindertenpädagogik, language: English, abstract: Working on the “Remedial Educational Game” presentation as part of the seminar “Remedial Educational Intervention I” encouraged me to continue working on this topic in this paper. The subject of games is very extensive and cannot be dealt with without specific questions. With this paper, I would like to give a little insight into the "phenomenon of play" and show its possibilities in curative education intervention. The starting point for this are the theoretical foundations of the game, such as features, theories and classification. On the basis of these theoretical approaches, the importance of play in child development is presented in the following chapters. In this context, I will go into the changed play and living worlds of today and their possible effects on children. Then I turn my attention specifically to the play of mentally handicapped children. The conclusion of the work should be an illumination of the "curative pedagogical exercise treatment" according to OY and SAGI as a form of intervention. In my personal concluding remarks, however, I will include some critical reflections on this concept.

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