The IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0 - The Open Group - E-Book

The IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0 E-Book

The Open Group



This publication is the specification of The Open Group IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0, a standard of The Open Group. It describes a reference architecture that can be used to manage the business of Information Technology (IT) and the associated end-to-end lifecycle management of Digital Products. It is intended to provide a prescriptive Target Architecture and clear guidance for the transformation of existing technology management practices for a faster, scalable, automated, and practical approach to deploying product-based investment models and providing an unprecedented level of operational control and measurable value. This foundational IT4IT Reference Architecture is independent of specific technologies, vendors, organization structures, process models, and methodologies. It can be mapped to any existing technology landscape. It is flexible enough to accommodate the continuing evolution of operational and management paradigms for technology. It addresses every Digital Product lifecycle phase from investment decision-making to end-of-life. The IT4IT Standard addresses a critical gap in the Digital Transformation toolkit: the need for a unifying architectural model that describes and connects the capabilities, value streams, functions, and operational data needed to manage a Digital Product Portfolio at scale. The IT4IT Standard provides an approach to making digital investment decisions and managing digital outcomes that is particularly useful for:

  • • C-level executives responsible for Digital Transformation, as a top-down view of digital value creation
  • • Product Managers and Product Marketing Managers whose portfolios include significant digital content, as a way to integrate marketing priorities with product delivery practices
  • • Governance, risk, and compliance practitioners, as a guide to controlling a modern digital landscape
  • • Enterprise and IT Architects, as a template for IT tool rationalization and for governing end-to-end technology management architectures
  • • Technology buyers, as the basis for Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and as a template for evaluating product completeness
  • • Consultants and assessors, as a guide for evaluating current practice against a well-defined standard
  • • Technology vendors, as a guide for product design and customer integrations
  • • Technical support staff, as a guide for automating and scaling up support services to deal with modern technology deployment velocity

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The IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0

The Open Group Publications available from Van Haren Publishing

The TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition:

Introduction and Core Concepts

Architecture Development Method

Content, Capability, and Governance

Leader’s Guide

ADM Practitioners’ Guide

Business Architecture

Enterprise Agility and Digital Transformation

A Pocket Guide

The TOGAF Series:

The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2

The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 – A Pocket Guide

TOGAF® 9 Foundation Study Guide, 4th Edition

TOGAF® 9 Certified Study Guide, 4th Edition

TOGAF® Business Architecture Level 1 Study Guide

The Open Group Series:

The IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 3.0

IT4IT™ for Managing the Business of IT – A Management Guide

IT4IT™ Foundation Study Guide, 2nd Edition

The IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.1 – A Pocket Guide

Cloud Computing for Business – The Open Group Guide

ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification – A Pocket Guide

ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification

The Digital Practitioner Pocket Guide

The Digital Practitioner Foundation Study Guide

Open Agile Architecture™ – A Standard of The Open Group

The Open Group Press:

The Turning Point: A Novel about Agile Architects Building a Digital Foundation Managing Digital

The Open Group Security Series:

O-TTPS – A Management Guide

Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3)

Open Enterprise Security Architecture (O-ESA)

Risk Management – The Open Group Guide

The Open FAIR™ Body of Knowledge – A Pocket Guide

All titles are available to purchase from:

and also many international and online distributors.


The IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0


A Reference Architecture for Managing Digital


The Open Group Series

A Publication of:

The Open Group


Van Haren Publishing, ’s-Hertogenbosch - NL,

ISBN Hardcopy:

978 94 018 0940 5

ISBN eBook:

978 94 018 0941 2

ISBN ePub:

978 94 018 0942 9


First edition, first impression, December 2022

Layout and Cover Design:

The Open Group


© 2022 The Open Group. All rights reserved.

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The IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0

Document Number: C221

Published by The Open Group, December 2022.

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Table of Contents


The Open Group

The IT4IT™ Forum

The IT4IT Name

This Document

The Transformation Journey

Who Benefits from the IT4IT Standard?

Evolution of the Standard

The IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0 Release Highlights

Related Industry Standards

Referenced Documents

Normative References

Informative References



1. Introduction

1.1. Objective

1.2. Conformance

1.3. Normative References

1.4. Terminology

1.5. Future Directions

2. Definitions

2.1. Contract

2.2. Digital Product

2.3. Digital Product Backbone Data Object

2.4. Functional Component

2.5. Key Data Object

2.6. Service Offer

2.7. Service Offer Backbone Data Object

2.8. System

2.9. System of Record

2.10. Value Network

2.11. Value Stream

3. Digital Management

3.1. Foundational Concepts

3.2. Top-Down Decomposition of the IT4IT Architecture

3.3. The IT4IT Functionality Groups

3.4. The Digital Value Network

3.5. The Seven IT4IT Value Streams

3.5.1. Evaluate

3.5.2. Explore

3.5.3. Integrate

3.5.4. Deploy

3.5.5. Release

3.5.6. Consume

3.5.7. Operate

3.6. Introducing Functional Components and the Data Model

3.7. Concepts Recap

4. Digital Product

4.1. Merging “Application”, “Service”, and “Products”

4.2. Digital Product Definition

4.2.1. System Definition

4.2.2. Service Offer Definition

4.2.3. Contract Definition

4.2.4. Price Definition

4.3. From IT Service to Digital Product

4.4. Examples of Digital Products

4.4.1. eCommerce Websites

4.4.2. Mobile Applications

4.4.3. Operational Technology

4.4.4. Smart Devices with Digital Interfaces

4.4.5. Digital Platforms

4.4.6. Interplay Among Digital Products

4.5. Granularity and Dependency of Digital Products

4.5.1. Examples of Digital Product Granularity

4.6. Benefits of Formalism between Internal Digital Product Teams

4.7. Managing the Digital Product

4.8. The Digital Product Management Competency

4.9. Shared Resources

4.10. Digital Product Lifecycle Concerns

4.11. Code, Dependencies, and Instance Resource Management

4.12. Data-Driven Opportunities and Concerns

4.13. Service Contract Lifecycle Concerns

4.14. Digital Product Fulfillment and Lifecycle Management

4.15. The Digital Product Instance

4.16. Consumer Types and Interaction Methods

4.17. Complex Digital Product Systems

5. IT4IT Value Streams

5.1. Evaluate Value Stream

5.1.1. Evaluate Scenarios

5.1.2. Gather Influencers Stage

5.1.3. Identify Gaps Stage

5.1.4. Propose Investments Stage

5.1.5. Define Backlog Mandates Stage

5.1.6. Ensure Governance Stage

5.2. Explore Value Stream

5.2.1. Explore Scenarios

5.2.2. Prioritize Backlog Items Stage

5.2.3. Define Digital Product Architecture Stage

5.2.4. Refine Product Backlog Stage

5.2.5. Finalize Roadmap & Scope Agreement Stage

5.3. Integrate Value Stream

5.3.1. Integrate Scenarios

5.3.2. Plan Product Release Stage

5.3.3. Design & Develop Stage

5.3.4. Build, Integrate, & Test Stage

5.3.5. Accept & Publish Release Stage

5.4. Deploy Value Stream

5.4.1. Deploy Scenarios

5.4.2. Plan & Approve Deployment Stage

5.4.3. Fulfill Deployment Stage

5.4.4. Validate Deployment Stage

5.4.5. Observe Deployment Stage

5.5. Release Value Stream

5.5.1. Release Scenarios

5.5.2. Define Service Offer Stage

5.5.3. Implement Service Offer Stage

5.5.4. Publish Service Offer Stage

5.6. Consume Value Stream

5.6.1. Consume Scenarios

5.6.2. Select an Offer Stage

5.6.3. Agree to Service Offer Stage

5.6.4. Subscribe to Service Offer Stage

5.6.5. Provide Service Support Stage

5.6.6. Publish Service Status Stage

5.7. Operate Value Stream

5.7.1. Operate Scenarios

5.7.2. Detect Issue Stage

5.7.3. Diagnose Issue Stage

5.7.4. Resolve Issue Stage

6. Strategy to Portfolio Functions

6.1. Strategy Function

6.1.1. Policy Functional Component Policy Data Object

6.1.2. Strategy Functional Component Strategic Theme Data Object Strategic Objective Data Object

6.1.3. Enterprise Architecture Functional Component Architecture Roadmap Item Data Object Architecture Blueprint Data Object Value Stream Data Object

6.2. Portfolio Function

6.2.1. Portfolio Backlog Functional Component Portfolio Backlog Item Data Object

6.2.2. Proposal Functional Component Scope Agreement Data Object

6.2.3. Product Portfolio Functional Component Digital Product Data Object

7. Requirement to Deploy Functions

7.1. Develop Function

7.1.1. Product Backlog Functional Component Product Backlog Item Data Object

7.1.2. Requirement Functional Component Requirement Data Object

7.1.3. Product Design Functional Component Product Design Data Object

7.1.4. Source Control Functional Component Source Data Object

7.1.5. Pipeline Functional Component Pipeline Data Object

7.1.6. Build Package Functional Component Build Package Data Object

7.1.7. Release Composition Functional Component Product Release Data Object Product Release Blueprint Data Object

7.2. Test Function

7.2.1. Test Functional Component Test Case Data Object Test Plan Data Object

7.2.2. Defect Functional Component Defect Data Object

8. Request to Fulfill Functions

8.1. Consume Function

8.1.1. Consumption Experience Functional Component Interaction Data Object

8.1.2. Identity Functional Component Identity Data Object Entitlement Data Object

8.1.3. Offer Functional Component Service Offer Catalog Data Object Service Offer Data Object

8.1.4. Order Functional Component Order Data Object Subscription Data Object

8.1.5. Chargeback Functional Component Chargeback Contract Data Object Chargeback Record Data Object

8.2. Fulfill Function

8.2.1. Change Functional Component Change Data Object

8.2.2. Fulfillment Orchestration Functional Component Desired Product Instance Data Object

8.2.3. Resource Functional Component Resource Data Object

8.2.4. Fulfillment Functional Component Fulfillment Book Data Object

8.2.5. Usage Functional Component Usage Record Data Object

9. Detect to Correct Functions

9.1. Support Function

9.1.1. Service Level Functional Component Service Contract Data Object KPI Data Object

9.1.2. Incident Functional Component Incident Data Object

9.1.3. Problem Functional Component Problem Data Object

9.1.4. Knowledge Functional Component Knowledge Item Data Object

9.2. Assure Function

9.2.1. Configuration Functional Component Actual Product Instance Data Object

9.2.2. Monitoring Functional Component Service Monitor Data Object Log Data Object

9.2.3. Event Functional Component Event Data Object

9.2.4. Diagnostics & Remediation Functional Component Runbook Data Object

10. Supporting Functions

10.1. Financial Management Function

10.1.1. Cost Modeling Functional Component Cost Model Data Object

10.1.2. Investment Functional Component Budget Item Data Object

10.2. Governance, Risk, & Compliance Function

10.3. Workforce Management Function

10.4. Sourcing & Vendor Management Function

10.5. Intelligence & Reporting Function

10.6. Collaboration & Communication Function

11. IT4IT Concepts and Metamodel

11.1. IT4IT Metamodel

11.2. IT4IT Abstractions

11.3. Level 1

11.4. Level 2

11.5. Level 3

11.6. Formal Reference Architecture Model

11.7. Concepts at Level 1: End-to-End Overview

11.7.1. Value Network

11.7.2. Value Stream

11.7.3. Functional Groups

11.7.4. Functional Component

11.7.5. Key Data Object

11.7.6. System of Record

11.7.7. Relationships

11.7.8. Digital Product Backbone Data Objects

11.7.9. Service Offer Backbone Data Objects

11.7.10. Level 1 ArchiMate Model

11.8. Concepts at Level 2: Value Stream Documentation

11.8.1. Value Stream

11.8.2. Scenario

11.8.3. Value Stream Stage

11.8.4. Stakeholder

11.9. Concepts at Level 3: Vendor-Independent Architecture

11.9.1. Key Attributes

11.9.2. Cardinality

11.9.3. Data Flow

11.9.4. System of Record Integration

11.9.5. System of Engagement Integration

11.10. Concepts at Level 4 and Level 5

11.10.1. Level 4: Vendor and System Integrator Extensions

11.10.2. Capabilities

11.10.3. Essential Services

11.10.4. Scenarios and Processes

11.10.5. Level 5: Implementation Architecture

Appendix A: Value Stream – Functional Component – Data Object Tables

A.1. Functional Components

A.2. Data Objects

A.3. Value Streams

A.4. Functional Component Map

Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations



The Open Group

The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards. With more than 870 member organizations, we have a diverse membership that spans all sectors of the technology community – customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tool vendors, integrators and consultants, as well as academics and researchers.

The mission of The Open Group is to drive the creation of Boundaryless Information Flow™ achieved by:

•   Working with customers to capture, understand, and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies, and share best practices

•   Working with suppliers, consortia, and standards bodies to develop consensus and facilitate interoperability, to evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies

•   Offering a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational efficiency of consortia

•   Developing and operating the industry’s premier certification service and encouraging procurement of certified products

Further information on The Open Group is available at

The Open Group publishes a wide range of technical documentation, most of which is focused on development of Standards and Guides, but which also includes white papers, technical studies, certification and testing documentation, and business titles. Full details and a catalog are available at

The IT4IT™ Forum

The IT4IT Forum is a group of member organizations that work together to solve shared challenges in Digital Product Management in the digital enterprise.

The mission of the IT4IT Forum is to continuously develop and drive the adoption of an open standard that:

•   Provides a vendor-neutral reference architecture that delivers value-driven improvement to business outcomes

•   Accelerates the adoption and delivery of end-to-end management of Digital Products and services

A key objective of the IT4IT Forum is to drive adoption of the IT4IT Standard through a variety of activities including publishing how-to guides in the IT4IT extended body of knowledge.

The IT4IT Forum is composed of a diversity of member organizations, such as technology vendors, service providers, consulting companies, end-user organizations, training companies, academic institutions, and other digital enterprises. All come together in a technology independent, industry independent, and vendor-neutral environment to work together in a non-competitive, consensus-driven environment governed by The Open Group Standards Process.

Member organizations and their employees that participate in the Forum activities can expect benefits, including:

•   Gaining competitive advantage through early access to pre-publication thought leadership

•   Realizing more reliable outcomes by solving shared challenges with other like-minded professionals

•   Establishing personal and professional relationships and a network of contacts for use long into the future

•   Expanding digital management business insight through collaboration with other member organizations

•   Establishing credibility as a thought leader in the industry by becoming a named contributor or coauthor on standards of The Open Group and other publications

•   Growing professional capabilities and promotion through dynamic learning exchanges in Forum discussions with other members

Proposals from IT4IT Forum members drive the strategy and content for successive versions of the IT4IT Standard. If you would like to contribute to future versions of the IT4IT Standard, we invite you to explore membership in The Open Group IT4IT Forum.

For further information about membership in the IT4IT Forum, visit

For further information about the IT4IT Standard itself, visit

The IT4IT Name

The business is increasingly dependent upon IT to enable their business capabilities and optimize their business value streams. IT is part of any business process and/or business product.

As a result, IT management is becoming a critical capability to ensure sustainable business success. To manage the increasing complexity of IT and digital, an organization needs to optimize their end-to-end IT management activities involved in the planning, development, delivery, and operations of Digital Products.

A more integrated approach is needed to optimize these IT value streams. The name “IT4IT” refers to this integrated approach of managing the IT specifically needed to enable and automate IT itself, such as portfolio and product backlog management, source code management, testing, deployment, identity management, monitoring, etc. “IT4IT” refers to all digital management capabilities and practices needed to manage the IT/Digital Product Portfolio and thus ultimately be efficient in optimizing business outcome.

This Document

This document is the specification of The Open Group IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0, a standard of The Open Group.

The IT4IT Standard addresses a critical gap in the Digital Transformation toolkit: the need for a unifying architectural model that describes and connects the capabilities, value streams, functions, and operational data needed to manage a Digital Product Portfolio at scale.

Traditional management paradigms, in which the technology budget is a combination of one-off projects and keep-the-lights-on operations, have constrained the value that could be delivered by technology. A fundamentally different approach is needed.

In recent years, this need continues to evolve rapidly as business management itself has become digital management. In other words, as the business delivers Digital Products, IT becomes the business.

By showing how to shift the focus of digital investment from project expense to product-based value delivery, the IT4IT Standard provides a powerful model for standardizing the digital automation fabric to support constant innovation and accelerated digital service delivery.

The ultimate target is a new style of technology management – “managing digital” – in which the primary metric for measuring IT investment value (and for measuring the performance of IT leaders) is the level of innovation and measurable business value delivered by a well-managed Digital Product Portfolio.

The Transformation Journey

The principle of product centricity shifts the focus of technology management away from the details of frictional project delivery and operations silos to a more holistic model focused instead on value-based consumption, customer focus, strong collaboration with consumers on end-to-end journeys, scalable automation, greater cost transparency, and the multi-sourced delivery of a broad Digital Product Portfolio.

Crucially, the IT4IT Standard provides a practical roadmap and blueprint for moving away from traditional practices and transitioning to a modern ability to manage digital at scale. The transition to managing digital typically includes several relevant journeys, such as moving from:

•   Project-based to product-based technology investment management

•   Waterfall methodologies to Agile planning and development

•   Silo-oriented automation models to integrated, automated DevSecOps at scale

•   Reactive order-taking to effectively managed and measured service brokerage

•   Opaque operational and financial reporting to effective full-lifecycle, end-to-end visibility, and control of technology investment outcomes

Who Benefits from the IT4IT Standard?

“Building a new fully integrated approach for managing IT – going beyond the traditional process models and disjointed solution landscapes – based on a common industry data model will give an important boost to our effort of becoming a world-class IT provider.”

Hans van Kesteren, VP & CIO Global Functions, Royal Dutch Shell, at the launch of The Open Group IT4IT Forum

The IT4IT Standard provides an approach to making digital investment decisions and managing digital outcomes that is particularly useful for:

•   C-level executives responsible for Digital Transformation, as a top-down view of digital value creation

•   Product Managers and Product Marketing Managers whose portfolios include significant digital content, as a way to integrate marketing priorities with product delivery practices

•   Governance, risk, and compliance practitioners, as a guide to controlling a modern digital landscape

•   Enterprise and IT Architects, as a template for IT tool rationalization and for governing end-to-end technology management architectures

•   Technology buyers, as the basis for Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and as a template for evaluating product completeness

•   Consultants and assessors, as a guide for evaluating current practice against a well-defined standard

•   Technology vendors, as a guide for product design and customer integrations

•   Technical support staff, as a guide for automating and scaling up support services to deal with modern technology deployment velocity

Evolution of the Standard

The approach put forward over the lifetime of this standard has been based on the long-standing thought experiment of “running IT as a business”, a common theme in IT management discussions for the past 40 years (see Betz, p.10 for extensive citations).

A history of the IT4IT Standard, including references to related standards, concepts, and industry themes, is published as a separate case study in the IT4IT Body of Knowledge; see The Open Group Case Study: On the Origin of the IT4IT™ Standard [Y202].

As part of the ongoing evolution of the IT4IT Standard, the IT Value Chain concept from Version 2.1 of the IT4IT Reference Architecture has been retired in favor of a focus on Digital Product Portfolio Management and the set of associated IT4IT Value Streams.

The Value Network metaphor has been proposed to describe the broad collaboration needed to connect core practices described in the IT4IT Standard to non-technology business domains such as Human Resources (HR), Finance, Vendor Management, Customers, Partners, and Suppliers. It is consistent with the approach taken in the release to describe the standard in those terms; however, the Value Network concept has not been formally adopted by the IT4IT Forum at this time.

The IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0 Release Highlights

The following topics have been included/enhanced in Version 3.0 of the IT4IT Standard:

•   Introduction of Digital Product

A standard definition for “Digital Product” has been introduced. The Digital Product concept underpins and strengthens the traditional emphasis of the IT4IT Standard on treating the enterprise portfolio of IT applications/services as the primary metaphor for understanding and managing IT investment. As this thinking has matured, a “shift to product” has become a mainstream objective in IT strategy.

The updated terminology and extended Digital Product definition reflect and support this trend and its implications for financial planning, value management, organization around Agile/DevOps teams, and the exploitation of modern automation options across the Digital Product lifecycle, from strategy to support.

•   Introduction of Digital Product Backbone

The concepts of service and a service backbone have been significantly improved in two ways. First, as part of the shift to product semantics, the term “service” is used primarily to describe the delivery of products “as a service” when the Digital Product is purely an act that is performed. The service backbone found in prior versions of the IT4IT Standard has been renamed “Digital Product Backbone” to account for a larger variety of topics that includes smartphones and other physical products, automated workflows, and even Robotic Process Automation “bots”. Second, the backbone has been simplified and made more straightforward, with a single primary data object at each stage.

•   Move from Value Chain to Digital Value Network

The use of “Value Network” as a concept for managing IT has been introduced. In the move to Digital Product semantics, Value Network replaces the Porter Value Chain [Porter] as the top-level, business view of the IT4IT Standard.

•   New value streams

The introduction of seven new value streams has replaced the four value streams of the IT4IT Value Chain of the IT4IT Standard, Version 2.1. Essentially, two value streams, “Evaluate” and “Explore”, are derived from Strategy to Portfolio. Requirement to Deploy is replaced with the “Integrate”, “Deploy”, and “Release” value streams; the “Consume” value stream replaces Request to Fulfill; and Detect to Correct is replaced with the “Operate” value stream. These new value streams are much more consistently and formally defined.

A common question is: what is the relationship between the new value streams in Version 3 and the value streams in Version 2.1?

Although strongly connected by data integrations and data flows, the original four IT4IT Value Streams are aligned to traditional IT organizational structures, which in most companies represented functional and cultural silos.

As the IT4IT Standard evolved into Version 3, IT organizations were also evolving and the old silos were giving way to concepts such as cross-functional development teams, new IT investment models, and DevOps integrations of development, deployment, and operations.

The new value streams in Version 3 take this evolution of industry into account, and align with modern IT management directions that are moving ever more strongly away from silos and toward the end-toend integration of managing digital.

A close examination of both versions of the standard will quickly reveal the relationship between the old and new value stream definitions, and point the way to a migration path for those who have already implemented against the older version:

•   Four functional groups derived from the value streams of the earlier IT4IT Standard, Version 2.1

In the IT4IT Standard, Version 2.1 the four value streams – Strategy to Portfolio, Requirement to Deploy, Request to Fulfill, and Detect to Correct – were also defined to represent the groupings of the IT4IT Functional Components. We have preserved the groupings, but no longer refer to the groups as value streams:

◦   Updated Strategy to Portfolio functional components

In Strategy to Portfolio, a Strategy functional component is introduced and significant updates have been made to the way strategy, architecture, and Digital Product work together.

◦   Updated Requirement to Deploy functional components

Requirement to Deploy has been upgraded significantly to reflect modern Agile and DevOps operating practices. This includes renaming some data objects and functional components to reflect the typical terms used in Agile.

◦   Updated Request to Fulfill functional components

Change Management has been moved from Detect to Correct to Request to Fulfill to reflect that change is an activity managed by the Deliver functions. Furthermore, Request to Fulfill sees the introduction of Identity Management, as well as the better formalization of the Service Offer Catalogs and Consumption Experience.

◦   IT Financial Management (ITFM) Support functions

The IT4IT Reference Architecture has been updated to improve the description of how Financial Management capabilities are supported by the standard. Financial Management is one of the Supporting Functions in the overall Digital Value Network, and its impacts on core functions and data objects have been updated to more effectively describe these impacts and interactions.

•   Use of the ArchiMate® modeling language as the standard notation

The ArchiMate Specification has replaced most instances of the “informal notation” used in previous releases. This generally improves the rigor of the diagrams. It also enables the automatic creation of these diagrams from the data held in the ArchiMate model of the IT4IT Reference Architecture that is available for download with the IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0. This ensures a high level of consistency across the model.

•   Removal of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) lists

The lists of KPIs associated with the four value streams in the previous release have been removed. The creation and management of appropriate metrics and KPIs for activities described in the IT4IT Standard are addressed at various points in the text of the standard. The Open Group Guide: Intelligence & Reporting Supporting Activity in the IT4IT™ Reference Architecture [G18E] describes a recommended way of approaching metrics and KPIs.

•   General consistency and flow of the overall standard

Inconsistencies of terminology and structure that were reported against prior versions of the IT4IT Standard have been resolved.

Related Industry Standards

The IT4IT Reference Architecture provides the overall framework for managing a “digital factory”, covering the value streams, capabilities, and data flows needed to manage the entire Digital Product lifecycle. The IT4IT Standard can be combined with other practices and standards providing additional guidance for specific capabilities or functions. Therefore, the IT4IT Reference Architecture can be complemented with other practices and standards, such as those listed below.

Enterprise Architecture

•   The Open Group ArchiMate® Specification

•   The Open Group Open Agile Architecture™ Standard

•   The Open Group TOGAF® Standard

(Scaled) Agile Development

•   Kanban

•   Large Scale Scrum – LeSS

•   Nexus™ for Scaling Scrum

•   Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®)

•   Scrum

Project Management

•   PRINCE2® for Project Management

•   The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK™) Guide

IT Service Management

•   ISO/IEC 20000: Information Technology – Service Management

•   ITIL® for IT Service Management from AXELOS

•   The VeriSM™ Framework

IT Governance

•   COBIT® for IT Governance by ISACA

•   ISO/IEC 38500: Corporate Governance of Information Technology

Software Asset Management

•   ISO/IEC 19770: Software Asset Management

Security and Risk Management

•   ISO/IEC 27000 : Information Security Management systems

•   NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Other Practices

•   Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®)

•   DevOps

•   OASIS™ Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA™)

•   Object Management Group® (OMG®) Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®)

•   Site Reliability Engineering

•   The Open Group Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge™

•   The Open Group FACE™ Technical Standard

•   The Open Group Healthcare Enterprise Reference Architecture (HERA)

Referenced Documents

The following documents are referenced in this Standard.

(Please note that the links below are good at the time of writing but cannot be guaranteed for the future.)

Normative References

Normative references for this standard are defined in Section 1.3.

Informative References

The following documents are referenced in this standard or provide further information:

[Agile Manifesto]

Manifesto for Agile Software Development, by Beck et al. 2001; refer to:

[Allspaw & Robbins]

Web Operations: Keeping the Data On Time, by John Allspaw and Jesse Robbins, July 2010, published by O’Reilly Media

[Behr et al.]

The Visible Ops Handbook: Implementing ITIL® in Four Practical and Auditable Steps, by Kevin Behr, Gene Kim, and George Spafford, June 2005, published by Information Technology Process Institute

[Benson et al.]

From Business Strategy to IT Action: Right Decisions for a Better Bottom Line, by Robert J. Benson, Thomas L. Bugnitz, and William B. Walton, April 2008, published by Wiley


Architecture and Patterns for IT Service Management, Resource Planning, and Governance (Making Shoes for the Cobbler’s Children), by Charles T. Betz, November 2011, 2nd Edition, published by Morgan Kaufmann

[Bourque & Fairley]

Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK®): Version 3.0, edited by Pierre Bourque and Richard E. Fairley, January 2014, published by IEEE Computer Society Press


SOA Reference Architecture (C119), a standard of The Open Group, December 2011, published by The Open Group; refer to:


The Open Group IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.0 (C155), a standard of The Open Group Standard, October 2015, published by The Open Group; refer to:


The Open Group IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.1 (C171), a standard of The Open Group, January 2017, published by The Open Group; refer to:


ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format for the ArchiMate Modeling Language, Version 3.1 (C19C), a standard of The Open Group, November 2019, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Open Messaging Interface (O-MI), The Open Group Standard for the Internet of Things (IoT), Version 2.0 (C19E), December 2019, published by The Open Group; refer to:


O-DEF™, the Open Data Element Framework, Version 2.0 (C202), a standard of The Open Group, February 2020, published by The Open Group; refer to:


FACE™ Technical Standard, Edition 3.1 (C207), a standard of The Open Group, July 2020, published by The Open Group; refer to:


IT Architecture Toolkit (Enterprise Computing), by Jane Carbone, May 2004, published by Prentice Hall

[CMMI for Acquisition]

CMMI® for Acquisition, Version 1.3, by CMMI Product Team, November 2010, published by Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute; refer to:

[CMMI for Development]

CMMI® for Development, Version 1.3, by CMMI Product Team, November 2010, published by Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute; refer to:

[CMMI for Services]

CMMI® for Services, Version 1.3, by CMMI Product Team, November 2010, published by Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute; refer to:


ISACA: Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT®); refer to:


Writing Effective Use Cases, by Alistair Cockburn, October 2000, published by Addison-Wesley


Building Enterprise Information Architectures: Reengineering Information Systems, by Melissa A. Cook, February 1996, published by Prentice Hall

[Duvall et al.]

Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk, by Paul M. Duvall, Steve Matyas, and Andrew Glover, June 2007, published by Addison-Wesley


IT4IT™ for Managing the Business of IT, A Management Guide (G160), The Open Group Guide, January 2016, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Intelligence & Reporting Supporting Activity in the IT4IT™ Reference Architecture (G18E), The Open Group Guide, October 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Service Brokering with the IT4IT™ Standard (G18F), The Open Group Guide, December 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Tool Rationalization using the IT4IT™ Reference Architecture Standard (G191), The Open Group Guide, April 2019, published by The Open Group; refer to:

[Humble & Farley]

Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation, by Jez Humble and David Farley, August 2010, published by Addison-Wesley

[IBM Rational Software]

Rational Software: Rational Unified Process Best Practices for Software Development Teams, revised January 2011, published by Rational Software; refer to:

[IEEE 730-2014]

IEEE 730-2014: IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes, June 2014; refer to:

[ISO/TC 258]

ISO/TC 258: Project, Program, and Portfolio Management; refer to:

[ISO/IEC 21]

ISO/IEC Guide 21-2:2005 Regional or National Adoption of International Standards and Other International Deliverables – Part 2: Adoption of International Deliverables other than International Standards; refer to:

[ISO/IEC 98]

ISO/IEC 98-3:2008 Uncertainty of Measurement – Part 3: Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM:1995); refer to:

[ISO/IEC 19770]

ISO/IEC 19770-1:2017: Information Technology – Software Asset Management – Part 1: IT asset management systems — Requirements; refer to:

[ISO/IEC 20000]

ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018: Information Technology – Service Management – Part 1: Service Management System Requirements; refer to:

[ISO/IEC 27001]

ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Management; refer to:

[ISO/IEC 27002]

ISO/IEC 27002:2022: Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security controls; refer to:

[ISO/IEC 38500]

ISO/IEC 38500:2015: Corporate Governance of Information Technology; refer to:


ITIL® Foundation, ITIL 4 Edition, 2019, published by AXELOS_; refer to:


Strategic IT Portfolio Management: Governing Enterprise Transformation, by Jeffrey Kaplan, May 2009, published by Jeff Kaplan

[Kern et al.]

IT Production Services, by Harris Kern, Rich Schiesser, and Mayra Muniz, July 2011, published by Prentice Hall

[Leffingwell et al.]

Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®), by D. Leffingwell, A. Yakyma, et al, 2014; refer to:

[Limoncelli et al.]

The Practice of Cloud System Administration: Designing and Operating Large Distributed Systems, Volume 2: DevOps and SRE Practices for Web Services, by Thomas A. Limoncelli, Strata R. Chalup, and Christina J. Hogan, September 2014, published by Addison-Wesley Professional


The Power of Events: An Introduction to Complex Event Processing in Distributed Enterprise Systems, by David C. Luckham, May 2002, published by Addison-Wesley

[Maizlish & Handler]

IT Portfolio Management Step-By-Step: Unlocking the Business Value of Technology, by Bryan Maizlish and Robert Handler, October 2010, published by Wiley


Great Transition: Using the Seven Disciplines of Enterprise Engineering, by James Martin, October 1995, published by Amacom


Portfolio Approach to Information Systems, by F. Warren McFarlan, September 1981, published in the Harvard Business Review 59(5); refer to:


Merriam-Webster Dictionary; refer to:

[O’Donnell & Casanova]

The Configuration Management Database (CMDB) Imperative: How to Realize the Dream and Avoid the Nightmares, by Glenn O’Donnell and Carlos Casanova, February 2009, published by Pearson


Application Management, by Office of Government Commerce, June 2002, published by The Stationary Office


The Service Catalog: A Practitioner Guide, by Mark O’Loughlin, March 2010, published by Van Haren Publishing


Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, by Michael E. Porter, January 2004, published by Free Press

[PMBOK Guide]

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK™ Guide), January 2013, published by Project Management Institute


Chargeback and IT Cost Accounting, by Terence A. Quinlan, January 2003, Published by IT Financial Management Association

[Quinlan & Quinlan]

Readings in IT Financial Management, by Terence A. Quinlan and Susan J. Quinlan, 2003, published by IT Financial Management Association

[Remenyi et al.]

The Effective Measurement and Management of ICT Costs and Benefits, by Dan Remenyi, Frank Bannister, and Arthur Money, February 2007, published by CIMA Publishing

[Ross et al.]

Designed for Digital: How to Architect your Business for Sustained Success (Management on the Cutting Edge), by Jeanne W. Ross, Cynthia M. Beath, Martin Mocker, September 2019, published by MIT Press


Healthcare Enterprise Reference Architecture (HERA) (S182), The Open Group Snapshot, April 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 3.0: Managing Digital Excerpt (S210), The Open Group Snapshot, January 2021, published by The Open Group; refer to:

[Schiesser 2001]

IT Systems Management: Designing, Implementing, and Managing World-Class Infrastructures, by Rich Schiesser, January 2001, published by Prentice Hall

[Schiesser 2010]

IT Systems Management, by Rich Schiesser, January 2010, published by Pearson

[Spewak & Hill]

Enterprise Architecture Planning – Developing a Blueprint for Data, Applications, and Technology, by Steven H. Spewak and Steven C. Hill, October 1993, published by Wiley-QED Publications

[Sturm et al.]

Foundations of Service Level Management, by Rick Sturm, Wayne Morris, and Mary Jander, April 2000, published by Sams Publishing

[TOGAF Standard]

TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 (C182) a standard of The Open Group, April 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:

[TOGAF Value Streams]

TOGAF® Series Guide: Value Streams (G178) a guide of The Open Group, October 2017, published by The Open Group; refer to:


OASIS™: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA™), Version 1.0, November 2013; refer to:

[Ulrich & McWhorter]

Business Architecture: The Art and Practice of Business Transformation, by William Ulrich and Neal McWhorter, October 2010, published by Meghan-Kiffer Press


Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®), Object Management Group® (OMG®); refer to:

[Van Grembergen]

Strategies for Information Technology Governance, by Wim Van Grembergen, 2004, published by Idea Group Publishing; refer to:

[Van Schaik]

A Management System for the Information Business: Organizational Analysis, by Edward A. Van Schaik, January 2006, published by Prentice Hall


Defining the IT Operating Model, White Paper (W17B), September 2017, published by The Open Group; refer to:


IT4IT™ Business Value: Providing Operational Value with the IT4IT Standard, White Paper (W180), January 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


IT4IT™ Business Value: Delivering Business Value with IT, White Paper (W181), January 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Seamless Service Delivery and the IT4IT™ Standard, White Paper (W183), May 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


How to Use the TOGAF® and IT4IT™ Standards Together, White Paper (W185), May 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Driving Business Outcomes Using the IT4IT™ Standard and SAFe®, White Paper (W188), December 2018, published by The Open Group; refer to:


The Shift to Digital Product: A Full Lifecycle Perspective, White Paper (W205), December 2020, published by The Open Group; refer to:

[Weill & Ross]

IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results, by Peter Weill and Jeanne W. Ross, June 2004, published by Harvard Business Review Press


On the Origin of the IT4IT™ Standard, a Case Study of The Open Group, April 2020, published by The Open Group; refer to:


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This document was prepared by The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum. The Open Group gratefully acknowledges the leadership and contributions of the following individuals (where appropriate, arranged by elected officers, followed by alphabetical order by organization affiliation) in the development of The Open Group IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0.


For the company name of each individual included here, we endeavored to list the employer affiliation they had at the time they contributed to the standard.

Lead Architects, Version 3.0

The Open Group gratefully acknowledges the following individuals for their contributions to the IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0.

IT4IT Core Standard Standing Committee topic leaders:

•   Lars Rossen, Micro Focus, Chair of the IT4IT Core Standard Standing Committee

•   Philippe Geneste, Accenture

•   Sylvain Marie, Accenture

•   Richard Aarnink, Achmea

•   Guido de Jong, Achmea

•   Mark Luchtmeijer, Achmea

•   Jason Thurmond, Boeing

•   Dan Warfield, CC and C Solutions

•   Rob Akershoek, DXC

•   Satya Misra, HCL Technologies

•   Etienne Terpstra-Hollander, Micro Focus

•   Erik van Busschbach, Micro Focus

•   Michael Fulton, Nationwide

•   Stephanie Ramsay, Raytheon Technologies

•   Mark Bodman, ServiceNow

•   Michelle Supper, ServiceNow

•   Sue Desiderio, Invited Expert

ArchiMate® Model of the IT4IT Reference Architecture Work Group topic leaders:

•   Kees van den Brink, ServiceNow, Chair of the ArchiMate Model of the IT4IT Reference Architecture Work Group

•   Martin Tax, DAIN

•   Søren Hansen, Micro Focus

•   Lars Rossen, Micro Focus

•   Etienne Terpstra-Hollander, Micro Focus

Active Participant Contributors

In addition to the Lead Architects above, The Open Group gratefully acknowledges the following individuals who contributed by regularly attending the live face-to-face quarterly members-only meetings or live virtual weekly meetings of the IT4IT Forum and providing content, use-cases, models, GitLab® merge requests, or votes on decisions during discussions of iterative drafts of the IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0:

•   Sri Srinivasan, Accenture

•   Lars Kristian Larsen, BusinessNow

•   Jan Stobbe, Capgemini

•   Dave Hornford, Conexiam

•   Didier Beyens, DXC

•   Ben Noordzij, DXC

•   Roan van Helten, DXC

•   Karel van Zeeland, DXC

•   Andrew Platt, Fujitsu

•   Prafull Verma, HCL Technologies

•   David Morlitz, IBM

•   Sukumar Daniel, ING Bank

•   Xavier Mayeur, ING Bank

•   Soumajit Das, Micro Focus

•   Søren Hansen, Micro Focus

•   Peter Vollmer, Micro Focus

•   Altaz Valani, Security Compass

•   Jeannine McConnell, ServiceNow

•   Sam Courtney, Sparx Services North America

•   Charles Betz, University of St. Thomas

•   Chris Madden, ValueFlow

•   Luke Sorensen, ValueFlow

IT4IT Forum Steering Committee

The Open Group gratefully acknowledges the leadership of these IT4IT Forum Officers who were in office at the time the standard was approved after Company Review:

•   Rob Akershoek, DXC, Forum Co-Chair

•   Satya Misra, HCL, Forum Co-Chair