The One Girl Gremlin - Phoebe Stuckes - E-Book

The One Girl Gremlin E-Book

Phoebe Stuckes



Her first pamphlet since her debut full collection Platinum Blonde sees Phoebe Stuckes' trademark poems of high humour and hubris take on a dreamier, more abstract, quality. Perhaps the 'wise-cracking party girl' of her earlier work is sensing that, for a while at least, the party is postponed. There isn't much worth staying up late for any more in these poems. Instead, our character lies awake in bed long into the night or wakes up into a pre-dawn world they barely recognise. And the strange new rural setting they wake to is inviting and also threatening and therefore not to be trusted. Phoebe Stuckes remains one of the most exciting horrifying hilarious unsettling poets writing today. The One Girl Gremlin is of course an absolute triumph!

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© 2021 Phoebe Stuckes

The right of Phoebe Stuckes to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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Printed and bound in the UK by Positive Print, Birmingham

ISBN: 978-1-912565-64-1

ePub ISBN: 978-1-913917-75-3


1. I wake up early, I wait for the light to roll in

2. Paris

3. Holes

4. Dustbunny

5. Foxes

6 Men’s Rooms

7. I love you so much

8. Free Anna Delvey

9. I used to be thin

10. Last night I dreamt I was alive and

11. Sex Scene

12. The one girl gremlin

13. Cyberspace

14. Dolly Parton

15. Baby you know what I want

16. Jane Fonda

17. Crows

18. Pastoral

19. Killbuck

20. Poem in which I am always leaving

21. It’s a bad business


The One Girl Gremlin

I wake up early, I wait for the light to roll in

One minute everything in the world is a poem,

the next everything is a cardboard box

with a number drawn on. I spend my mornings

trying not to imagine all the terrible things

that are happening in the world, somewhere they are

all happening at once. All the rich men with their various wants

their desires lying around like oil stains on the chaise.


All I think about is love and money, marrying for money and falling

in love on the side. Staying in love with my past loves, meeting them

in oyster bars, never forgetting anything, never making any money.

I think about Jean Rhys in Paris, waiting for Harrison Ford

to wire her some money, she was always dying her hair, getting fired,