The people who looked down on me helped me to smile - Andre Stewart - E-Book

The people who looked down on me helped me to smile E-Book

Andre Stewart

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Jah you know that I try to be a good man. I can fall short in so many ways when I’m trying not to. In this book, The people who looked down on me helped me to smile describes a journey that aims to search for this thing called a peace of mind. It’s written poetically with themes of happiness, sadness, regret, motivation, determination, family, courage, love and ignorance. An ignorance to many things in life that we might not even appreciate that actually helps our wellbeing. This book is precise and gets straight to the point in terms of the emotions to the concept being discussed. There are words that will hurt and words that will help. The author asks internal questions that are a part of the journey to a peace of mind and through it all the reminder to try and be consistent prevails. It’s not that people look down on you, that will always happen. However, through it all let’s try to stay positive.

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