The Stone Age Saga - Susanna Tinga - E-Book

The Stone Age Saga E-Book

Tinga Susanna

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"The Stoneage Saga: Tuk Tuk and the Legacy of the Crystal Cave" By Susanna Tinga
Step into the world of the Stone Age, where the bright and curious girl Tuk Tuk embarks on an extraordinary adventure. Like all children of her time, Tuk Tuk is not fond of school, but one day, she receives a special assignment: Each child must bring an artifact from ancient times and present a report on it. After her presentation, Tuk Tuk's artifact mysteriously vanishes.
Joined by her friends, Tuk Tuk sets off on an adventurous quest that soon turns into an unexpected and thrilling journey. Their mission: to retrieve the lost artifact. This quest takes them through a world filled with secrets and surprises of the Stone Age.
With "The Stoneage Saga," Susanna Tinga has created a masterful work of fantasy that captivates not only children but also adults. As expected from Susanna Tinga's books, the story is accompanied by loving illustrations that draw the reader deeper into the adventure.
Drexler Consulting Publishing is proud to embark on this exciting adventure together with Susanna Tinga and her readers.

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