The Tale of Samuel Whiskers - Beatrix Potter - E-Book

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers E-Book

Beatrix Potter

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Welcome to the intriguing world of "The Tale of Samuel Whiskers" by Beatrix Potter, a captivating narrative that immerses you in the misadventures of Tom Kitten and his unexpected escapades in the cozy home of Samuel Whiskers.

Meet Tom Kitten, a young and curious feline with a knack for getting into trouble. Follow his journey as he navigates the challenges and surprises that await him in the home of Samuel Whiskers, an old and cunning rat.

Beatrix Potter's storytelling is a delightful blend of mischief, humor, and the excitement of exploration. The tale unfolds amidst enchanting illustrations that bring the characters and scenes to life, allowing you to step into the charming world of these anthropomorphic animals.

The illustrations in this tale are a testament to Beatrix Potter's artistic brilliance, capturing the nuances of each character and the quaint charm of their surroundings with intricate detail and expression. Every page is a visual treat that complements the engaging narrative.

"The Tale of Samuel Whiskers" is a timeless tale that entertains readers of all ages, offering valuable life lessons about curiosity, resilience, and the unexpected friendships that can emerge in the most unlikely of circumstances. So, open the pages and join Tom Kitten on an adventure that will tickle your imagination and warm your heart.

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Cervantes Digital

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Once upon a time there was an old cat, called Mrs. Tabitha Twitchit, who was an anxious parent. She used to lose her kittens continually, and whenever they were lost they were always in mischief!

On baking day she determined to shut them up in a cupboard.

She caught Moppet and Mittens, but she could not find Tom.

Mrs. Tabitha went up and down all over the house, mewing for Tom Kitten. She looked in the pantry under the staircase, and she searched the best spare bedroom that was all covered up with dust sheets. She went right upstairs and looked into the attics, but she could not find him anywhere.

It was an old, old house, full of cupboards and passages. Some of the walls were four feet thick, and there used to be queer noises inside them, as if there might be a little secret staircase. Certainly there were odd little jagged doorways in the wainscot, and things disappeared at night—especially cheese and bacon.

Mrs. Tabitha became more and more distracted, and mewed dreadfully.

While their mother was searching the house, Moppet and Mittens had got into mischief.

The cupboard door was not locked, so they pushed it open and came out.

They went straight to the dough which was set to rise in a pan before the fire.

They patted it with their little soft paws—"Shall we make dear little muffins?" said Mittens to Moppet.

But just at that moment somebody knocked at the front door, and Moppet jumped into the flour barrel in a fright.