The Tragedie of Macbeth - William Shakespeare - E-Book

The Tragedie of Macbeth E-Book

William Shakespeare

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The Tragedie of Macbeth, written between 1605 and 1608, is one of the most famous tragedies by William Shakespeare. Although the text is short, the play is particularly incisive because Macbeth is a timeless portrayal of the power-hungry man. The tragedy takes place in Medieval Scotland and is pervaded by evil and ambiguity. Whenever the main character seems hesitant, his wife pushes him to take the next step, culminating in the inevitable regicide. Macbeth is one of the most performed Shakespeare’s plays to this day.

Tradition has it that William Shakespeare was born the 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire. He lived, in the England of Queen Elizabeth I, a crucial moment for English history, when the definitive transitioning from the Middle Ages to Modern era took place. Among his ample literary production 37 theatrical plays, 154 sonnets and several poems survived to this day. Shakespeare is the all-time great English author. His plays include:  King Lear and  The Tragedy of Hamlet (tragedies),  Much Ado About Nothing (comedy) and  Richard III (historical drama). He dies the 23rd of April 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

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ISBN 9788899181840


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The Tragedie of Macbeth, written between 1605 and 1608, is one of the most famous tragedies by William Shakespeare. Although the text is short, the play is particularly incisive because Macbeth is a timeless portrayal of the power-hungry man. The tragedy takes place in Medieval Scotland and is pervaded by evil and ambiguity. Whenever the main character seems hesitant, his wife pushes him to take the next step, culminating in the inevitable regicide. Macbeth is one of the most performed Shakespeare’s plays to this day.



Tradition has it that William Shakespeare was born the 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire.

He lived, in the England of Queen Elizabeth I, a crucial moment for English history, when the definitive transitioning from the Middle Ages to Modern era took place. Among his ample literary production 37 theatrical plays, 154 sonnets and several poems survived to this day. Shakespeare is the all-time great English author. His plays include: King Lear and The Tragedy of Hamlet (tragedies), Much Ado About Nothing (comedy) and Richard III (historical drama).

He dies the 23rd of April 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

The Tragedie of Macbeth






William Shakespeare

Actus Primus. Scena Prima


Thunder and Lightning. Enter three Witches.


1. When shall we three meet againe?

In Thunder, Lightning, or in Raine?

2. When the Hurley-burley’s done,

When the Battaile’s lost, and wonne


3. That will be ere the set of Sunne


1. Where the place?

2. Vpon the Heath


3. There to meet with Macbeth


1. I come, Gray-Malkin


All. Padock calls anon: faire is foule, and foule is faire,

Houer through the fogge and filthie ayre.



Scena Secunda


Alarum within. Enter King Malcome, Donalbaine, Lenox, with


meeting a bleeding Captaine.


King. What bloody man is that? he can report,

As seemeth by his plight, of the Reuolt

The newest state


Mal. This is the Serieant,

Who like a good and hardie Souldier fought

‘Gainst my Captiuitie: Haile braue friend;

Say to the King, the knowledge of the Broyle,

As thou didst leaue it


Cap. Doubtfull it stood,

As two spent Swimmers, that doe cling together,

And choake their Art: The mercilesse Macdonwald

(Worthie to be a Rebell, for to that

The multiplying Villanies of Nature

Doe swarme vpon him) from the Westerne Isles

Of Kernes and Gallowgrosses is supply’d,

And Fortune on his damned Quarry smiling,

Shew’d like a Rebells Whore: but all’s too weake:

For braue Macbeth (well hee deserues that Name)

Disdayning Fortune, with his brandisht Steele,

Which smoak’d with bloody execution

(Like Valours Minion) caru’d out his passage,

Till hee fac’d the Slaue:

Which neu’r shooke hands, nor bad farwell to him,

Till he vnseam’d him from the Naue toth’ Chops,

And fix’d his Head vpon our Battlements


King. O valiant Cousin, worthy Gentleman


Cap. As whence the Sunne ‘gins his reflection,

Shipwracking Stormes, and direfull Thunders:

So from that Spring, whence comfort seem’d to come,

Discomfort swells: Marke King of Scotland, marke,

No sooner Iustice had, with Valour arm’d,

Compell’d these skipping Kernes to trust their heeles,

But the Norweyan Lord, surueying vantage,

With furbusht Armes, and new supplyes of men,

Began a fresh assault


King. Dismay’d not this our Captaines, Macbeth and


Cap. Yes, as Sparrowes, Eagles;

Or the Hare, the Lyon:

If I say sooth, I must report they were

As Cannons ouer-charg’d with double Cracks,

So they doubly redoubled stroakes vpon the Foe:

Except they meant to bathe in reeking Wounds,

Or memorize another Golgotha,

I cannot tell: but I am faint,

My Gashes cry for helpe


King. So well thy words become thee, as thy wounds,

They smack of Honor both: Goe get him Surgeons.

Enter Rosse and Angus.


Who comes here?

Mal. The worthy Thane of Rosse


Lenox. What a haste lookes through his eyes?

So should he looke, that seemes to speake things strange


Rosse. God saue the King


King. Whence cam’st thou, worthy Thane?

Rosse. From Fiffe, great King,

Where the Norweyan Banners flowt the Skie,

And fanne our people cold.

Norway himselfe, with terrible numbers,

Assisted by that most disloyall Traytor,

The Thane of Cawdor, began a dismall Conflict,

Till that Bellona’s Bridegroome, lapt in proofe,

Confronted him with selfe-comparisons,

Point against Point, rebellious Arme ‘gainst Arme,

Curbing his lauish spirit: and to conclude,

The Victorie fell on vs


King. Great happinesse


Rosse. That now Sweno, the Norwayes King,

Craues composition:

Nor would we deigne him buriall of his men,

Till he disbursed, at Saint Colmes ynch,

Ten thousand Dollars, to our generall vse


King. No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceiue

Our Bosome interest: Goe pronounce his present death,

And with his former Title greet Macbeth


Rosse. Ile see it done


King. What he hath lost, Noble Macbeth hath wonne.



Scena Tertia


Thunder. Enter the three Witches.


1. Where hast thou beene, Sister?

2. Killing Swine


3. Sister, where thou?

1. A Saylors Wife had Chestnuts in her Lappe,

And mouncht, & mouncht, and mouncht:

Giue me, quoth I.

Aroynt thee, Witch, the rumpe-fed Ronyon cryes.

Her Husband’s to Aleppo gone, Master o’th’ Tiger:

But in a Syue Ile thither sayle,

And like a Rat without a tayle,

Ile doe, Ile doe, and Ile doe


2. Ile giue thee a Winde


1. Th’art kinde


3. And I another


1. I my selfe haue all the other,

And the very Ports they blow,

All the Quarters that they know,

I’th’ Ship-mans Card.

Ile dreyne him drie as Hay:

Sleepe shall neyther Night nor Day

Hang vpon his Pent-house Lid:

He shall liue a man forbid:

Wearie Seu’nights, nine times nine,

Shall he dwindle, peake, and pine:

Though his Barke cannot be lost,

Yet it shall be Tempest-tost.

Looke what I haue


2. Shew me, shew me


1. Here I haue a Pilots Thumbe,

Wrackt, as homeward he did come.


Drum within.


3. A Drumme, a Drumme:

Macbeth doth come


All. The weyward Sisters, hand in hand,

Posters of the Sea and Land,

Thus doe goe, about, about,

Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine,

And thrice againe, to make vp nine.

Peace, the Charme’s wound vp.

Enter Macbeth and Banquo.


Macb. So foule and faire a day I haue not seene


Banquo. How farre is’t call’d to Soris? What are these,

So wither’d, and so wilde in their attyre,

That looke not like th’ Inhabitants o’th’ Earth,

And yet are on’t? Liue you, or are you aught

That man may question? you seeme to vnderstand me,

By each at once her choppie finger laying

Vpon her skinnie Lips: you should be Women,

And yet your Beards forbid me to interprete

That you are so


Mac. Speake if you can: what are you?

1. All haile Macbeth, haile to thee Thane of Glamis


2. All haile Macbeth, haile to thee Thane of Cawdor


3. All haile Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter


Banq. Good Sir, why doe you start, and seeme to feare

Things that doe sound so faire? i’th’ name of truth

Are ye fantasticall, or that indeed

Which outwardly ye shew? My Noble Partner

You greet with present Grace, and great prediction

Of Noble hauing, and of Royall hope,

That he seemes wrapt withall: to me you speake not.

If you can looke into the Seedes of Time,

And say, which Graine will grow, and which will not,

Speake then to me, who neyther begge, nor feare

Your fauors, nor your hate


1. Hayle


2. Hayle


3. Hayle


1. Lesser than Macbeth, and greater


2. Not so happy, yet much happyer


3. Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none:

So all haile Macbeth, and Banquo


1. Banquo, and Macbeth, all haile


Macb. Stay you imperfect Speakers, tell me more:

By Sinells death, I know I am Thane of Glamis,

But how, of Cawdor? the Thane of Cawdor liues

A prosperous Gentleman: And to be King,

Stands not within the prospect of beleefe,

No more then to be Cawdor. Say from whence

You owe this strange Intelligence, or why

Vpon this blasted Heath you stop our way

With such Prophetique greeting?

Speake, I charge you.


Witches vanish.


Banq. The Earth hath bubbles, as the Water ha’s,

And these are of them: whither are they vanish’d?

Macb. Into the Ayre: and what seem’d corporall,

Melted, as breath into the Winde.

Would they had stay’d


Banq. Were such things here, as we doe speake about?

Or haue we eaten on the insane Root,

That takes the Reason Prisoner?

Macb. Your Children shall be Kings


Banq. You shall be King


Macb. And Thane of Cawdor too: went it not so?

Banq. Toth’ selfe-same tune and words: who’s here?

Enter Rosse and Angus.


Rosse. The King hath happily receiu’d, Macbeth,

The newes of thy successe: and when he reades

Thy personall Venture in the Rebels sight,

His Wonders and his Prayses doe contend,

Which should be thine, or his: silenc’d with that,

In viewing o’re the rest o’th’ selfe-same day,

He findes thee in the stout Norweyan Rankes,

Nothing afeard of what thy selfe didst make

Strange Images of death, as thick as Tale

Can post with post, and euery one did beare

Thy prayses in his Kingdomes great defence,

And powr’d them downe before him


Ang. Wee are sent,

To giue thee from our Royall Master thanks,