There is an Anger That Moves - Kei Miller - E-Book

There is an Anger That Moves E-Book

Kei Miller

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The six sequences of There Is an Anger that Moves travel from Jamaica to England and back. A mother's heart is broken; men fall in love secretly; people dance until they die. Religion haunts these disbelieving poems which move sometimes to the measure of a hymn, sometimes to the cadence of a Baptist sermon. Each swells with its own conviction, even when that conviction is doubt. Miller makes us believe in the power of unexpected things: the colour orange, broken coffins, ice cream and in the transforming power of poetry. From this book Kei Miller emerges as one of the most compelling and subtle new voices from the Caribbean.

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There Is an Anger that Moves


Title Page

I In This New Country

How we became the pirates

After all you do not know

Always under your breath

A whole song to the colour orange

The only thing far away

You say bomboclawt softly

Your dance is like a cure

How quickly you grow

Where we might fit

II The Broken (I)




Tangent a

Tangent b

Tangent c





III Tongues and Prophecies

Speaking in tongues

the church woman goes through menopause

the church woman experiences Shekinah

the church woman visits a hospital

A hymn for Aunt Grace

Like how Sunday comes

New York poem (2006)

What the evangelist should have said

The silent things

IV The Broken (II)







V Testament

Book of Genesis

Book of Exodus

Book of Leviticus

Book of Numbers

First Book of Chronicles

Second Book of Chronicles

Book of Proverbs

Book of Songs

Book of Jonah

Book of Lamentations

VI There Is an Anger that Moves

In praise of the revolutionary properties of ice cream, but in particular, the flavour Chunky Monkey

In praise of the contribution of pots

Hurricane story 2004

A benediction for Bogle

For the girl who died by dancing

The candle we made

An allowance for Ula-May

The death of a fish woman

The discovered Ark


About the Author

Caribbean writing from Carcanet Press



In This New Country

How we became the pirates

In this country you have an accent;

in the pub, a woman mocks it.

You want to ignore her but wonder

how many hearts is she being bold for?

Hate in this place

is restrained as the landscape,

buried, usually, under a polite ‘cheers, mate’.

And what a thing to mock –

the way we shape words differently.

But maybe it’s the old colonial hurt

of how we became the pirates, dark people

raiding English from the English,

stealing poetry from the poets.

So English poetry is no longer from England.

You swear – Lady, if I start a poem

in this country

it will not be yours.

After all you do not know

In this country, having just arrived,

you might be desperate enough

to buy plantains online – after all,

you do not know what is what

or where to find things like ground

provisions, or heat, or the sounds of your people.

At nights you look through the hopeful window

of a computer screen, waiting for Jamaica

to come falling through and fill your flat.

It will happen, you think, if you stay

awake, keep the channels open,

Google the right word, like kumina,

pocomania or Elverine, your mother’s name;

if you find a place where you might click

on a hand of plantain, remembering

then, the yellow insistence of morning

food, as if the sun rose from your small plate.