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UNCLE REMUS AND BRER RABBIT is an illustrated volume containing 11 adventures and escapades of Brer Rabbit and his friends in their Southern plantation setting. They are narrated to a young audience by (a fictitious) Uncle Remus. This volume was first in the Brer Rabbit series published by Joel Chandler Harris in 1906. Included in the volume are 70 vibrant colour illustrations by an unknown artist. In this volume you will the following stories: The Creeturs Go To The Barbecue Brer Rabbit’s Frolic Brother Bear’s Big House Brer Rabbit Treats The Creeturs To A Race Brer Rabbit’s Flying Trip Brer Rabbit And The Gold Mine Brer Rabbit Gets Brer Fox A Hoss Brer Rabbit Finds The Moon In The Mill Pond How Mr. Lion Lost His Wool How Brer Rabbit Got A House Brer Rabbit And The Partridge Nest This volume is sure to keep you and your young ones enchanted for hours, if not because of the quantity, then their quality. They will have you coming back for more time and again. ============ KEYWORDS/TAGS: fairy tales, folklore, myths, legends, children’s stories, childrens stories, bygone era, fairydom, fairy kingdom, ethereal, fairy land, classic stories, children’s bedtime stories, happy place, happiness, laughter, Brer rabbit, uncle remus, woodland, animals, Br'er Fox, Br'er Wolf, Dock Wolf, Brer Tarrypin, Br'er Bear, Jedge Bear, Aunt Tempy, Sis Tempy, Mr. Buzzard, Mister Man, Buckra Man, Tildy, Brer Bull-Frog, Mr. Lion, King Lion, Daddy Jack, Miss Meadows, Br'er Possum, Br'er Coon, racoon, Mr. Dog, Miss Fox, Kubs, Klibs, Simon, Sue, Cousin Wildcat, Brer Elephen, Elephant, Miss Cow, Miss Tarrypin, Miss Wolf, Mr. Rooster, King Deer, Br'er Alligater, Br'er Gater, Mr. Mud Turkle, Aunt Mammy-Bammy, Big-Money, Missy 'Gator, Mr. Bull, Mr. Hawk, Mr. Black Snake, Br'er Polecat, Br'er Rattlesnake, Br'er Tiger, Br'er Billy Goat, Sis Swamp Owl, Grandaddy Cricket, Mr. Cricket, Wiley Wolf, Craney-Crow, Miss Buzzard, Jacky-My-Lantern, Pig siblings, Big, Little, Speckle, Runt, Minnyminny Morack, Follerlinsko, Moon, Sun, Stars, Tinktum Tidy, Miss Sally, Mars John, master, Jack Sparrer, de Ole Boy, De Bad Man, Impty-Umpty, Tobe, Miss Goose, Janey, Little Gal, Miss B'ar, Benjermun Ram, Gran sir, Gray Fox, Gransir, Miss Rabbit, Granny Rabbit, Brer Gibley Gobbler, Granny Wolf, Wattle Weasel, Brer Mink, Witch-Wolf, Jedge Rabbit, Simon, Susanna, Miss Pa'tridge, Simmy-Sam, Riley Rab, Brer Deer, Spring Lizzard, King Sun, Nancy, Doodang, King-Bird, Teenchy-Tiny Duck, Miss Coo-Coo Bird, Mr. Crow, Mr. Goat, Aunt Nancy, barbecue, frolic, big house, creeturs, race, flying, trip, gold mine, hoss, moon, mill pond, wool, partridge, nest
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2018
ByJoel Chandler Harris
Originally Published ByFrederick A. Stokes Company, New York[1906]
Resurrected byAbela Publishing, London[2018]
Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit
Typographical arrangement of this edition
© Abela Publishing 2018
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Abela Publishing,
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Abela Publishing
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Abela Publishing
acknowledges the work that
Joel Chandler Harris and
did in editing, translating and illustrating
The Chinese Fairy Book
in a time well before any electronic media was in use.
10% of the net profit from the sale of this book
will be donated to Charities.
The Creeturs Go To The Barbecue
Brer Rabbit’s Frolic
Brother Bear’s Big House
Brer Rabbit Treats The Creeturs To A Race
Brer Rabbit’s Flying Trip
Brer Rabbit And The Gold Mine
Brer Rabbit Gets Brer Fox A Hoss
Brer Rabbit Finds The Moon In The Mill Pond
How Mr. Lion Lost His Wool
How Brer Rabbit Got A House
Brer Rabbit And The Partridge Nest
“Once ’pon a time,” said Uncle Remus to the little boy—“But when was once upon a time?” the child interrupted to ask. The old man smiled. “I speck ’twuz one time er two times, er maybe a time an’ a half. You know when Johnny Ashcake ’gun ter bake? Well, ’twuz ’long in dem days. Once ’pon a time,” he resumed, “Mr. Man had a gyarden so fine dat all de neighbors come ter see it. Some ’ud look at it over de fence, some ’ud peep thoo de cracks, an’ some ’ud come an’ look at it by de light er de stars. An’ one un um wuz ol’ Brer Rabbit; starlight, moonlight, cloudlight, de nightlight wuz de light fer him. When de turn er de mornin’ come, he ’uz allers up an’ about, an’ a-feelin’ purty well I thank you, suh!
“Now, den, you done hear what I say. Dar wuz Mr. Man, yander wuz de gyarden, an’ here wuz ol’ Brer Rabbit.” Uncle Remus made a map of this part of the story by marking in the sand with his walking-cane. “Well, dis bein’ de case, what you speck gwineter happen? Nothin’ in de roun’ worl’ but what been happenin’ sence greens an’ sparrer-grass wuz planted in de groun’. Dey look fine an’ dey tas’e fine, an’ long to’rds de shank er de mornin’, Brer Rabbit ’ud creep thoo de crack er de fence an’ nibble at um. He’d take de greens, but leave his tracks, mo’ speshually right atter a rain. Takin’ an’ leavin’—it’s de way er de worl’.
“Well, one mornin’, Mr. Man went out in his truck patch, an’ he fin’ sump’n missin’—a cabbage here, a turnip dar, an’ a mess er beans yander, an’ he ax how come dis? He look ’roun’, he did, an’ he seed Brer Rabbit’s tracks what he couldn’t take wid ’im. Brer Rabbit had lef’ his shoes at home, an’ come bar’footed.
“So Mr. Man, he call his dogs ‘Here, Buck! Here, Brinjer! Here, Blue!’ an’ he sicc’d um on de track, an’ here dey went!
“You’d ’a’ thunk dey wuz runnin’ atter forty-lev’m rhinossyhosses fum de fuss dey made. Brer Rabbit he hear um comin’ an’ he put out fer home, kinder doublin’ ’roun’ des like he do deze days.
“When he got ter de p’int whar he kin set down fer ter rest his face an’ han’s, he tuck a poplar leaf an’ ’gun ter fan hisse’f. Den Brer Fox come a-trottin’ up. He say, ‘Brer Rabbit, what’s all dis fuss I hear in de woods? What de name er goodness do it mean?’ Brer Rabbit kinder scratch his head an’ ’low, ‘Why, deyer tryin’ fer drive me ter de big bobbycue on de creek. Dey all ax me, an’ when I ’fuse dey say deyer gwine ter make me go any how. Dey aint no fun in bein’ ez populous ez what I is, Brer Fox. Ef you wanter go, des git in ahead er de houn’s an’ go lickity-split down de big road!’