When waiting becomes hating - Adrian Guldahl - E-Book

When waiting becomes hating E-Book

Adrian Guldahl



When waiting becomes hating is the first printed poetry book by Adrian Guldahl, it includes over 170 pages of poetry, illustrations, anagrams and lyrics. Originally released in 2009, this is the reissued version with added poems and lyrics.

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“People know you

For what you've done

Not for what

You plan to do”

Table of contents

01 - Castle of rhythm

02 - A new product

03 - Satisfy my thirst

04 - Proud of spelling mistakes

05 - Come cowards again

06 - Frustration

07 - A name

08 - Useless

09 - Victim

10 - Laugh at me

11 - I've dreamt

12 - Music is my only friend

13 - The band that never play

14 - Never on time

15 - Rock’n roll

16 - Every sound under the sun

17 - Lack of dedication

18 - Truth

19 - When waiting becomes hating

20 - Silence and peace

21 - Love

22 - Sex and drugs

23 - For my lover

24 - Wishing well

25 - Adam and evil

26 - Hope and soap

27 - The warm winds of seduction

28 - Once a week

29 - Rip out

30 - Relationshit

31 - Body piercing

32 - The rambling crazy man

33 - Classroom of dead people

34 - FriEND

35 - Mind

36 - Drunk

37 - Help

38 - Nevermind my suicide

39 - Paranoia

40 - Respite

41 - Drowning in sorrows

42 - Care at all

43 - Another coin in your wallet

44 - Hidden love

45 – First Wave

46 - Drink tears

47 - The pleasure of pain

48 - Fuck it all

49 - Swirl

50 - My tragedy

51 - Friendly Enemy

52 - Wanting Death

53 - The girl

54 - A smile full of lies

55 - Dualism

56 - Join me in the body bag

57 - Well dressed for emptiness

58 - My scrambled words

59 - Copy

60 - Numbers

61 - Art and nature

62 - Brainwashed world of shame

63 - Cry with the whole face

64 - Run the risk

65 - Respect

66 - Angel of prostitution

67 - Cute little dead girl

68 - Princess

69 - Heaven too beautiful

70 - Bedlam

71 - Echo

72 - Swarm

73 - Purpose and intention

74 - Warning

75 - Meaningless

76 - Ashtray

77 - Photo album

78 - Valentines Day

79 - Sister

80 - Descendant

81 - Anything else

82 - Born cold

83 - Never again

84 - Disunity

85 - Walk the abyss

86 - Warts and all

87 - Wolf

88 - Betrayer

89 - Bedbound

90 - The art of losing a friend

91 - Love

92 - Sorrowjoy

93 - Naysayer

94 - Redflag

95 - Enemy

96 - Night after night

97 - Dream

98 - Freckled

99 - Cain

100 - Sitting in a church

101 - Cherry picking

102 - Atheist

103 - A man watching from afar

104 - Codex gigas

105 - Exorcism

106 - Falling angel, rising demon

107 - Construct of imagination

108 - Purgatory

109 - Lamia

110 - History of hate

111 - Paganborn

112 - Poludnica

113 - Evil lurks by the water

114 - From the party to the funeral

115 - Lean on you

116 - Prison of belief

117 - Blasphemy

118 - Politician

119 - Respect your madness

120 - Broken

121 - Feed us

122 - Screaming in the mirror

123 - Nemesis

124 - Gorgon

125 - Ghost of a twisted angel

126 - Banshee

127 - Demonhole

128 - Within

139 - Names

130 - Resurrected

131 - Keep your eyes closed

132 - My war

133 - Malvy

134 - Deliver me

These poems and lyrics have been made over a long period of time. I have decided to release them in this poetry book in order to have some sort of closure.

Castle of rhythm

One look and I was numb

She lived in a castle of rhythm

When I plugged her in

And run my fingers down her strings

Tuned just right. She was a weapon.

There was no escape

As I got cursed by her body shape

She just couldn’t be stopped

Peasants or kings

You can’t escape her when she sings.

A new product

Welcome to secrets untold!

I was born into this world with a blindfold

Yet it didn't take long

Before I realized my soul was already sold.

Why do we accept that people turn us into machines?

This is why I decided to believe in dreams.

I refuse to be a product

But that’s what I am

I am no better, no worse

But I dwell on this curse.

A curse that makes me doubt everything you say

If you wear a suit

I’m not proud of being human

I’m proud of our potential

I’m proud of what we create with our heart

I'm proud of art.

Satisfy my thirst

I recorded an image on film

A blind evil paranormal chess player

I praise appearance and style

As it satisfies my thirst for visual celebration.

Proud of spelling mistakes

I have not written the word In the same way as you

I have stretched the word and made it unique.

I have made a difference

I have not taken the same path as you.

But you do not liike my path and you judge me to fast

Because flaws makes uniqueness

And where you see wrong, I see potential.

Come cowards again

You only live once, Don’t forget!

And I’m stuck here with you

Someone without an artistic point of view

I’m stuck with you.

Your lack of dedication makes me doubt myself

There’s so much more to music than just sound

Misplaced admiration and wasted education

Doesn’t matter what I say, time has already ticked away.

You only live once, Don’t forget!

And you’re stuck here with me

Someone full of ideas

You’re stuck here with me.

And I will not be defeated

By your good damn uncompleted

Dreams and your pain

So come cowards again.
