Where I'd Watch Plastic Trees Not Grow - Hannah Hodgson - E-Book

Where I'd Watch Plastic Trees Not Grow E-Book

Hannah Hodgson



'I'm a widower grieving herself. / My stem still living / while all the petals have died; / my body has begun to droop.' Hannah has taken her regular hospitalization due to serious illness and made it into astonishing poetry. Her world of the hospital is sometimes like a zoo, sometimes like a gallery and sometimes a crowded town square. The wards contain tigers and crows, butterflies – doctors become poets, the dead turn into an art installation, while outside, the trees are plastic – as unchanging as Hannah's shielding days that 'drag like a foot.' But between the pulled curtains of these words the details of real-life amongst the terminally ill are depicted in full colour. A daughter 'cries neatly in a corner' while her mourning father spins 'his wedding band around his finger.' Nurses fill 'carrier bags marked 'patient's property',' while 'the industrial plastic' crinkles as a body is lifted from bed to trolley in its bag. The poet's eye feels unblinking at times – unable but also unwilling to blink. How could it when it has so much to show? These poems are heavy with import, but they are light with the liveliness of art that is beautifully rendered. 'These are extraordinary poems that contain both humour and grief towards a world that continually dehumanizes disabled people in multiple ways. With startling images, Hannah Hodgson balances anger and love, despair and hope – this is a pamphlet that will leave any reader irrevocably changed.' – Kim Moore

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All rights reserved

© 2021 Hannah Hodgson

The right of Hannah Hodgson to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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Printed and bound in the UKby Positive Print, Birmingham

ISBN: 978-1-912565-53-5

ePub ISBN: 978-1-913917-71-5


crying silently and telling him this

our quiet moments at home at night

a year away from now, i promise, is a shield

not ever short of your love for me

i see their eyes and figures in my sleep

my fears, i wait; i receive no reply

we don’t talk about anything left unsaid

and urns they say that we were the victors

like this; all legs and lungs and eyes and death

the pandemic has made monsters of us all

a marble, sent skittering across the floor

they’ll save anyone before you

give me more than charity to live

do i live so much less a life than her?

the doctors never entered with good news

they died of a disease that was maybe treatable

or this is all a dream just a fever dream

the final, beautiful, honest word

if you can it’s such a bad time to die

we can tell ourselves all is well

say the epidemic gave them, at least, a fighting chance


To Mum – for putting up with my messy room and messy life. All my love, Hannah xx

Where I’d


Plastic Trees

Not Grow

The Orchard

The trees here grow medical conditions.