A Princess of Mars - Edgar Rice Burroughs - E-Book

A Princess of Mars E-Book

Edgar Rice Burroughs

2,49 €

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The tale rotates around the strange life and seasons of John Carter, a Confederate veteran of the American Civil War. Not long after the finish of the conflict, he chooses to turn into a miner in Arizona and becomes quite wealthy, finding an especially productive vein of gold. The gold anyway is situated inside Native American (Apache) domain and they don't warmly embrace John's interruption upon their property. They execute his colleague, James K. Powell, while he is en route to town to recharge their hardware and supplies and now they intend to polish off Carter too and give him pursue. John Carter escapes from his followers and departures them by stowing away in one of the sacrosanct surrenders, and depleted from running he rapidly nods off. He awakens on ghastliness however understanding that notwithstanding being completely alert, he can't move. He attempts urgently to will himself into movement yet winds up having an out-of-body insight, seeing his own bare structure peering downward on his actually body lying unmoving on the cavern floor. He frenzies and leaves the collapse a rush. Gazing toward the night sky, he sees Mars and as he contacts the far off planet he is unexpectedly gotten through the immense distance of room. 

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