Anxiety? Away with it! - Michael Barten-Renon - E-Book

Anxiety? Away with it! E-Book

Michael Barten-Renon

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A guide to self-healing from anxiety and psychological stress. Use this guide to find ways out of fear and darkness with the help of EioS therapy! Fears and mental conflicts make us ill! They not only burden our psyche, but also our body by weakening our immune system and damaging the entire organism through the release of aggressive messenger substances. The cause often lies in unprocessed experiences that we were unable to overcome on our own. This book is intended to help people to treat their fears, phobias, psychological stress and emotional conflicts themselves or have them treated by others. It serves as a medicine chest for the psyche and is intended to enable people to resolve symptoms of fears, phobias and stress in themselves or others. The content of this book is a partial extract of the EioS-Therapy script as it is used in practices on a daily basis. Michael Barten-Renon would now like to make it available to all people so that they can free themselves from fears and burdens. He hopes that this will bring him one step closer to his life's goal of making humanity free of fear.

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About the author

EioS app

Training offers


Instructions for self-treatment

Guidance on the treatment of others

About the author

Michael Barten-Renon developed EioS therapy in the year 2009. He was the first person to succeed in separating stressful emotions from their causes in the long term by using a set script to stimulate states in the brain, thereby interrupting the supply to the neuronal structure in question.

Causes and their effects are deleted without affecting the memory. This enables those affected to relearn the experiences, events and situations.

Michael Barten-Renon thus refutes the conventional medical opinion that feelings CANNOT be treated directly.

Michael Barten-Renon would like to make this script available to everyone worldwide in the form of this book, so that people can free themselves from fears and burdens.

This project was realised with the support of his long-time friend Andreas Sauter.

Michael Barten-Renon has trained over 150 doctors, psychologists and educators since 2013 and, with over 2,000 treatments and 500 new patients every year, is one of the most popular psychotherapeutic practitioners in the world. In his field, he is recognised as an absolute expert in the areas of panic attacks, anxiety and stress disorders and psychogenic illnesses. Michael Barten-Renon began implementing the digitalisation of EioS therapy in 2014. This is how the world's first fully automated, interactive, psychotherapeutic app was created, which was released in 2022 after 8 years of development and currently has 58 application areas in 6 languages. The EioS app is authorised as a medical device throughout Europe. On the next page you will find a barcode that makes it easier to access the EioS app.

EioS app: The digital option for self-treatment

In addition to our book, we offer you the opportunity to use our EioS app with over 50 application areas to treat different, specific anxiety and stress disorders. The EioS app is the world's first fully automated, interactive app for the treatment of psychogenic disorders. It is authorised as a medical device throughout Europe and is currently available in six different languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Russian and Turkish.

A male or female voice is available for each of these languages. The development team is constantly working on expanding our treatment portfolio and implementing additional languages.

Try out the EioS app now!

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