Bachata - Basics - Beatrice Kobras - E-Book

Bachata - Basics E-Book

Beatrice Kobras

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Bachata is not a standardised dance. There are many variations and movement sequences, and some figures are also incorporated. A dance of pure eroticism. Get a taste of it and experience a new passion with a very simple basic step and many variations and figures that you may already know from other dances. This book is not a substitute for dance lessons. It is merely intended as a little reminder or reminder of the moves you have already learnt or to show you a few more variations. This book covers the basic step and its variations.

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Beatrice Kobras


Part 1

The work is protected by copyright. Any exploitation is prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder. This applies in particular to electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and making available to the public. The plot and its characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to living or deceased persons or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended.


2nd edition 2024


Text: © 2024 Copyright by Beatrice Kobras

Pictures:© 2024 Copyright by Beatrice Kobras

Cover:© 2024 Copyright by Beatrice Kobras

Responsible for content:

Beatrice Kobras, Dobrovského 146/17, 35301 Mariánské Lázné, Czech Republic,

Distribution:BookRix GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany



The story of Bachata


Dance posture

Foot technique

Body movement

Hip movement

Small counting aid


Basic step sideways

Basic step turned

Basic step forward

Basic step backwards

Basic on place

Basic step turned on place

Two-Step sideways

Two-Step vorward

Two-Step backwards

Two-Step turned

About the author


Bachata is not a standardized dance. There are many variations and movement sequences and some figures are also built in. A dance of pure eroticism. Get a taste and experience a new passion with a very simple basic step and many variations and figures, which you may already know from other dances.

This book does not replace dance lessons. It should only be a small reminder for the actions you have already learned or show you a few more variations.

In this volume the basic step with its variations is treated.

The story of Bachata

The bachata was actually not intended as a dance at all, but was a style of music that served as entertainment for couples in love. But in the early 1960's it developed from the Cuban or Caribbean Bolero to a dance that was now also influenced by Salsa and Merengue. Since 2000 this dance is booming.

In the 1970's and 1980's the music of the Bachata was considered vulgar and was assigned to the lower classes of the population. It was equated with prostitution, crime and poverty.

In 2005 the first Bachata World Championship was held. For the most part, Italian couples competed and incorporated the technique of Latin American dances. In the meantime the bachata has become a very popular ballroom dance and the IDO regularly organizes World and European Championships as well as World Cups in bachata.